Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 606: Owner's Land

After Yin Xiaoming expressed satisfaction with his new abilities, he went to the Hunter Secret Realm to practice with his master Netero.

Next, let's see what Green Xiaoming found.

Yesterday morning, the Zerg King received information from other Overlords about the location of an asteroid cluster suitable for nesting.

Green Xiaoming immediately led the Zerg army there, and the reconnaissance troops also headed in that direction.

After less than two days of marching, the flying dragon responsible for reconnaissance first arrived near the asteroid cluster. The scan map can already cover the target area.

Xiaoming understood it at a glance, no wonder other Overlords told him about this location.

It turned out that this place already had an owner. There was a huge space creature living in that asteroid cluster.

It looked like a big centipede. It was tens of kilometers long and was resting on the largest asteroid in the cluster.

It probably covered one-tenth of the surface of the asteroid. This thing showed in Xiaoming's scan map that it was not a big threat to Xiaoming.

Apart from the planet-level Azure Dragon in the Azure Dragon Division, Xiao Ming had never encountered such a large creature.

The scan showed that it was not very threatening, which meant that its attacks could not hurt the Insect King.

But it was hard to say whether Xiao Ming could hurt such a large creature.

While the army was still on the march, Xiao Ming thought that he could use courtesy before force. Let's communicate first.

He ordered the scouting dragon not to get closer. From a distance, Xiao Ming sent a request for mental communication to the centipede through the dragon.

However, this big centipede seemed to have a brain problem. Its mental power was not weak, but it was extremely chaotic, and it directly ignored Xiao Ming's mental communication.

Xiao Ming found that this guy probably didn't have a healthy soul. It seemed that only animal instincts were left, like a fool.

Since there was no communication, even the Zerg's skills of subjugation could not be used on it.

Although this guy was stupid, his mental power was strong and he could not be subjugated at all. Now he could only fight.

Xiao Ming opened a wormhole between himself and the scouting dragon. Through this wormhole, Xiao Ming sent out the [Moon Shooting Arrow] skill.

This skill is the super long-range attack skill of Zhang Zhong, the personal guard. It was recorded by Xiao Ming in the [Insect General Star Record].

Zhang Zhong is still recovering from his injuries and has no power to launch an attack.

When the Moon Shooting Arrow hit the centipede, its body swayed and it seemed to feel pain.

Then, like an octopus spraying ink, it released a large amount of purple mist in a few seconds to cover its own existence. And it covered this asteroid community.

This mist is so powerful that it even blocked the mental scan of the insect king. Xiao Ming lost the opponent's trace in an instant. Now he can't attack.

Xiao Ming quickly ordered the flying dragon to fly farther and continue to observe.

Should we wait until the Zerg army arrives before killing in? What if this mist is poisonous?

This centipede can live well in the sheltered area, so it should have some means.

You know, it is not the first non-Zerg creature Xiao Ming has seen in the sheltered area.

In fact, since approaching the middle of the sheltered zone, Xiao Ming can feel that there are all kinds of non-Zerg life in the sheltered zone.

They are almost all very small, just bacteria-level creatures. Ordinary people can't see them at all.

But these space bacteria can get nutrition from the Zerg mist and live very well.

Xiao Ming also saw a slightly larger space creature, about the size of a grain of rice. There is no specific shape, like a small ball of plasticine.

They can not only absorb Zerg mist, but also eat some space bacteria.

Of course, the temperature in the sheltered zone is much higher than that of a vacuum, but it is also very cold. The activities of these space bacteria and plasticine are extremely slow.

It takes more than 30 hours for space plasticine to eat a bacterium. It is unknown how long it will take to completely digest it.

And they obviously have no ability to fly by themselves, but just drift with the flow of Zerg mist.

Xiao Ming originally expected to see larger and larger space creatures, but he didn't expect to see such a big one all of a sudden. It makes people unprepared.

The Insect King made several hand seals in succession and created 20 shadow clones of the Insect King.

Lu Xiaoming was reluctant to take risks with the Zerg soldiers, so he let the shadow clones do this job.

The 20 shadow clones passed through the wormhole and flew into the mist sprayed by the big centipede.

As expected, this mist is poisonous, but the poison is completely ineffective against pure energy bodies like shadow clones.

The Insect King's intuition is that this poison seems to be specially produced for the Zerg. It is extremely harmful to the Zerg.

With this mist protection, the Zerg will not be able to deal with it. This is the so-called survival of the fittest, right?

In order to allow the shadow clones to move freely in the mist. The Insect King took the initiative to pass through the wormhole. He stood on the back of the scout dragon.

In this way, his circle can cover the asteroid community. Although the mist isolates the Zerg's "scanning map", it has no blocking effect on the mind ability "circle".

With Yuanluo's reconnaissance and the coordination of the spiritual realm, the shadow clones can surround the big centipede from all directions.

It can be seen that Xiao Ming's previous moon-shooting arrow did hurt it, but the injury was not serious, and in this mist, the centipede was still slowly recovering.

Through the circle, Xiao Ming had a clearer feeling about this guy. He clearly felt the traces of spiritual energy on it.

Could it be that the reincarnation space came here to recruit reincarnators?

A closer look revealed that there was indeed a reincarnation ring on one of the centipede's legs.

No way? Could a fool also be chosen by the reincarnation space? No, no, could it be that...

Xiao Ming suddenly had an idea and thought of a possibility.

This centipede should have been a very intelligent life form. After being chosen by the reincarnation space, it is very likely that it took the route of strengthening as a demon cultivator.

A demon with successful cultivation can choose to develop in the direction of gigantism. Xiao Ming has seen many large demons in the fairy sword world.

Of course, I have never seen such a big one, let alone one as big as a blue dragon.

The body of this centipede may have become so huge after it became a demon cultivator.

Later, it is estimated that something went wrong in its cultivation, and its brain was damaged. This is why it has become the state of a fool now.

The more Xiao Ming thought about this conjecture, the more likely it was to be true.

He also felt that the reincarnation space was quite humane. This guy was dumbfounded that the reincarnation ring was not taken back.

Now he, a VIP, had to face such a difficult guy.

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