Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 605 Mobile Node

"So that's how it is." The three Xiaoming sighed almost at the same time...

The time was the evening of July 12, 6666 in the Pangu calendar. Let's start with the original Yin Xiaoming.

After Huang Xiaoming was teleported to Shennong No. 2, Yin Xiaoming found that the source energy of the 'blue cactus' had been consumed.

Feeling the speed of this automatic recovery, it is estimated that it will not be usable in 3 or 5 days. In fact, Xiaoming still doesn't know what this thing is.

It doesn't make sense that I don't understand my own abilities, right? So Yin Xiaoming imagined that his soul went deep into the cactus. Trying to feel everything about it.

Now that he is in the depths of his soul, there should be no taboos, but just when Yin Xiaoming's soul was about to overlap with the blue cactus.

A strong sense of crisis suddenly surged in his heart, scaring Yin Xiaoming to run away and return directly to the real world.

Zhang Xiaoming collapsed on the sofa, still in shock. He was sweating all over, and his heart was pounding almost out of his chest. It was so scary!

I don’t know what the devil was with this kid just now. That’s source energy! Can you feel it deeply at will? !

If Xiao Ming didn’t escape in time, he would probably be assimilated by the essence of source energy and completely lose himself.

The other two souls would also be implicated and finished together.

After being assimilated by source energy, everything is unknown, but it doesn’t necessarily mean death. But with Xiao Ming’s current cognition, he is definitely unwilling to try.

The three source energy trees that Xiao Ming had before were all rooted deep in Xiao Ming’s soul.

Xiao Ming never had this idea, ‘I want to overlap with the source energy tree and feel it deeply. ’

This is because the source energy tree is closely integrated with him, and subconsciously prevents him from such suicidal behavior.

The newly obtained cactus is not a source energy seed, but just an ability, a permission of a certain source energy.

It played its normal role. It has a strong attraction for those who are close to the essence of source energy. Xiao Ming was almost sucked in.

This is a test and an opportunity. However, Xiao Ming now will definitely not be able to pass this test.

Fortunately, Xiao Ming's strong intuition played a role in time, allowing him to get out of danger.

There must be good fortune after surviving a great disaster. Yin Xiao Ming, who calmed down, found that the scene just now was not without gain.

At the moment when the soul and the blue cactus were in "close contact", some useful information was obtained.

Blue source energy is indeed good at space travel. At that moment just now, Xiao Ming seemed to see that the blue source energy has a network structure that spreads across a huge universe.

It is trillions of times larger than the universe observed by humans. Moreover, blue source energy allows any species to use the network. As long as the other party touches the node of the network.

Xiao Ming has some understanding. The teleportation array used to return to Pangu Star from Qinglong Town before is actually one of the network nodes of blue source energy.

Even when Xiao Ming teleported to the reincarnation space, he used this network. Of course, since the reincarnationists could not access the nodes, the space still took some effort.

Xiao Ming thought: The reincarnation space is really fun. Don’t you have green source energy? Why do you use other people’s things? Have you paid the patent fee? Have you paid the rent? ...

His complaints were actually just for nothing. The relationship between the reincarnation space and the blue network was not his turn to worry about.

Xiao Ming just felt that the reincarnation space was not as high-end and awesome as he felt before. It turned out that he also had to rely on other people’s means.

And Huang Xiaoming’s behavior of being teleported to Shennong No. 2 was not actually a normal transmission of the blue network.

They didn’t leave the solar system, and strictly speaking, they were still in the same node of the network. They were not far apart.

It was equivalent to being at different platforms of the same train station, or different boarding gates at the same airport.

When Xiao Ming just interacted with the adventure of the blue cactus, he had a mobile node that would follow him everywhere.

As long as there is enough source energy and a designated destination, he can teleport anywhere and at any time.

In fact, the source energy contained in this blue cactus is too little to form a real node.

Xiao Ming forcibly activated the function of teleportation in the node because he sensed the crisis faced by his parents.

And this time it was not the real body that was teleported, but the soul of Huang Xiaoming was teleported to the body of the replica Xiao Ming⑤ on the Shennong.

This is a very "simple" and irregular teleportation behavior. The risk is not small, so I dare not do it again.

Originally, Xiao Ming probably had to collect 1 or 2 similar broken treasures to form a stable node.

It is conceivable that it would be a relatively powerful teleportation ability.

However, due to his previous adventure, some side effects were brought about. This mobile node was stabilized by Xiao Ming in advance.

But it was also obviously malnourished. At present, the mobile node represented by this blue cactus has not been connected to the cosmic network of blue source energy.

For the time being, it can be realized that the node is the center and the space teleportation is within a range of 2 light years.

Since the node is hidden deep in Xiao Ming's soul, all three Xiao Mings can use this transmission ability.

However, before using it, you must wait for the blue source energy to recover to full value, and each use will consume the blue source energy. Therefore, it cannot be used continuously.

In addition, the size and mass of the objects being transported are also limited. In Xiao Ming's opinion, it can only transport objects that are no larger than an elevator and no heavier than 300 kilograms.

To be honest, this ability is not very useful at present. Neither Xiao Ming himself nor Xiao Ming⑤ on Shennong 2 needs this kind of transport.

This skill is still useful for the Zerg King Green Xiao Ming.

The Zerg often need to march through wormholes. Green Xiao Ming can first teleport the Zerg subordinates who have been incorporated into his spiritual kingdom to a place 2 light years away.

Then, through the spiritual connection between himself and this subordinate, he activates the wormhole skill. In this way, he can march 2 light years at a time.

It takes many years for the Zerg troops to fly such a long distance normally. It seems to be a very useful skill.

However, the Zerg King does not have this need at present, and 2 light years will be far out of the sheltered area. No!

Xiao Ming also wants to try to use less source energy and teleport a shorter distance. For example, from the earth to the moon.

However, this requirement will not be recognized by the mobile node.

The transmission carried out by the blue node must be on an astronomical scale. The shortest distance must be from Pangu Star to Mars.

The source energy consumed is also mainly to ensure safety after the transmission.

In other words, the destination after the transmission must be temporarily safe.

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