Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 590 Shadow clone with enhanced authority

In the past, Xiao Ming's shadow clone could help him fight monsters, complete tasks, and gain experience. This was all allowed by the game system.

Now the shadow clone has higher authority and can actively trigger and accept tasks.

This means that any character of Xiao Ming can take on and complete multiple tasks at the same time through a large number of clones.

In addition, shadow clones can serve as acting captains or navigators, which means they can participate more deeply in the game and gain more experience for their characters.

A shadow clone who is a captain and a shadow clone who is a sailor will definitely gain different experiences.

In the past, due to its unafraid of sacrifice, the shadow clones often went deep into dangerous areas to check out information. Find a suitable path for the game character to enter.

It's more convenient now. They can just trigger the mission directly after entering, and they no longer need to take risks with their own characters.

Equally convenient is when delivering tasks. Some quest publishers or locations may be dangerous.

Especially in the evil camp, many mission NPCs have quirks. Maybe when the task is delivered, it will be the player's death.

Even in the righteous camp, there are actually NPCs who are not so reliable. There are more than one or two players who have been tricked by them.

Although Xiao Ming himself has not encountered such a situation. However, on player forums, some players have gradually shared similar experiences.

At this time, the shadow clone with enhanced permissions is very useful.

It's a pity that Xiao Ming's shadow clone is running out.

In reality, Xiao Ming has always maintained the existence of several shadow clones, whether in Pangu or the Chiyou galaxy.

Cooperate with various uniformed beasts, take care of daily affairs, and pay attention to the surrounding situation.

In Guangmingding and Kunlun, there are always about twenty shadow clones practicing various techniques.

In the main game of Magic Planet, as well as in several large secret realms, there are nearly a hundred shadow clones moving around and collecting intelligence.

So now, if Xiao Ming creates another hundred or so shadow clones, it will be the end.

If there are more, the physical and mental impact on Xiao Ming will be more dangerous after the clone returns.

The danger that Xiao Ming felt was actually far from his limit. It's just that his personality is relatively lazy, so he naturally doesn't want to push himself to that extreme state.

In many literary and film and television works, the protagonist often achieves a critical breakthrough and makes a comeback after being pushed to the limit.

Xiao Ming is not sure whether this statement is correct or not. But even if that were the case, Xiao Ming was not interested. Peace and security are blessings.

When the researcher uses [Spirit Realm], he can only connect to a dozen shadow clones near the character.

Only when the shadow clone is shrouded in the spiritual realm can this relatively high level of authority be obtained.

After all, the shadow clone is different from the Zerg. Once a Zerg individual accepts the rule of a master-level spiritual kingdom, the connection will almost never be broken no matter where they go to the ends of the earth.

Unless there are extreme circumstances, such as being transported to the reincarnation space. In that case, the connection is broken because the world is out of sync.

Otherwise, the spiritual connection between the Zerg individual and its master is very close.

But the shadow clone is no good. You can’t stray too far from Xiao Ming’s character. This range is approximately twenty kilometers in radius.

Beyond this distance, Xiao Ming felt that the shadow clone would break away from the spiritual connection with himself.

Xiao Ming also conducted an experiment. Once Xiao Ming switches roles, the Spiritual Kingdom skills will be completely interrupted. The permissions obtained by the clone also disappeared.

So Xiao Ming has to pay attention to this aspect. Never switch roles at critical moments.

Xiao Ming was too absorbed in thinking about his own affairs. I didn't notice anyone talking to the researcher in the meeting.

Fortunately, the adjutant Lin Shen sitting next to him saw that something was wrong and stabbed him hard. Only then did Xiao Ming react.

Looking along Lin Shen's 'eyes', what he saw was Yi An's handsome half-elf face.

"Admiral Researcher, what do you think? For the sake of the overall situation, please sacrifice yourself temporarily. The Li family will not treat you badly."

‘What’s going on? Do you want me to sacrifice something? ’ Xiao Ming looked at Lin Shen confused. The latter whispered a few words quietly and told the whole story.

It's actually nothing special. It is nothing more than temporarily borrowing the researcher's fleet and subordinates, and the Li family will send heroes to lead the training and battle.

Researchers also have something to do. For this battle, the Li family wants to buy all of his quota for making puppets this week.

The Level 2 Four Puppet Canoe and the Level 2 Pirate Puppet have great strategic value in this battle.

The reason why the researcher's fleet was temporarily borrowed was that he believed that the researcher would not be able to complete so many puppets in a short period of time, so he planned to let him do manual work in Diaoyu City.

If the researcher takes the second fleet to train and go on an expedition, there won't be time to make puppets for everyone. These wealthy landlords plan to use Xiao Ming as a permanent employee!

Frog in the well! Xiao Ming suddenly had the urge to pretend to be a slap in the face for underestimating himself.

"Hahahaha, it's just a puppet with 1370 command, what a joke! It won't take up much of my time. I'll make sure everything is done until tomorrow."

Yang Xiyou was mature and prudent, and quickly advised: "Young man, don't be impatient. There is no such thing as joking in the army. Just give it a try first. We will discuss it later once we have the results."

Soon after the researcher arrived, Li Huamei promoted him to the position of admiral of the squadron. It would be a lie to say that no one was jealous.

Later, the stock of a large battleship and the order for four large battleships satisfied some generals and leaders. But there were still NPCs who envied and hated the researcher.

When Xiao Ming just spoke, someone wanted to take him down and make him sign a military order.

Although he couldn't really do anything to the researcher, it was good to make him lose face.

Only Xiao Ming's subordinates knew the ability of their own admiral. They all had the look of wanting to see a good show on their faces.

Or Yang Xiyou deeply felt the great kindness of the researcher to his young lady.

He spoke first and set the tone of giving it a try. He shut these people up.

Yang Xiyou had a high status and prestige in the fleet. Everyone dared to question the researcher as the admiral of the squadron, but no one dared to question Mr. Yang.

Since he took the initiative to give the researcher a way out, everyone had to accept it. Xiao Ming also felt that there was no need to stir up trouble, so he just gave up and nodded his head.

The plan to send shadow clones all over the city to find tasks was put aside for the time being. The superiors have given us homework, so let's do it together.

While the researcher was still meeting with the pirate leaders, nearly a hundred shadow clones appeared in the cabins of the second fleet. They started to work quietly.

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