Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 589: Distracted during the meeting

Who will the Li family pirates eventually go to war with? Almost all of East Asia knows it, except for those high-ranking officials of the Ming Dynasty who are just sitting there doing nothing. Needless to say, they will definitely go to war with the Raishima family.

However, the Raishima family is very powerful. Although they don't have large ships, they have enough medium-sized ships.

There are 5 powerful pirate fleets under their command, and there are more than 20 miscellaneous fleets like Raishima Koichiro, who was subdued by Xiao Ming.

If the whole army fights, the Li family will be defeated without a doubt. But it is difficult for the Raishima family to find an opportunity to gather the whole army to go to war with the Li family.

Knowing that they will lose, the Li family will certainly not fight that kind of decisive battle.

At this time, the Raishima family does not know where the headquarters of the Li family pirates is. There are several suspicious areas.

If they find Diaoyucheng, they may press the whole army and force the Li family to have a decisive battle.

Of course, it is hard to say whether the Li family will fight. With Richard's wisdom, he may give up Diaoyucheng and fight guerrilla warfare.

If the Li family cannot be forced to fight a decisive battle. The fleet of the Raishima family cannot always stay together. There are still many businesses to do.

Once they are dispersed, any fleet caught by the Li family will be doomed.

Even if 2 or 3 fleets work together, they may not be able to resist. So the Laidao family is in a headache now.

The navies and pirate forces of other families in East Asia are more troublesome than the Laidao family.

Everyone speculates that the Li family may deal with some small and medium-sized pirates before going to war with the Laidao family to expand its own strength.

However, before that, it is hard to say whether the Li family will first hit the Laidao family to make a name for themselves.

In short, no one knows who the Li family will fight in the first battle. So everyone is waiting for the Li family to make a move.

The pirates on the East Asian seas were in danger for a while. Even the acts of burning, killing and looting were restrained. They were afraid of running into the muzzle of the gun.

Some forces also began to actively form alliances. Either look for the Li family, or look for the Laidao family, or unite with each other to protect themselves.

During this period, sea merchants from all over the country were very happy. Because the sea was really much safer.

Now Li Huamei didn't know how much she hoped that this matter could be kept secret.

If the researcher had shown the large warship in Diaoyucheng at the beginning, it would have been great. The Li family could definitely make a breakthrough and catch the Raishima family off guard.

Now that the Li family fleet is in front of various forces, the situation has become unclear. The Raishima family is also actively seeking countermeasures.

If the war starts too late, the Raishima family may find a way to deal with large warships.

However, now that the ship has just been obtained, the generals and sailors are not very familiar with the performance of most ships. At this moment, the war is not well prepared.

If the advantages of large ships cannot be fully utilized, it may even shoot itself in the foot.

So before Xiao Ming came back, the Li family had been training troops in turns on the only large ship.

At this time, Li Huamei received a pigeon message from the researcher. She learned that the three brothers of Raishima Koichiro had surrendered to her side.

And all the supply bases and secret warehouses of the Raishima family were revealed.

These are all dry goods. If all these strongholds were taken down at once, the Laidao family would be severely damaged. The subsequent strategies and tactics would be easier to arrange.

But doing so requires one's own strength. One large warship is definitely not enough to support such a large operation.

At least another four large warships are needed. So Li Huamei urgently ordered Xiao Ming to return to Diaoyucheng.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Ming also brought back an unexpected surprise. I thought there were 6 large ships fighting this battle, but now there are 10, and the chance of victory has increased by 2 times.

In the meeting room, everyone was happily discussing various tactics, and they all felt that this battle would be won.

At this time, Li Huamei did not ask Xiao Ming for more large warships. Because of the need to abide by the rules of the game, Li Huamei's current sphere of influence is still small. It is not allowed to hold more large warships.

Some people noticed that the researcher suddenly showed joy, and thought he was amazed by the Li family's strategies and tactics.

However, the fact is that Xiao Ming suddenly discovered an interesting phenomenon. The spiritual kingdom can actually link shadow clones.

This function did not exist before.

Xiao Ming originally used the map scan to find some familiar intelligent programs inside the Li family pirate group. They are equivalent to half of Xiao Ming's spiritual replica.

Then Xiao Ming used the spiritual kingdom to integrate these half replicas. But unexpectedly found that not only did he achieve his goal, but he also linked the shadow clone in.

Such a weird thing happened, Xiao Ming felt that the pot should be taken by the mother of the earth, Nuwa.

She gave Xiao Ming three abilities to create people: body shaping, wisdom, and spiritual awakening.

These abilities are different from the skills in the game. They will not work if they are not clicked.

In reality, a person's knowledge, experience, and ability will affect all aspects of him.

Therefore, these three abilities also have some minor effects on Xiao Ming's other skills, or side effects.

For example, the shadow clone. Even if Xiao Ming did not activate the ability to create people when summoning the shadow clone.

The summoned shadow clone will be closer to the real person than before.

Whether it is the body, IQ, or soul, it is better than the previous shadow clone. This is the subtle effect of the ability to create people.

And because of this subtle improvement, Xiao Ming can now use the spiritual realm to connect the spirits of all shadow clones.

According to the setting in ninjutsu, after the shadow clone is summoned, it is an independent individual. Only after being destroyed will the experience and memory be transmitted back to the original body.

Usually, the shadow clones are in charge of their own affairs. So sometimes there will be collisions.

Multiple shadow clones think of the same thing, and several people rush to do the same thing. As a result, manpower is wasted.

Now that they are connected by the spiritual kingdom, Xiao Ming and his shadow clones can communicate with each other and discuss things together. There will be no more collisions.

The amazing thing is that the game system not only recognizes this, but also determines that the shadow clones in the spiritual kingdom can also obtain certain permissions of the player character.

For example, 5 of the many shadow clones left by Xiao Ming in the fleet were defaulted as acting captains by the system as soon as they were connected to the spiritual kingdom.

The system also asked the acting captain whether to let other shadow clones take on various navigator positions.

With the authority of the shadow clone, it is not enough to act as an acting admiral, but it is more than enough to act as the captain of a ship. It can also bring out certain attributes of the character itself.

What's more, a shadow clone who was checking the warehouse received a small task - catching mice.

The most annoying thing in the fleet is mice. Stealing food; destroying ships; spreading diseases, causing endless harm. So the fleet needs to clean up rats regularly.

It is normal to receive such a small task in the warehouse.

What is strange is that the person who accepted the task was actually a shadow clone, and the task received was actually added to the researcher's own task list.

Xiao Ming said: It's a bit interesting, so I listened to it.

I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival

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