Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 570 The Cruel Reincarnator

A city that has been completely occupied by zombies. Xiao Ming scanned the map and did not find any living human beings.

At this time, the plot of basically every reincarnation world has reached the later stage. This doomsday world is obviously not saved by the reincarnationists.

Judging from the ordinary zombies all over the city, this world probably has nothing to do with the biochemical crisis. Xiao Ming did not even see a crawler.

Moreover, the quality of zombies in this world is not good, and their combat effectiveness is very weak. They have no vision and sense of smell, but their hearing is quite developed.

Xiao Ming also felt some traces of the fighting of the reincarnationists in the city, and even the remnants of supernatural energy. But these traces gave Xiao Ming a bad feeling.

A certain batch or several batches of reincarnationists probably did not do anything good.

No human survived in the city, and the plot could not be designed like this. It is almost certain that the reincarnationists did something wrong.

Xiao Ming's guess about this matter is completely correct. The name of this world is "Gakuen Apocalypse". Zombies are called dead bodies in this world.

On the surface, it is a story about a group of school survivors struggling to survive in the doomsday caused by the zombie outbreak. In fact, it is hard to say.

Maybe because of the author's special fetish, the women in this world have very good figures.

As a result, this world has become a famous resort in the reincarnation space.

The combat power of the entire world is not high, and there is not even a high-level zombie. So even a D-level reincarnation can survive in this world without any pressure.

The general reincarnations come here just to do tasks, earn evaluations, and occasionally have a little romance with the characters in the plot. That's it.

However, there are always some people with violent personalities and moral degradation among the reincarnations.

In reality, they dare not do anything out of the ordinary because of their lack of strength. So they vent all the accumulated pressure in this world.

Before Xiao Ming came, there were several such reincarnations who completely destroyed this world regardless of the task. They did a lot of outrageous things.

So Xiao Ming saw such a broken world.

Xiao Ming didn't know what happened specifically. But he could feel the sadness and anger left in the city.

I don't know who left such a strong idea. Xiao Ming can resonate with it.

If Xiao Ming has the chance to meet those reincarnations, Xiao Ming will definitely deal with them.

Having committed such a great evil, the life energy of those people must be dark. I will never wrong them.

These reincarnations also left their patterns everywhere in the city - "88". Most of them were written in blood.

But some patterns were made of twisted human corpses. I don't know what they mean specifically.

But they didn't use the corpses of those zombies to make puzzles, but human corpses. Such brutal behavior made Xiao Ming indignant.

With the iconic pattern of 88, Xiao Ming believes that he will definitely see these reincarnations again in the future.

There are no humans in this city anymore, so Xiao Ming has no scruples. While destroying the dead bodies, he practiced the three major human-making abilities of shaping the body, opening the wisdom, and awakening the spirit.

And the newly made puppets don't need to be set up with programs to help humans. They can take care of themselves.

It's very simple to destroy the dead bodies. Xiao Ming can just make a 2-3 level undead army, and they are invincible here.

Just let them clear all the way. The corpses are no match for the undead army.

And Xiao Ming is not in a hurry. Every time the undead army clears an area, Xiao Ming goes to harvest death. Accumulate bones and death breath.

In his spare time, he makes puppets, teaches puppets, and studies better production plans.

It is actually quite good to have such a place where you can let go and do experiments.

Xiao Ming also has some subordinates who are not suitable to appear in the world of zombie covenant, such as the female ghost Xiao Hong and the alien Xiao Hei.

In this world, they can play around as much as they want. There are also many shopping malls in this city where you can go shopping without spending money. That is Xiao Hong's favorite.

And here, Xiao Ming can practice his hands without scruples and practice the three major human-making abilities. This also makes his technology advance by leaps and bounds.

In the end, most of the puppets made by Xiao Ming were left in this world. Only a small part of them stayed in Zombie Covenant 2 to help humans.

Sometimes, Xiao Ming is a little tired of research. I will also do other things to distract my attention and change my mind.

The most interesting thing is that the aliens have obtained new bodies and souls.

Xiao Ming's mind beast Xiao Hei is the ancestor queen of the chimera aliens. It is completely controlled by Xiao Ming himself and is actually a clone.

However, Xiao Hei's thirteen alien children are ordinary mind beasts.

One day, when the aliens surrounded Xiao Ming to please him, he suddenly had an idea and planned to use the three major human-making abilities on the alien mind beasts.

The aliens were the heroes of Xiao Ming's early growth. It's just that their combat power of about level 3 is a little tasteless now, and Xiao Ming rarely uses them.

In fact, at this time, Xiao Ming should give up this ability and free up some potential for mind power.

In the terminology of the game, it is to wash points. Wash back all the skill points that have been selected on the aliens.

In the future, there will be no alien mind beasts, and the freed skill points can be given to other mind beasts.

Xiao Ming has always wanted to make a Transformer that can turn into a spaceship, which is a big consumer of telekinetic skill points (potential). It would be nice to wash out some points.

However, Xiao Ming is a nostalgic person, and he is a little reluctant to give up these former heroes.

If he doesn't give up, then he should strengthen them, and don't let them waste Xiao Ming's skill points.

However, after thinking about it, the direction of strengthening is a big problem. Because the space for the alien to rise is not large.

The so-called strengthening is nothing more than expanding their size and increasing their tonnage. But in that case, it does not meet Xiao Ming's positioning of the alien.

We know that telekinesis is idealistic. If Xiao Ming doesn't like it, it will be difficult to do it. Even if he does it by force, it will waste too many skill points.

When Xiao Ming was hesitating about this, the three abilities given by Nuwa gave Xiao Ming new inspiration.

Can the alien be transformed into an animal-like Transformer!

The Transformers that Xiao Ming heard about at the beginning were generally transformed into electronic equipment, cars, airplanes, ships, etc.

But who says that Xiao Ming's Transformers can only be this type?

Wouldn't it be better to have some animals? Decision! Let's start with the aliens.

——In fact, there are animals in Transformers. It's just that Xiao Ming doesn't know about it yet.

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