Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 569 The Wandering of the Insect King

Xiao Ming's technology is the same as Nuwa's. The souls he enlightens are almost animalistic. At the beginning, they have no idea of ​​good or evil.

The behavior pattern generally follows the setting of the previous intelligent program. After a period of time, these souls begin to become diverse.

There are black, white, and different degrees of gray. It's almost the same as humans.

However, due to the intelligent program set by Xiao Ming, the IQ is very average. So the proportion of bad people is not high.

Even if there are, the types are mostly brain-dead idiots, and there are basically no cunning and treacherous people. There is no way to have insufficient IQ.

In this regard, the craftsmanship of Mother Earth is actually better than Xiao Ming. There are basically no evil people in the human beings she created.

However, because Nuwa gave humans the ability to reproduce, the descendants of humans gradually deviated from Nuwa's original intention of creating humans.

Xiao Ming does not plan to give the puppets the ability to reproduce for the time being. Nuwa did give Xiao Ming this craft, and he plans to consider it later.

Xiao Ming spent a year concentrating on studying how to set up intelligent programs so that the souls he inspired later could be more inclined to the good side.

When he was about to leave this world, Xiao Ming had done a pretty good job in this regard.

After Xiao Ming personally shaped the body, opened the wisdom, and awakened the spirit, there were almost no assholes. At most, there were some who liked to be lazy and stayed at home.

Well, to be honest. Almost none of the puppets created by Xiao Ming were particularly hardworking. Most of them were just average, and a few were particularly lazy and stayed at home.

Xiao Ming could not change this characteristic anyway. Because Xiao Ming himself was not a hardworking person, the upper beam was not straight and the lower beam was crooked.

The souls he enlightened inevitably had a little shadow of Xiao Ming. Of course, Xiao Ming himself did not think there was anything wrong with this.

At least this group of lazy puppets would never have the mind to rule the world. Because they were too lazy to do such troublesome things.

The original intention was to leave some labor for the human society after the end of the world, but the result was a bunch of lazy workers.

Xiao Ming deeply blamed himself... for half a minute. I stopped worrying about it. This is actually quite good. It's not very efficient, but it's safe.

While Yin Xiaoming and Huang Xiaoming were concentrating on studying puppets. The insect king Green Xiaoming left the border of the world.

It's better to focus on one thing at a time, and put aside the perception and research of the barrier for the time being. The insect king began to wander around.

Logically, Green Xiaoming should also focus on studying puppets. But Xiaoming felt that he had to choose the world carefully.

In a normal world where humans are kings, some intelligent puppets suddenly appear. What will humans do?

They will definitely kill all the puppets, leaving at most a few as laboratory mice.

These puppets can be regarded as Xiaoming's children. Although Xiaoming, the "mother", is not very reliable, she will not let the puppets she created by herself be in such a dangerous place.

You must choose a suitable world for them. The real world is not suitable for them.

The world of "My Date with a Vampire 2" is very suitable. After the end of the world, humans face the pressure of survival and need the help of puppets.

The most important thing is that there is a real court here. The court can also manage the puppets made by Xiao Ming. Because the technology is from the lineage of Nuwa.

This avoids the danger of "those who are not of my race must have different hearts". Although they are not of the same race, humans can also clearly understand the thoughts of puppets. In this way, they can live in harmony.

So Green Xiao Ming plans to stroll around and find a suitable world. A world with a relatively low power level, preferably a world with a doomsday scenario.

The most suitable one in Xiao Ming's mind is actually the Resident Evil series.

Humans are busy with their own affairs, and zombies will definitely not be interested in puppets. They are either iron sheets or wood, and they can't digest them after eating.

In that type of world, puppets should be able to live freely.

With a set goal in mind, Xiao Ming is a little picky.

Many good worlds have been ignored by Xiao Ming, and he always feels that they are not as good as the world of Resident Evil.

God will not let down those who work hard. It took more than half a month and crossed the world boundaries hundreds of times. Xiao Ming finally found a world similar to Resident Evil.

Before arriving in this world, Xiao Ming almost died twice.

Maybe because of Meng Meng's love protection, Xiao Ming didn't dare to die. If he died, it would affect Meng Meng.

So Xiao Ming also broke out his potential and escaped death twice.

The first time was in the "Great Sword" world.

Because he met a group of familiar demons, and he had seen this type of demons in the Great Sword Secret Realm. So Xiao Ming recognized them.

Speaking of which, the insect king is not a human being, and he could have a good relationship with the demons.

But in order not to scare people, Xiao Ming used the transformation technique to change into a human form. So he was attacked as soon as he showed up.

In fact, the demons may not really regard him as a human, but there will be fights between demons.

Suddenly a strange demon appeared, and they were discussing important things, so they took the initiative.

In order not to implicate Meng Meng, the insect king was covered with several layers of shields. The innermost layer is the protection of love, the middle layer is the telekinetic chewing gum, and the outermost layer is the mental shield.

I don't know which of the monsters attacked, but a long scarf-like thing attacked.

The outer mental shield was shattered by the attack, but it also bought Xiao Ming a little time.

Xiao Ming instantly activated [Every Second Counts], and slightly extended the time for the second attack.

It was enough for Xiao Ming to turn the gum into elastic at that moment, but he was hit by the second attack.

The power of this attack was very strong, and Xiao Ming, who had just entered this world, was hit and flew out of this world from another direction.

It was equivalent to passing through the entire world along a diagonal path. Its power can be seen.

Fortunately, Xiao Ming was wrapped in telekinetic gum at this time, like a very elastic ball, slowly unloading the power.

And Xiao Ming would not be blocked by the border of the world, otherwise he might be slapped to death on the border like a fly.

The second time should be a world of Chinese fairy heroes. Xiao Ming encountered a group of Taoist monks flying on swords soon after he arrived.

Their level was probably still very high, and Xiao Ming's disguise of transformation could not deceive these people.

It is estimated that the battle between humans and monsters in this world is more intense. Or the reputation of monsters is really too bad.

Without even saying a polite word, the other party directly attacked Xiao Ming.

Fortunately, some of the masters probably wanted to train the younger generation and did not personally attack.

So at the beginning, only a few flying swords of not very high level stabbed at him. This gave Xiao Ming enough time to react.

Race against time - wormhole - escape... It was a close call.

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