Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 508 Pyramid under Antarctica

If Xiao Ming randomly arrives at the secret realm of [Alien vs. Predator 1], the system will let him choose.

He can play this level again or directly enter the plot of Alien vs. Predator 2.

This is a special treatment for players who have already passed the level but whose characters have also died.

In a series of secret realms, if the player's character is not dead, he can accumulate some connections and resources in the secret realm and improve his own strength, which is an advantage that can be brought to the next stage.

When the character dies, the advantages are cleared. This is not very fair to the player.

So the system allows players to choose: accumulate advantages again; or directly enter the next stage?

Of course, if the same plot is repeated many times, the rewards that the player can get will be gradually compressed. Until only the most basic rewards are left.

However, the situation this time is slightly different. Li Lu has not entered this secret realm, so Xiao Ming has no choice at all and is directly pulled into the secret realm.

It's just that when the two people form a team, the entry point of the plot has changed.

When Xiao Ming entered last time, the expedition team was still on the ground. This time, they have already reached the underground pyramid.

Obviously, the earlier the story is introduced, the more time the player has to prepare. The later, the less they can do.

This entry point is mostly random. It is also affected by other factors.

If the player repeats the same secret realm for the 100th time, it is very likely that he will be directly arranged to the moment of the big fight between all parties.

"Damn! Awesome!" Li Lu exclaimed loudly. When she turned her head and looked at Xiao Ming, she was shocked again.

"Fuck, my deskmate, you are cheating, where did you get this iron skin."

Xiao Ming himself usually doesn't notice it. After entering the secret realm, [Iron Blood·Nezha] is automatically worn on his body. Now it is Iron Man mode.

Xiao Ming has already designed Iron Blood·Nezha. In the main game, it will appear in the style of human armor. In the secret realm, it is generally displayed in Iron Man mode.

It is too complicated and difficult to set. Anyway, NPCs will not care. Xiao Ming doesn't care.

But Iron Man's state was very eye-catching, which surprised his teammate Li Lu.

The mask was opened, and Xiao Ming showed his face. He scratched his helmet with his armored fingers and said embarrassedly:

"I forgot, this is... uh, it's a universal reward I won in a small game. The game is called "Arctic Ice". You can try it if you have a chance."

"Really! Then I must..."

Before Li Lu finished speaking, she was interrupted by a loud shout from the mercenary captain.

"Liu! Zhang! Stop chatting, follow! You are responsible for the rear."

Xiao Ming and Li Lu's identities in this secret realm are two Chinese mercenaries. Their surnames are Liu and Zhang respectively.

Hearing the captain's call, Li Lu stuck out her tongue and shouted "yes, sir." and hurried to catch up. Xiao Ming followed behind her.

The last time he came to this secret realm was almost a month ago.

Xiao Ming had long forgotten the structure of the pyramid, and only roughly remembered what the plot was like.

Last time, three iron-blooded warriors in fishing nets arrived at the expedition team's base on the ground and killed all the people left behind.

Afterwards, they were wiped out by the invisible Xiao Ming. They also contributed to the upgrade of [Nezha]. This time they will probably come down to the pyramid.

I don't know the distribution of aliens in the pyramid, so now is a good time to take a look.

Looking at the feedback from [Scan Map], Xiao Ming was a little confused. No way, why is there no alien in here?

Not really, there is an alien queen being frozen. Could it be that the aliens I saw last time were all born by her temporarily? What a strong reproductive ability!

Suddenly, a team member stepped on a stone and triggered the mechanism. The expedition team didn't notice anything unusual.

However, Xiao Ming has seen major changes in the map scanned. The entire pyramid seems to have come alive.

The huge alien queen was lifted up from the unknown liquid by a machine, and the ice on her body quickly melted.

Then another machine stimulated the Alien Queen with electric current, and began to produce Alien eggs one by one.

This is clearly animal abuse, the Alien Queen is easy.

I don't know how many years she has been frozen. Finally, she was given a chance to lay eggs, and she was electrocuted.

Iron-blooded warriors, are you in a hurry to eat egg fried rice during the New Year? Aren't you afraid that people will sue you?

While complaining, Xiao Ming quietly fell behind the team and replaced his position with a shadow clone.

As for the main body, he put on a mask and used a [Wormhole] skill to come to the Alien Queen from the original place.

The Alien Queen had just woken up from freezing and was electrocuted to lay eggs. At this time, her mind was not very clear. She didn't realize that there was an Iron Man in front of her.

Xiao Ming didn't plan to wait for her to wake up. Her current state is the most suitable. Take it - [Zerg Conquer].

The Alien Queen is a fifth-level soldier, equivalent to a C-level reincarnation.

Not only is she strong, but her physical properties are amazing. Even her mental power is not too bad. After all, she can use mental power to control her children.

At the peak, she can control thousands of children, so her mental power is naturally good. It can be about level 3.

However, in front of the Zerg Overlord, it is still not enough. What's more, her mind is still a mess. Xiao Ming took advantage of the opportunity and subdued her in just 3 minutes.

At this moment, the Alien Queen is in the Light Dome, enjoying the touch and treatment of her master. The machine that restrained her was destroyed by Xiao Ming using alchemy.

The alien eggs that have been produced have also been subdued by Xiao Ming, and they are now floating in Guangmingding. It was not used to make egg fried rice.

The Alien Queen's current body seems to be recovering from a serious illness. In fact, she was still very weak, so Xiao Ming happened to use healing techniques to recover her.

If she were in better health, the Predators wouldn't have been able to catch her so easily last time.

It's a pity that in this secret realm, Xiao Ming's light dome is empty, with nothing but air.

Xiao Ming could only treat her, but there was no food for her to eat.

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious," Xiao Ming smiled and touched the alien dog's head and said, "Master will treat you to some aliens later. Okay?"

However, the objections of the Alien Queen came through the spiritual communication. She wanted to create some aliens first to protect herself and her weak master.

"What?! Do you dare to say that I am a weak master?" Xiao Ming pointed his finger at the Alien Queen's head and said pretending to be angry:

"If you can't speak, no wonder you were locked up. Master, I'm so weak. Look!"

Xiao Ming raised his hand, and dozens of alien beasts and more than a hundred shadow clones appeared in the light dome.

Her shy mood immediately came through the spiritual communication. If I were a person, my face would be red right now.

The alien's innocent reaction made Xiao Ming laugh.

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