Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 507: Chatting in the Cafeteria

"Do you still remember? During the Dragon Boat Festival that year, all the classmates brought boiled eggs. I was almost injured from eating them. Fortunately, you brought salted eggs and you saved me."

"You're talking about it because you exposed the truth. The two salted eggs I brought have become a meal for hundreds of families. Everyone comes to take a bite. One salted egg can be shared by at least thirty people."

"Haha, it's good for everyone to eat, otherwise two salted eggs will kill you. Another time we went skating, you are so stupid..."

"You are good at slipping and swishing. As a result, you fell down and lost one of your front teeth. Eh? By the way, let me see...when did your tooth get replaced?"

"Nani?...Oh, this tooth...I didn't have it repaired. It was repaired automatically in the dormant chamber after graduation and joining the army. Don't tell me, this dormant chamber is quite interesting."

"That's not true. I estimate that more than half of it is black technology from aliens. Believe it or not? Our Han Royal Academy of Sciences should not be at this level."

"Haha, I didn't know that. Brother Ming, what do you think Kuafu will be like?" Li Lu said with some yearning:

"It will really be like what the data says, it will be a Pangea without humans. Do you think there will be dinosaurs?"

Xiao Ming frowned and said, "There probably aren't any dinosaurs, right? It's not written in our information.

But we arrived within a few months, and there was no need for them to deceive us on this matter. By the way, there is a cute little bird with three eyes in the information..."

Xiao Ming② and Li Lu were in the canteen on the transport ship. It's late and there's no one else here. No need for a waiter, everything is fully automatic.

I bought 2 cups of hot tea from the vending machine and ordered an order of onion rings. The two sat down and chatted.

From interesting things in high school to Pangu Star, we talked nonsense all over the place, and more than 3 hours passed.

During this period, Xiao Ming discovered. Li Lu wears a reincarnation ring on her finger. She is also a reincarnation person.

Although she used two separate rings to cover up, trying to confuse the audience. But this trick can't be hidden from Xiao Ming.

I really don’t know how she got the ring on the transport ship. It is still possible to hide this kind of trick from other low-level reincarnators.

As for when Li Lu became a reincarnator, it is difficult to say. Anyway, when I saw her a few days ago, I hadn't seen the reincarnation ring yet.

She may have just been selected by the reincarnation space; but she may have been a reincarnation for a long time, but the original body was just connected to the replica. So Xiao Ming just saw it.

Xiao Ming suddenly wondered if there were too many reincarnations. It feels like it’s no longer worth the money.

In fact, this phenomenon is quite normal. Xiao Ming, a homebody, doesn't go out often, otherwise he should have discovered it long ago.

Because at the same time, there are indeed a lot of reincarnators on Pangu Planet.

However, more than 70% of all reincarnations are temporary reincarnations. And these people are always changing.

Most of them cannot be promoted to official reincarnations. Some people waste half their lives in the reincarnation space and achieve little;

Some could not survive a few missions and lost their qualifications as reincarnators. The relevant memories were erased.

Some of them were too daring to take risks but lacked the strength, so they all died in the mission world.

Alas, man dies for wealth and birds die for food. No zuo no die why U try?

They go on a mission every seven days and may stay in the mission world for a few hours, days, or even months.

So on the surface, it seems that temporary reincarnations age faster than ordinary people in the real world.

On the contrary, those who formally reincarnate can generally strengthen their bodies to a certain extent. Not like a temporary reincarnation person.

The reason why Li Lu came to chat with Xiao Ming② was because Li Lu's body on Pangu Planet had just been selected into the reincarnation space.

She was a little excited and a little hesitant. And because she has become a temporary reincarnation, she has something to do with Zhang Xiaoming.

So he was recruited as a peripheral member by a relevant force. She also increased her confidentiality authority and upgraded the game warehouse.

Then she was ordered to connect to the clone of Huangdi Galaxy - Li Lu②.

This is great, there is another big wave of new information. She was more excited and more hesitant.

You can't tell these things to your family and friends, because there are confidentiality regulations. Talking about them casually is tantamount to treason.

At this moment, she happened to see the clone of her old deskmate, Xiao Ming②, so she took the initiative to come over and talk to Xiao Ming②.

At this time, Li Lu actually didn't need anyone to tell her what to do. It was obvious what to do, there was no choice.

She just needs someone to talk to her, and she will naturally feel better.

Although in theory, family and friends can also do this. But Li Lu was worried that she might have spilled the beans. It would be bad to involve them.

It doesn't matter if Xiao Ming, the clone, is implicated. ...Alas, replicants have no human rights.

Xiao Ming had actually sensed the fluctuation of her life energy for a long time, so during the conversation, he quietly used the "Bing Xin Jue" on Li Lu several times.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have calmed down so quickly, and Zhongtu might actually have spilled the beans.

Li Lu's dormant warehouse is in the same warehouse as Xiao Ming's, not far away. Li Lu felt better and took Xiao Ming to 'go home' with her.

The recruitment of Li Lu's forces actually gave her some useful things, including three permissions to form a team to explore the secret realm.

She was in a good mood, so she teamed up with her old deskmate to play in a random secret realm.

However, Li Lu thought she was playing the game with the intelligent program of the replica, but she actually brought the real person here. Good luck.

A flash flare was shot high into the air. In the flashing light, a huge pyramid revealed its majestic figure.

Who would have thought that there was such a majestic and tall building underground in Antarctica. This is simply a magical skill. Li Lu couldn't help but be dazzled by it.

Xiao Ming felt bored. He had been here before. It was clearly the secret realm of [Alien vs. Predator 1].

Before entering, the system gave a prompt. Xiao Ming had actually passed the level last time, but his character also died.

At that time, the Predator decided to give up this trial site. So he launched a bomb from the space carrier.

It shot into the underground from the previously opened tunnel and completely destroyed the pyramid. By the way, Xiao Ming's character also died.

It was just that at the critical moment of life and death, Xiao Ming was very focused, so he assimilated a special alien into his telekinesis.

It can be said that it was worth dying for. Because of this, the alien telekinetic beast Xiao Hei was born;

It was also the reason why he absorbed the genes of the chimera ant later; and took over the Zerg eggs in the real world; and then the Zerg King appeared. It was a huge profit!

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