Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 495 New Subordinates

Why were these intelligent programs incorporated into Xiao Ming's spiritual kingdom? What's the trick?

In fact, it's very simple. These artificial intelligence programs are all cultivated on the clones based on Zhang Xiao Ming's genes.

These are alien black technologies. Not to mention Xiao Ming, even the scientists of the New Han Kingdom probably don't fully understand them.

These intelligent programs are very dependent on Xiao Ming's genes.

If the NPC controlled by the intelligent program faces the previous Xiao Ming, it doesn't matter.

Xiao Ming's mental power has not reached the level of crushing. Everyone has their own body. Just don't interfere with each other. It's hard to tell who is the master and who is the servant.

If they are accidentally squeezed into the same body, it must be Xiao Ming's own spirit that has the upper hand. I have the highest priority.

Do you remember? On the first day of the Magic Planet game, Xiao Ming performed a consciousness transmission and possessed Xiao Ming②.

At that time, there was a conflict with the original intelligent program, which caused the original intelligent program to crash directly.

After repair, it became Xiao Ming's helper in the game, that is, the intelligent program "Xiao Er'er".

But it's different now. Facing Xiao Ming, who has a huge spiritual power of level 6, they will automatically become vassals.

It's just that Xiao Ming didn't use spiritual connection with him before, so he didn't understand what was going on.

And there was no skill of [Spiritual Kingdom] at that time, so he couldn't recruit those intelligent programs.

So it just felt weird. Xiao Ming didn't understand and didn't know what to do.

Now, as long as they come into close contact with Xiao Ming's spiritual kingdom, these intelligent programs will be automatically recruited by Xiao Ming.

It's equivalent to the New Han Kingdom accidentally training a large number of subordinates for Xiao Ming.

Of course, those who haven't met Xiao Ming can't be accepted for the time being.

This kind of thing is not Xiao Ming's patent. Some powerful reincarnations also have similar skills.

If they have the strength, they will also train similar subordinates. In fact, it's similar to some evil Taoist priests training zombies.

The difference is that they are intentional, and Xiao Ming is unintentional. In fact, there is also the suspicion of misappropriation of public resources.

These 5 NPCs all have families in the game. Xiao Ming didn't let them join his fleet.

This combat power is of little help to the Second Fleet, but it is a good idea to stay in Quanzhou City as a spy.

In fact, Xiao Ming has learned a lot of useful information through these NPCs.

For example, the porter knows several hidden mountain strongholds near Quanzhou, and a village full of pirates. These can all be attacked.

A shop assistant knows which items in their shop are fake. Reporting to the authorities will probably get rewards, and threats can also get benefits.

A poor scholar knows that his teacher's family has a priceless calligraphy and painting. And so on...

The most valuable piece of information was provided by the storyteller.

There is a large island east of Quanzhou, formerly called Yizhou, and now called Dongfan. (Actually, it is Taiwan.)

Due to the ban on the sea, the Ming Dynasty did not establish rule there. The island is full of indigenous people who refuse to be educated. In addition, pirates are extremely rampant.

There are even pirates from the distant West. There are not many of them, all of them are half-elves.

More than 300 miles northeast of this island is the base of the Li family pirates - Diaoyu Port.

Originally, according to the distance, the researcher should go directly to Diaoyu Port when leaving Hangzhou. It is more convenient.

However, Xiao Ming has other plans for the itinerary of the second fleet. So he will go south to Quanzhou first, do business, and understand the market. Then go to Diaoyu Port.

Now it seems that there may be another stop, and you can go to Yizhou to take a look. The combat power of the five large warships of the researcher should be enough.

However, after thinking carefully about the future plan, Xiao Ming decided to forget it.

His second fleet is planning to travel far, and even if he captures one or two villages in Yizhou, he will not be able to defend it.

It is better to tell this news to Admiral Li Huamei to see if she intends to use it. Of course, Xiao Ming thinks that she may have known it a long time ago.

After bidding farewell to these five subordinates, Xiao Ming returned to the fleet and met Lin Shen and Yulian who were discussing commodity trading.

When he was in Hangzhou before, Yulian had just joined the fleet and didn't understand the situation. So Lin Shen had to do it reluctantly, wearing a cloak to go in and out of major trading companies to trade.

There are many people like him who hide their heads and show their tails in the coastal areas. Those trading companies have seen it many times and will not find it strange.

But doing so is always dangerous. If it is exposed by some fool, it will not end well.

Therefore, the commodity trading in Quanzhou can be completely executed by Julian Luobosi, a half-elf.

Although he is also an alien, he is not as eye-catching as Lin Shen.

Seeing that the two of them have arranged everything clearly, Xiao Ming is happy to be a hands-off boss.

Xiao Ming used the spiritual kingdom again to cover the entire fleet, and indeed recruited 8 more 0-level sailors.

Their intelligence level is much lower than the 5 in Quanzhou City. It seems that this kind of intelligent program also has levels.

Adventure map, in the medium-sized city of Gray Bone City. A few hours ago, the dead finally arrived at the destination.

Along the way, I don’t know how many times I used [Intermediate Skeleton Army Development], relying on the experience rewarded by Bai Yulin. The adventure level of the deceased has been upgraded to level 2, level 3.

In Graybone City, the deceased who was promoted to the president of the Graybone City branch of the White Fang Chamber of Commerce was staring at a shabby little shop with no undead in sight.

Huang Xiaoming, who had just switched over, was a little dumbfounded. He thought it would be such a big industry, how come it became so poor?

Bai Yulin, the mayor of Graybone City, is the vice president of the White Fang Chamber of Commerce.

We are family! How could the branch in this city be so shabby? It doesn't make sense.

Unfortunately, this is a game, and there are indeed some unreasonable things.

Due to the system rules, players will not be able to ascend to the sky in one step. So Xiaoming can't take over a very well-developed chamber of commerce all at once.

He must build it step by step from the beginning. What it can be built depends on the player's ability.

The specific plot setting is: Graybone City originally did not have a branch of the White Fang Chamber of Commerce.

Because Bai Yulin developed Graybone City well, he successfully applied for a quota from the top of the Chamber of Commerce. He was allowed to establish a branch in Graybone City.

This task naturally falls on the players. It is prepared for players.

Such tasks will be fiercely fought over by player guilds in the middle of the game. There is a lot of money in it. It's a pity that it's a bit too early now.

Excluding Xiao Ming, who is cheating, other player guilds are strong enough, but they don't have this status.

The status of the deceased is reached, but the strength is lacking. This is not about money, but there are simply not enough people.

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