Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 494: Familiar NPC

The prosperity of Quanzhou, a large port city, is actually higher than that of Xinluo Port.

The economy and culture are very developed, but the military is slightly worse. The Ming Dynasty's strategy of banning the sea had a great impact on the navy.

For now, players are still at level 2 and can only enter small cities.

If you want to enter a large city, you must have special opportunities. For example, the researcher became the admiral of the fleet.

Therefore, there are almost no players in large cities, and even if there are a few who get a chance, it is impossible for them to run into the same city.

Therefore, all the mission clues in the entire Quanzhou City have only one customer, the researcher. This initiative is actually very valuable.

Of course, the value of being first at sea is greater, as Xiao Ming has long understood.

He didn't plan to spend long time in Quanzhou Port, just strolling around. If there are more obvious clues, try it; if there are no clues, forget it, we will continue to go to sea.

Xiao Ming is a homebody. He prefers a quieter environment. In reality, he usually avoids such lively places.

Not scared, but annoyed. In the past, I thought it was too noisy; now, I dislike too much unsightly life energy.

It's different in the game. Almost everyone is an NPC, there isn't that much life energy for him to see, and the noise isn't that serious.

The row upon row of buildings, the busy downtown, and the endless flow of people are more like looking at a picture scroll, which makes people dizzy.

The wide variety of products and colorful silks and satins truly reflect the economic development of the Ming Dynasty at this time.

Xiao Ming, who has watched "The Strange Man from the Far Island", couldn't help but sigh. As long as these commercial taxes can be collected normally, how can Ming not be able to support a powerful national defense force? !

To have world-leading wealth but not enough defensive power is to open the door to thieves.

Xiao Ming, who had only read the book for a few days, naturally did not have the ability to truly analyze the rights and wrongs of the Ming Dynasty. He could only express some emotion.

The researcher took three subordinates and a dozen sailors and wandered aimlessly on the street. Occasionally, if you see interesting things, buy some. If you see good-looking things, look at them more often.

As we walked, everyone gradually dispersed. Battle saw a group of performers, squatting there and watching with interest.

Fortunately, Quanzhou is still open and there are various races. Orcs like Battle are also very common. Don't scare anyone.

However, the Ming Dynasty belongs to the light camp, and there are very few NPCs from the evil camp such as the undead. And they were all disguised.

Worried about this stupid big guy getting into trouble, or getting into trouble. Xu Zuoyun took the initiative to bring a few sailors to stay with him.

Encountering a sushi restaurant on the way, Kyouichiro became homesick and took a few dwarves in to enjoy the memories.

The researcher continued to wander alone, and came across a teahouse and restaurant. There was a storyteller inside talking about the Three Kingdoms, and there was constant cheering.

Xiao Ming found it interesting, so he went in and ordered some tea and snacks to watch the excitement.

"Yan Liang was under his command when he saw Guan Gong rushing towards him. When he wanted to ask questions, Guan Gong's red rabbit horse was so fast that he had already run in front of him..."

The storyteller was talking with joy, dancing and spitting foam. Suddenly he looked at the researcher. Both of them looked at each other with concentration.

There seemed to be a feeling, but it was very vague. However, the storyteller was still making money, so he couldn't stop studying and continued:

"Then Yan Liang was caught off guard, and Yun Chang raised a knife and chopped him off the horse..."

This strange feeling has appeared many times before, with various NPCs, which has always confused Xiao Ming.

But this time, Xiao Ming seems to have found a clue. Because my new skill [Spiritual Kingdom] seems to have an eager response.

Xiao Ming was not polite and faced the storyteller NPC from a distance, shrouding the spiritual kingdom.

The NPC actually joined Xiao Ming's spiritual kingdom without any obstacles. Xiao Ming's control over him was equivalent to the control over the Zerg King's opponent.

If you want, you can check what he's doing at any time, and you can direct him to do anything at any time.

Xiao Ming didn't even try to subdue him first, and the other party immediately surrendered completely. What is going on?

Confused, Xiao Ming expanded the scanned map and found a total of 5 NPCs in the same situation throughout Quanzhou City. Scattered in all walks of life.

When they encountered Xiao Ming's spiritual kingdom, they all joined in smoothly without any resistance. And they are all NPCs, which are just intelligent programs.

Why does this happen? Do you think other NPCs don't care about Xiao Ming's mental power? There must be something special about these NPCs.

Xiao Ming gathered all 5 NPCs into a single room in the teahouse. I want to understand the mystery between this.

These NPCs are very similar to low-level Zerg. It is impossible to see that they have their own thoughts, they are just simply obeying orders and procedures.

If you want to communicate, you can only find high-level bugs, such as flying dragons, devourers and mother bugs. They can also answer questions and answers with Xiao Ming.

Seeing that the mental communication was fruitless, Xiao Ming planned to try to communicate through language, and maybe he could trigger some task clues.

Suddenly, without any warning, one of the escort agents fell asleep on the table.

But in Xiao Ming’s spiritual kingdom. At this moment, this assassin is no longer the intelligent program that surrendered to Xiao Ming.

That NPC is now transformed into a group of armored human infantry, resisting the impact of a large group of undead...

Soon, the same thing happened to the other four NPCs. They appeared in different places on the same battlefield. Their arms were also different.

Unfortunately, Xiao Ming could only see the images they saw, but could not see the situation of the entire battlefield.

He could not use their mental power to scan the map. Because they were not Zerg, they did not have the blessing of the spiritual sea, and their mental power was weak.

After his subordinates had died and reborn several times, Xiao Ming found that he was not unfamiliar with this battlefield. This is the Nuwa Star of the Yan Emperor Galaxy. He had been here before.

Xiao Ming had fought the undead here and got the Cup of Life.

Now Xiao Ming probably understood what was going on. These intelligent programs were indeed closely related to him.

We have said that the New Han Space Army has cultivated a large number of gene clones and genetically modified people in the Yan Emperor Galaxy and the Huang Emperor Galaxy.

These clones and modified people were implanted with anthropomorphic intelligent programs from the beginning, and their behavior was controlled by the programs.

Some of them were clones and modified people with Xiao Ming's genes as the main body. These five NPCs should be the intelligent programs implanted in Xiao Ming to clone or transform people.

When there are combat missions, they participate in the battle according to the military's arrangements;

When there are no combat missions, Xiao Ming used to think that they were in hibernation, but now it seems that they are NPCs in the game.

Xiao Ming feels that it is like Zhuang Zhou dreaming of a butterfly, they probably regard the main game as their real world and Nuwa Star as a dream.

It's a little romantic to think about it.

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