Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 451 Two Hidden Places

The Zerg brain worm immediately found something wrong and sent other troops to the battlefield for reconnaissance. What they saw was an empty battlefield.

Except for the human equipment, human blood, Zerg body fluids, and some broken limbs, all the corpses were gone.

These are the food that the Zerg cannot waste! Someone is actually snatching food from the mouth of the worm, too crazy!

Needless to say, this is of course Xiao Ming's death harvest again.

The human corpses turned into a large number of skeleton soldiers and a small number of zombies, and a very small number turned into ghosts. The Zerg corpses almost all turned into skeleton soldiers.

Added together, it is close to 100,000 undead. The total number of deaths on both sides far exceeds this number. But the corpses of human soldiers were destroyed too badly. So that the number of transformed undead soldiers decreased.

The Zerg is an exoskeleton creature, and the skeleton soldiers and zombies they transformed are really no different in appearance.

Only by cutting it open and observing it carefully can you find that: the body of the Zerg skeleton soldier has no muscle tissue inside; the body of the Zerg zombie is a little plumper.

Most of the corpses were transformed into skeleton soldiers. This was Xiao Ming's choice and the characteristic of the skeleton master.

In the game, Xiao Ming's spirit was immersed in the skeleton pool for three days. He was transformed into an intermediate skeleton master.

This was not just a change in the character in the game, but Xiao Ming's own mental strength was also improved.

Xiao Ming was indeed more familiar with the skeleton soldiers.

Therefore, when he was harvesting death now, he would mostly transform the corpses into skeleton soldiers.

Since they became undead soldiers, whether they were originally human or insects, they naturally belonged to the same camp now.

All the human undead climbed onto the backs of the Zerg undead and ran away in a flash under the command of the Zerg King.

Even some of the human army's machines were dragged away by the Zerg under Xiao Ming's command. The battlefield was left to the insects with a question mark.

It was to do this that the Mingjing team took the federal soldiers away and lured away the Zerg army.

If the Zerg army was still there, the little force that Death Harvest had created would be instantly overwhelmed by them. It was a waste of effort.

After the Zerg King succeeded, Yin Xiaoming also finished fishing. He sped up and left.

After the Zerg King ran a distance with the Undead Army, he used alchemy to build an underground military camp and hid in it with his army.

The entire planet was controlled by the Zerg, and it was difficult to escape the Zerg's detection if he stayed on the surface.

The original underground passage was originally dug by the Zerg. There was no way for a hundred thousand troops to hide in it.

So Xiaoming had to "dig" an underground cave again for the Undead Army to live in.

The mission this time was just to survive for 30 days, which was not difficult for Xiaoming at all. But it was a bit difficult to eliminate the Zerg as much as possible.

Before, on the battlefield, the Zerg King originally planned to release the Mars virus himself.

Back then, Xiaoming used the Mars virus to clear all the cockroaches on Mars.

But here, Xiao Ming's Mars virus can only make the bugs feel sick and vomit, and their bodies are a little weak. But it can't kill them. Zhang Zhong had no choice but to take action.

Alas, it hurts my friend. This shows the importance of accumulation.

After all, the Martian cockroaches are still a young race, and the types of viruses they are exposed to are too rare. Naturally, their drug resistance is poor. That's why they were completely exterminated by Xiao Ming's virus.

Xiao Ming has also conducted experiments on the bug humans and the Zerg in the Chiyou galaxy. Their immune systems can directly resist the Mars virus. There is no effect at all.

They are worthy of being a powerful race that once traversed countless galaxies. This virus is simply a piece of cake.

The Zerg in the Starship Troopers world is just between the two. The poison is not dead, but it is not immune. It just gets a serious illness.

And if Xiao Ming continues to release the Mars virus to them, it is estimated that they will also evolve corresponding drug resistance in the near future.

The Mars virus, this killer weapon, is useless. Xiao Ming can probably only fight guerrilla warfare and kill as many as he can.

But before the battle, Xiao Ming plans to strengthen the army of undead.

Didn't he just learn [Intermediate Skeleton Army Development] in the game? Why not use this skill now?

Xiao Ming summoned the witch and the teacher to help him develop a new skeleton army.

Two flowers bloom, each with its own beauty. Let's pull the camera back to Yin Xiao Ming.

He took the Mingjing team and the human soldiers to hide in the original underground tunnels of the planet. It is easier to hide with fewer people.

Although the Zerg are more familiar with the underground tunnels, they cannot play the advantage of numbers here. The human soldiers can still survive for a while.

In fact, when these tunnels were found, all the soldiers had joy on their faces.

There is no chance of winning a battle with the Zerg in the plains. In the tunnels, you can use the terrain to defend or escape. The chance of survival is greatly increased.

"Master, what do you think we should do next?" 38 human soldiers nominated a sergeant to ask Xiao Ming for instructions.

"Take a break first, and replenish your food and water. Is there anything you need?" Xiao Ming tried to be more amiable after scaring them.

The sergeant said a little shyly: "We can eat some compressed food, but we carry too little water. We don't know if we can find it on this planet."

Look at how pitiful these children are. Xiao Ming only looks young, but he is actually older than these soldiers.

So they took out a lot of food and water. Not only could they eat and drink, but they could also wash up.

After a big battle, everyone was covered in blood. It was time to wash up.

"Wow!" "OMG!" "Holy SXXX!" The exclamations were endless.

Some people rushed directly to the food. A few others stared at Xiao Ming in amazement.

The sergeant stuttered and said, "This is a miracle! Sir, are you a prophet or an angel?"

He was not joking. He really regarded Zhang Xiaoming, who could conjure things out of thin air, as a prophet or an angel.

This matter was not easy to explain. Xiao Ming smiled and said nothing, and turned back to the Mingjing team.

The sergeant might have thought wrongly, thinking that it was probably a secret that could not be revealed. He made the sign of the cross several times in front of him before he began to eat and stuff.

"Big brother!" Seeing Xiao Ming coming back, Xiao Xiaoer jumped into Xiao Ming's arms. Pointing at his head, he boasted loudly: "The horn is gone, the horn is gone!"

He turned around and pointed at the cold sword shining at Jiuzhou, "He taught me." Jiuzhou smiled and nodded.

Xiao Ming took a closer look and found that the dragon horn on Xiao Xiao'er's head was gone. It must have been hidden by magic.

"Xiao Xiao'er, you are amazing." Xiao Ming rubbed Xiao Xiao'er's head and praised him, and kissed him on the little face. A huge wave surged in his heart.

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