Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 450 Starship Troopers 1

The endless bugs in the Starship Troopers are naturally very terrifying to ordinary people.

In the eyes of the Bug King Lu Xiaoming, it's time to have a feast. So he quietly hid himself and ran to the periphery to hunt.

These remaining soldiers are all dying people. Xiaoming doesn't mind being seen by them. Summon the whole army.

The Mind Beast Multiple Uniform Shadow Clone Corps; the Hundred Ghosts Corps led by Xiaohong; Transformer Xiaojia, and Zhang Hong.

Forget about the low-level skeleton soldiers and zombies, they are too few in number and have no use in this kind of battle.

Even the Skeleton Swordsman Alice, because she is a melee fighter, has no place to use in such a battle.

But at least she is a well-known person, Xiaoming still threw her out to protect Xiaojing'er.

Only Xiaolu is now staying at home, infected with her master's bad habits. She is determined not to come out to fight.

She just occasionally stretches out some vines and pulls some insect corpses in as nutrients for herself. She has long been a carnivorous plant.

A lazy guy who doesn't work is not as useful as the more than 20 mechanical octopuses in Guangmingding.

Equipped with hacker energy weapons, the octopus's long-range attack power is very strong, and they can repair each other if they are broken. There are plenty of various materials in Guangmingding.

Xiao Ming placed these mechanical octopuses on the periphery of the team as shields.

Of course, the other team members were not idle. Kraken immediately summoned a mecha. Xiao Jing'er and Brother Wen also picked up hacker energy guns.

The only thing I didn't expect was the guy Yijian Guanghan Zhao Jiuzhou. He actually has such a time when he has nothing to do. He just cares about holding the child and has no intention of participating in the war. Everyone is too lazy to care about him.

The federal soldiers can't see the mind beasts and the hundred ghosts. But the Transformers and the mechanical octopuses can see them.

Although Zhang Hong is also a mind beast, he belongs to the type that actively shows up.

When the soldiers saw this shape, they thought it was from the human side. It might be a secret weapon produced by the military.

And these things started attacking the bugs as soon as they appeared. The soldiers naturally regarded them as friendly forces.

These alien Zergs are not very strong. Ordinary bugs are probably 2nd to 3rd level soldiers, which are comparable to the Martian cockroaches.

In terms of high-level soldiers, the cockroaches are the abbots. The Zerg also has special soldiers here.

Xiao Ming's scan is clear. It is a huge black beetle.

By observing the battlefield in the distance, it can be known that this beetle has high defense and can spit out fire pillars. Similar to human tanks.

Although I am not afraid, others can't stand it. So I summoned the special forces beast who can skillfully use the hacker energy sniper rifle. One by one, these beetles were shot down with sniper rifles. In addition, there are some flying bugs, which seem to be scouts. The special forces were not polite and all those who could be hit were destroyed.

At first, Xiao Ming just chatted with Zhao Jiuzhou and did not participate in the battle. I plan to let the team members play for a while.

As the Zerg attacked continuously like waves, there were always bugs rushing to our army.

At this time, Xiao Ming's [Spirit Shield] skill came into play. It protected the soldiers and mechanical octopuses on the periphery from being harmed by the bugs.

The bugs were quite depressed. The enemy was not far ahead, but an invisible wall blocked all the attacks of the bugs.

The bug king, who had already sneaked into the periphery, had something to play with. As a bug king who could lay eggs, he could store a large amount of life essence and genetic information in his body.

So countless bugs were inexplicably sucked clean one by one by the bug king's tail.

This alien bug is an exoskeleton creature. Even if Xiao Ming sucked the essence out of their bodies, the bugs were dead.

But the outer shell remained intact, it just suddenly became motionless. Therefore, the low-level Zergs nearby could not detect any abnormality.

And the brain worms that controlled the Zergs with mental power in the distance also could not detect any abnormality.

Among the billions of bugs, bugs died almost every moment. It naturally did not think it was strange that bugs died on the battlefield.

So Green Xiaoming ate and drank everywhere, and he was very comfortable all the time.

In fact, the battle has reached the end now, and the bugs are finishing. Everywhere is a similar final battle as Xiaoming's.

Of course, in other places, the bugs surrounded some of the remnants of the Earth Federation and finally wiped them out completely.

Only here, Xiaoming finally killed all the bugs nearby with a ten thousand swords.

This of course angered the Zerg army. It is impossible for the brain worm to not notice such a big change.

So all the bug armies on the battlefield began to surround here...

"Hello, thank you for saving us. But what should we do now? Our ammunition is almost exhausted."

"Yes, without ammunition we will still die, give us some of your weapons."

"That's right, that's right. We will die without weapons. If you don't want to share, just shoot us to death."


The surviving soldiers knew that they had not left the dangerous place. So they shouted for Xiaoming and others to share energy weapons with them.

Although Xiao Ming understood their hysteria in the face of death, he didn't want to just leave it to them. There would be endless troubles.

So Xiao Ming released the pressure of the 6th level mental power again.

The soldiers who were just shouting fiercely just now collectively lost their voices. A strong sense of terror occupied everyone's heart.

Everyone knelt on the ground involuntarily. Just now, I clearly saw this person destroy thousands of bugs with one move.

Am I mentally retarded? He actually yelled at such a monster. For a moment, my whole body was shaking like a sieve.

Fortunately, Xiao Ming controlled the scope of the pressure and did not affect the Zerg.

Xiao Ming waved his hand, and in the eyes of everyone, Xiao Jia and Zhang Hong turned into two armed bulletproof vehicles. Xiao Ming also had a similar car in Guangmingding.

The three cars barely fit the Mingjing team and soldiers, and took these dozens of people away.

This is too much, the brain worm was furious. The surrounding Zerg also swarmed and chased after them. Only a small number of troops were left to guard and clean the battlefield.

If these three cars were released, the bugs would be out of reach in a while.

However, Xiao Ming's goal was to lead the bugs away from the battlefield, so he slowly fished the group of bugs in front and went far away.

When the bugs ran far enough, the Bug King launched an attack on the remaining troops on the battlefield.

This time, it was the 7th-level bug man Zhang Zhong who ran out of Kunlun and launched one of his abilities, [Ten Thousand Arrows], on the entire battlefield.

There were literally tens of thousands of telekinetic arrows, like cruise missiles, killing all the bugs still alive on the battlefield one by one. The whole world was quiet.

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