Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 444 Death Drift

Having received the solemn instructions and earnest expectations from his old classmates, Xiao Ming must not play carelessly this time.

Once Xiao Ming gets serious, Harry Potter is only a world of medium magic, and Xiao Ming should not be troubled by force.

This world's suppression of supernatural energy is much lower than that of the Legend of the Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty. And there is almost no suppression of magic.

The magic power that Xiao Ming has practiced in the main game of Magic Planet is actually universal in this secret realm. And the magic in the main game also works here.

However, in this secret realm, the magic power of the player's character is consistent with the magic power practiced by the player himself. It has nothing to do with the characters in the main game.

This setting is very friendly to Xiao Ming. Xiao Ming's mana in several characters in the main game is actually not high. After all, the level is still low.

However, Xiao Ming himself, due to the strong mental power and long-term training. The magic power is quite deep.

The 6th level of mental power is not a joke. Xiao Ming's current magic power is no less than Professor Snape.

Xiao Ming also has source energy and silver energy net, which can directly convert mental power into the magic of this secret realm.

Its combat power is so durable that even the top wizards in this secret realm cannot catch up.

The system roughly introduced the situation of the secret realm to the players. Everyone knows that they are in a magic school called Hogwarts.

Everyone works here and has the lowest status. Basically everyone can command players to work. Even students can.

"Adam Yang, hurry up and clean the toilet!" A teacher-like person who Xiao Ming doesn't know at all is shouting at Xiao Ming's character.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Xiao Ming agreed and ran over to start cleaning the toilet that the man pointed to.

The secret realm test began, and everyone was instantly dispersed to various parts of the school to do chores.

The system was still giving face, and everyone met each other. They can also take care of each other during these seven days.

In the eyes of the game system, it is best for players to gather together. When the basilisk comes, it will be caught in one fell swoop.

Running all the way to the toilet, Xiao Ming sensitively heard students whispering. It seems that this toilet is haunted. In fact, few students use it.

The person who ordered Xiao Ming to clean the toilet had bad intentions. He wanted to use the ghosts inside to scare this Muggle.

Haha, that person had bad intentions, how could Xiao Ming not see it. But people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

Few people in the whole school look up to the player's Muggle identity. Besides, an empty toilet is also suitable for Xiao Ming to do tricks, right?

[Scan Map] I don't dare to use it. The purpose of this skill of the Zerg is mainly for reconnaissance. I didn't work hard on concealing myself.

Hogwarts is a magic school in the world of magic. There are many masters of mental power. Using the scan map will inevitably poke a hornet's nest.

In this regard, scanning the map is not as useful as the ability of "circle".

For a long time, Xiao Ming has been committed to making his "circle" more concealed and more wretched.

Although it has been less than a month since Pangu Star, don't forget that Xiao Ming has been living and training in the Fairy Sword World for ten years.

God will not let down those who work hard, Xiao Ming has been making progress in this aspect. And every time there is a big improvement in source energy, Xiao Ming's circle will become more concealed.

Now, Xiao Ming's "circle" has reached the point of perfection.

A "circle" was released, covering the entire building of the magic school. Even the forbidden forest outside was covered in part.

Several magicians with extremely high mana, such as Principal Dumbledore, only slightly noticed it. But after a careful taste, they could not feel it.

Don't be surprised. This is a world where even the invisibility cloak can deceive many people. Xiao Ming's circle is indeed powerful enough.

After the investigation, Xiao Ming roughly knew the entire school in detail.

Even the secret room hidden deep underground and the huge snake monster in the secret room did not hide from Xiao Ming's investigation.

Of course, a lot of messy information was also received. Even in a hidden place, two senior girls kissing were swept by Yuan.

Fortunately, Xiao Ming's mental strength is strong, so he is not overwhelmed by so much information.

Xiao Ming has already made precautions for this situation. In Xiao Ming's mind, it seems like there is a computer. All the information is stored there.

When Xiao Ming feels the need, he will take the initiative to extract the relevant information. Usually, he just keeps it to avoid affecting his thinking.

Originally, the situation in Hogwarts School was very complicated, and Xiao Ming couldn't figure out who the real enemy of the players was. But the enemy actually showed up on his own initiative.

The basilisk probably sensed Xiao Ming in the toilet. This Muggle dared to run to the exit of the underground secret room.

It felt that its dignity was seriously provoked, so it took the initiative to swim up, aiming directly at Adam Yang.

The dark and heavy malice made it difficult for Xiao Ming to ignore. With the ability of the basilisk, he could not detect Xiao Ming's hidden and powerful magic.

To deal with it, Xiao Ming did not need to show up in person. He is actually neither good at nor likes to fight the enemy face to face. Crushing is Xiao Ming's favorite.

Besides, Xiao Ming knows intuitively that this snake monster is closely related to this mission. Of course, he can't let it go.

While the basilisk was moving, it suddenly found that the floor under its belly had become unusually smooth. The basilisk's body immediately began to slide uncontrollably on the floor at high speed.

This guy was startled and hurriedly tried to stop his body. But the slippery and shiny floor had no place to lean on. How could he stop in such a hurry.

Suddenly, something seemed to stand up on the floor in front of him. Before he could see clearly what it was, it had silently cut the basilisk's jaw.

It instinctively felt that something was wrong, but before it could figure out the situation.

The whole body of the basilisk had already slid over the blade. The belly of its abdomen was completely cut open by the blade. At this time, the ground was no longer smooth.

Because of its high speed, the basilisk's body was thrown hundreds of meters away, and its internal organs were scattered all the way.

The basilisk, which should have caused a huge storm in Hogwarts, died silently. So embarrassing. (This is just a test level.)

In fact, Xiao Ming originally wanted to subdue it. However, its spirit has been branded by others. It is impossible to tame it.

Then we can only kill it. Although the basilisk is dead, Xiao Ming found that Task 2 still did not disappear. After surviving the 7-day test, it is still not over.

Could it be that I am wrong? This basilisk is not the boss of this level?

Xiao Ming believes that his intuition is not wrong. It is very likely that there is another mastermind behind the basilisk.

The battle has not yet been won, and I still need to work hard.

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