Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 443 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

When leaving the Skeleton Pool, Xiao Ming had hoped that this transfer would also lead to a breakthrough in strategy.

It would be best if the hero quality of the accuser could be upgraded from green to blue.

The system said, wishful thinking! Do you think you have not done enough good things? !

Xiao Ming was a little frustrated that he could not realize his wishful thinking.

"Very good." Bai Yulin, who suddenly appeared, expressed his appreciation for the growth of the accuser.

"The accuser, you are indeed gifted. This is the first time I have seen someone promoted to the level of an intermediate skeleton master in one go."

There are fewer polite words in the Undead Clan. Xiao Ming also has to follow the local customs: "Thank you for the compliment, President. Tsk, I didn't know I had such a talent."

As he spoke, Xiao Ming noticed that the surrounding environment was different. The breath of death was much stronger than that of the Ashes City. Where did he go?

He quickly used the map scan, but after scanning a large circle, he still saw desert areas. There was no clue.

Xiao Ming simply scanned hard and finally roughly confirmed his position. He should be inside the Sahara Desert now.

And there is no shadow of the Ash City around. But he saw a portal a little further away.

Xiao Ming is 80% sure that his group of undead came from the portal.

And when he was scanning mentally, he found many beings with strong mental power from afar. I don’t know if they are old monsters of the undead race.

Xiao Ming is so cowardly. If he feels something is wrong from afar, his mental scan will avoid these powerful beings.

In the end, he was even restricted and couldn’t go out. If you don’t want to offend these big guys, you can’t scan the periphery anymore.

Of course, there are some places that don’t have any strong mental protection, but there are barriers like barriers. The scan can’t go deep into the shielded area.

He was able to find himself in North Africa on the adventure map because there were some gaps when scanning to the north, allowing Xiao Ming’s mental power to go out. He saw the Mediterranean Sea.

Of course, that’s it. There is another powerful person in the Mediterranean Sea. And there is a warning in the mental power. Xiao Ming naturally stopped there.

Although the informant had been lying on the carriage for three days. The convoy had not yet reached its destination. There was nothing in the team for the informant to teleport strategically.

Although Bai Yulin had a high status, he was an NPC who could not go to the strategic map, so he naturally did not have such a teleportation treasure with him.

So the informant could only continue to follow the convoy. However, Bai Yulin also found a job for the informant.

The new skill [Intermediate Skeleton Army Development] still needs to be mastered. So Bai Yulin asked the informant to practice with the Chamber of Commerce's Level 1 troops.

All consumption must be borne by the informant. Bai Yulin will pay a certain reward to each troop that the informant successfully develops. Failures will not be pursued.

The higher the success rate, the higher the reward. ——Win-win.

Huang Xiaoming temporarily handed this task to the intelligent program. He moved to Zhang Xiaoliang to feed the light spirit for a while.

Xiao Ming vaguely felt that feeding the light spirit should be a very important thing.

Around 4 pm on June 30. Tan Guangwen finally gathered enough minions and opened the secret realm of [Harry Potter] together with Zhang Xiaoming.

[Harry Potter and the Vanishing Chamber of Secrets]: This mission is limited to seven days. Players who complete the mission will be eligible to enter the Harry Potter World.

There are two conditions for completing the mission. 1. Players must learn at least one magic in 7 days. 2. Survive 7 days.

In addition, the game system did not explain more to the players. We will explain it here briefly.

First of all, the Harry Potter World has been opened a long time ago, but the progress of the world did not start from the first movie in the Harry Potter series.

It was opened at the time point after the end of the second movie. This is similar to the Marvel World.

Because game creators need a suitable entry point to create a level to test players.

The New York War and the Vanishing Chamber of Secrets are the first entry points and the first levels of these two worlds respectively.

If the players who enter the big world advance the plot, then they may push the entry point to the second or third one...

However, on the one hand, the game is still open for a short time; on the other hand, the players are busy exploring and are unwilling to advance the plot.

So the plot of the big world will be stuck here for a long time.

Let's talk about the setting of this test level. The player's identity is an ordinary assistant who enters Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as an apprentice. Simply put, it is a servant.

If the player can pass the test. Then he can stay in Hogwarts for a long time as an assistant.

This wonderful magic world has endless things waiting for players to explore.

But those two conditions are not for decoration.

Learning magic within seven days is by no means an easy thing to do. It depends on the player's talent.

And the condition of surviving for 7 days is even more difficult. Within this week, the protagonists cannot solve the disappearing chamber of secrets.

And the basilisk in the chamber of secrets will launch frequent and fatal attacks on the players under the guidance of young Voldemort.

Originally for the so-called mudblood, that is, the offspring of wizards and ordinary people. Even Voldemort despised them.

The pure Muggle identity of the player naturally aroused Voldemort's disgust. He was not even as good as a mudblood, but he dared to touch magic. Of course, he had to kill him as soon as possible.

So the difficulty of this level is actually quite high.

In addition, this secret world has another feature. The player's character cannot be resurrected in the big world.

After the player passes the level and enters the secret world, it is not that he can sit back and relax.

In case of death, the player can no longer continue to explore. (Unless the player obtains the ability to resurrect in this world.)

If you want to enter the secret world again. You need to wait until the plot advances to the next entry point.

The player can accept the challenge again. Only after passing the test can you enter the secret world again.

It is worth mentioning that there is an exception. That is the world of Datang Shuanglong.

Not only is the test setting for entering different. The setting inside the secret realm is also different.

In this secret realm, players can be resurrected. This is very similar to the main game of Magic Planet.

And Datang Shuanglong world is running 24 hours a day. There is no time to pause.

If the player is willing and has the physical strength and energy to hold on, he can continue playing in this world.

Some big guys have little interest in magic and various supernatural energies. They will actively choose to stay in the world of The Legend of the Twin Dragons of the Tang Dynasty.

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