Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 425 Hidden Deep

Iron Man shamelessly wanted to leave a live dragon battleship for him to study.

Xiao Ming said: The dragon he subdued is his pet and partner. How could he slice it for you? ! There are several pieces of dragon corpses in New York City. If you want to study, go study the corpses.

Although Xiao Ming stuffed a lot of complete dragon corpses into Guangmingding, there will always be some that slipped through the net. Xiao Ming did not have enough time to collect all the corpses.

He did pick up some Chitauri flying vehicles. The characteristic of diligent "picking up" and managing the family has been deeply rooted in Xiao Ming.

Besides, this motorcycle-like thing can fly in the sky, how practical! This thing has piled up into a small mountain in Guangmingding.

Xiao Ming was unwilling to give it up, and Iron Man had no choice. Moreover, Iron Man's main energy should still be focused on the scepter, and the dragon is just a supplement.

Iron Man certainly did not go too far for himself. Politicians on Earth will definitely covet these dozen dragons.

The Avengers are not confident that the governments of various countries will command the dragon warships. And Xiao Ming is unlikely to obey their command.

Therefore, it is best not to put Lance and the dragons in the open. Who knows what stupid behavior these politicians will do.

This Lance Jacob is not a good person to talk to. If he is angry, the countries will be in trouble.

If all these dragons are taken to Asgard, the government will not have any trouble, but the earth will lose a large part of its space combat power.

You must know that these dozen dragon warships are the few things on earth that can fly directly into space.

After everyone's discussion, it was decided that Xiao Ming (Lance) would lurk in the depths of the ocean with the dragons. Avoid the detection of various forces on earth.

At the same time, maintain contact with the Avengers. If such a major incident occurs again, the Avengers can ask Lance for support.

However, Lance did not join the Avengers as an independent individual. In principle, he is still an accessory of Thor.

If Asgard breaks off relations with the earth, then Lance will leave the earth immediately. As for where to go, it is hard to say.

Before Lance took the dragons away, Iron Man made a suggestion (temptation) to Xiao Ming.

There are many cabins on the Chitauri dragon warships, which were originally filled with Chitauri soldiers and aircraft. Now they have all become corpses and wreckage.

Without these things, the dragon's combat effectiveness is not very strong.

It is just thick skin and solid armor, and can crash everywhere. It doesn't even have long-range attack means. The weakness is very large.

Iron Man is willing to help Xiao Ming equip flying robots in exchange for the control of several of the warships.

Xiao Ming said he would consider it. After sending away the two brothers Thor, he took the dragon warship and left New York in the chaos.

How could you expect others not to see more than a dozen dragons flying in the sky? The military, police and citizens of New York cheered enthusiastically for the dragons that were going away.

The common people saw clearly that these dragons were the heroes of this battle.

Countless people YY in their hearts, what exactly is the reason that made these alien creatures "abandon the dark and join the light"?

Could it be that they were inspired by our democracy and freedom and resolutely threw themselves into the arms of America?

Many writers began to conceive new stories, with these dragons as the protagonists. How to describe their mental journey and the grievances and hatreds in their alien life.

No matter how they are written, these dragons will be the great and glorious protagonists. They are friends of the American people and even the people of the earth.

But not everyone is kind to the dragons.

Several US military planes appeared nearby, but they were obviously hostile and kept shouting at the dragons.

Persuasion, coercion, inducement, warnings... all were not lacking, but Xiao Ming turned a deaf ear. ——No time to deal with these people.

In the end, until more than a dozen dragon warships dived into the sea, these planes did not make any substantial attacking moves.

In fact, Xiao Ming did not really put them in the deep sea. Instead, after diving deep enough and far enough, he put all the living dragons into Guangmingding.

Guangmingding can hold living things. This is what Xiao Ming discovered during the battle.

When Xiao Ming was picking up the body of the dragon, he found that he had stuffed some seriously injured but still alive Chitauri into Bright Summit.

In the main game of Magic Planet, Bright Summit cannot hold living things. Xiao Ming has never tried to hold living things in the secret realm.

I really didn't expect that it could be possible in Marvel Secret Realm. The reason is very simple.

There are too many players in the main game, and using Bright Summit to transport troops will affect the balance of the game.

But Marvel Secret Realm is different. There will not be too many players in total, and there are many tricks that can be used to transport troops in the secret realm. It doesn't matter if there is one more Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming will have fun in Marvel Secret Realm in the future.

Seeing that several hours have passed in the secret realm. Xiao Ming no longer stays and saves the file to exit.

When exiting, the system settles and rewards a universal item-[Loki's Dagger]. It is almost universal in all secret realms of Magic Planet and the main game.

The level is a level 6 weapon, which can only be used by Xiao Ming. Its power will be adjusted according to different secret realms.

Such high-level weapons are almost indestructible at this stage. With Xiao Ming's ability of [Every Second Counts], Xiao Ming can kill even a level 6 soldier.

"I told you, Xiao Ming will definitely hold on to the end." Xiao Ming just woke up from the special operations room and heard Zhao Yongmeng's loud voice.

Zhao Yong turned around and put his hands on Xiao Ming's shoulders, saying loudly: "Brother, you are really a lucky star."

What is a lucky star? Xiao Ming looked at Zhao Yongmeng innocently. Captain Zhou Bin explained:

"The mission we carried out was actually very difficult, but most of us passed it successfully this time. This has never happened before.

This guy surnamed Zhao insisted that it was your good luck. But you were indeed the last one to come out. Is there anything you need to report?"

Before Xiao Ming thought deeply, Liu Yinghong took the initiative to say:

"We just talked about it. It seems that there is a mysterious invisible reinforcement on the player side. Even the long worm flying in the sky was subdued.

Those who were not subdued were also shot down. There are many half-dead Chitauri inside. Everyone relied on picking up leaks to get 10 heads to pass the level."

As she said, her mouth was deliberately flat. "I'm the most unlucky. I picked up 8 heads, but I was accidentally killed by something. I'm so angry.

Tell me you didn't pass the test either, I don't want to be the only unlucky one."

After she said that, Xiao Ming roughly understood. It turned out that everyone was able to pass the test because he played so well.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Xiao Ming spread his hands, "Sister Yinghong, I'm sorry I can't do anything, I just passed the test by luck."

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