Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 424: Distributing the spoils

The strengthening in the game, especially in the secret realm, will not take too long. It will not really make the player feel too much pain. It's enough to get the point.

So Xiao Ming's strengthening was completed not long after. After quietly coming out of Kunlun, Xiao Ming saw Loki being beaten.

The scepter that was flashing like a big light bulb fell to the side. Naturally rushed over to get it in his hand.

He didn't care at all whether it was embarrassing to snatch things from a beautiful woman. As a result, this beautiful woman was a thorn. She pointed the gun at him.

Can Xiao Ming still be afraid of her? This is a rare opportunity to pretend to be 13.

Xiao Ming put one hand behind his back and put on a relaxed posture. He smiled and asked Black Widow: "Are you sure?"

His tone was so kind, but in the eyes of the Avengers, it was extremely dangerous.

Because two Chitauri dragon battleships were "rising" on the left and right sides behind Xiao Ming. Then they slowly moved forward, forcing the Avengers to retreat again and again.

Dozens of orc girls were standing on the dragon, all in a fighting posture.

In the back, you can vaguely see more than a dozen dragons gathering here, ready to fight if they disagree.

The real scary thing about the Chitauri is the endless reinforcements behind the time-space gate. I don't know how much strength they have behind them.

The dozen dragon warships around Xiao Ming are not that scary. As long as there is a number, they can always be eliminated.

If this matter was handled by those politicians in the United States or the black-hearted generals in the military, they would definitely find an excuse to take Xiao Ming down without hesitation.

Whether it is sliced ​​for research or something else, it is entirely up to them.

However, the Avengers are not so shameless. The appearance of these dragons and orc girls shows a major fact.

The main reason for the victory of this war was actually the unremarkable young man in front of him.

In addition, Dr. Eric Seviger also said that it was this person who destroyed the machine and closed the time-space gate.

It can be said that he played the biggest and most crucial role in this battle. Even if all the Avengers were combined, they might not be able to match him.

It was only natural for him to regard the scepter as his trophy, not to mention that he also left the Cosmic Cube-Space Stone.

For such a hero, why would they turn their swords against him for a little trophy? The Avengers would not do such a despicable thing.

So they all let down their guard. Iron Man even took off his armor-needed to replenish his energy.

The most irritable Hulk was actually the simplest. When he saw the dragon with the orc girl standing on him, he immediately sat down and ignored it.

Captain America, Iron Man, and Black Widow looked at each other for a few times. When they were thinking about how to talk.

Thor saw the dragons gathering, so he also flew in. He had known the truth for a long time, so he didn't have any hostility.

After coming in, he hugged Xiao Ming's character Lance Jacob and slapped him hard on the back.

Fortunately, Lance's body had just been strengthened, and the 5th-level advanced level could withstand Thor's fierce slaps.

"Hahaha, Lance, my friend. Well done! Thanks to you. When did you learn such magic?"

When Xiao Ming saw Thor coming, he beat his chest with one hand and bowed his head: "Greetings, Your Highness!"

Then he presented the scepter in his hand, "This scepter has the means to confuse people, please handle it properly, Your Highness."

"No problem, leave it to me." Thor took it carelessly. The Avengers who came from the earth over there suddenly felt relieved.

Compared with this unknown Lance, Thor is much easier to fool, no, it should be said that it is easier to communicate.

No wonder this guy named Lance is so powerful. It turns out that he is Thor's friend, and it seems that he is also his subordinate.

It means that he is also a member of Asgard. In short, he is also a god. It is not surprising that gods have such abilities.

The atmosphere relaxed, and the first person to rush over was Dr. Eric:

"Lance? Right. Please tell me, how did you shut down this machine? According to my research, you must use that scepter to do it. Why?"

Xiao Ming choked back all his questions with one word - "magic". The whole day was just a dead end.

Eric didn't understand magic, and Lance didn't understand science, so there was no way to discuss it.

Of course, Xiao Ming didn't know nothing about science, but he was not qualified to discuss it with these scientists.

And he was very afraid of the attitude of scientists who would get to the bottom of things and stick to you. So he just hid his incompetence.

Before, he was in Zhang Xiaoliang's body, and was harassed by that group of scientific researchers in the Emperor Galaxy. It's not too late to mend the fence after the sheep have been lost.

The New Han military has no way out, but in this secret realm, Xiao Ming will never let himself fall into that situation again.

Taking advantage of the fact that those "high and mighty" politicians have not intervened, the Avengers quickly settled the issue of the distribution of the spoils.

Thor and Lance accounted for more than 80% of the credit for the entire battle.

It was enough for the Earthlings to get the alien weapons and corpses dropped by the Chitauri in New York.

These things can greatly improve the technological level of the Earth in a few decades. They are of no use to Asgard. Just use them as a favor.

However, the evil god Loki who caused this war was also a traitor from Asgard. Thor, who was obsessed with his brother, felt embarrassed, so he exchanged the scepter for Loki.

Thor returned to Asgard with the Cosmic Cube and Loki. The scepter was left to SHIELD for research.

Xiao Ming's character Lance did not choose to go back with Thor.

To be honest, he was a little afraid to meet the God King Odin.

In Xiao Ming's opinion, Thor, with the special effects of the hammer, was a real A-level master, and was probably on par with Zhang Zhong.

And his foundation was very strong, not a master "made" like the reincarnation.

Although Zhang Zhong was also made in a sense. However, the foundation of the Zerg is the powerful fighting instinct of the Zerg. Zhang Zhong's strength is also real.

Thor is already so powerful, what kind of existence will the God King Odin be? Will he be suspected by him?

In fact, Xiao Ming was overthinking. The system must give the player a problem-free identity background. Even if he meets Odin, he will not doubt him.

However, because of his strong strength, Odin may give him some other arrangements.

The ugly daughter-in-law is a little afraid of meeting her parents-in-law. Xiao Ming decided to delay it for a while.

Anyway, Xiao Ming stayed on Earth. The excuse was that he had to be there so that the Chitauri dragon warships would not make trouble. He could only stay to calm them down.

The Avengers from Earth all agreed. Thor had no objection to this. It would be good to leave an Asgardian on Earth.

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