Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 387 624 Meeting

At about 3 pm on June 24th. Xiao Ming's two troops finally met in Xiaoyang Village.

The second fleet of the Li family of the researcher met with the Han Dong detachment of the explorer. The explorer and the researcher met again after two weeks.

It is called the 624 meeting in history. Well, in fact, only Xiao Ming himself called it that. What is there to commemorate when a big account meets a small account?

The explorer has not left Xiaoyang Village. On the one hand, he is busy with the job transfer and strengthening of Han Dong's troops, and on the other hand, he is waiting for the arrival of the researcher.

Xiao Ming fought all the way here, relying on his current high cultivation level and various abilities, and overturned many low-level group monsters and monster nests.

And all of them were fought with their own private troops, and the army with 50,000 command power was not used at all.

The 50,000 command power here is just an approximate number. The command power of each large ship is slightly different, all around 10,000.

In summary, the general leader of the Li family's second fleet should actually be around 55,000. The driller only recruited 50,000, leaving some vacancies for future surrenders. You know, the driller has a professional talent for diplomacy.

Unfortunately, the troops they have been fighting against are stronger than their own, and such troops will not surrender.

Only monsters with lower combat power than the driller's troops are likely to surrender. Those that the driller has fought against are definitely not acceptable.

There are also some large monster nests. Through mental scanning, it can be known that the military strength inside is more than several thousand, and even tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands.

Can this be called a monster nest? It's basically a force! Even the second fleet may not be able to afford to provoke those who are too strong.

Xiao Ming guessed that there must be something strange, and it is also likely to be the place where many tasks are issued or settled.

There are also some forces that have clearly displayed their flags, including Mao Wenlong, who is stationed in Pi Island by the Ming Dynasty.

Of course, the scanned map will only show that this is the force of the Ming Dynasty. The name of the hero cannot be distinguished.

However, facing these forces, the researcher did not contact any of them for the time being. It was important to meet with the explorers first. He was about to sail far away, so there was no need to alert the enemy.

If he caused trouble, he would just walk away, and Xiaoyang Village would probably be affected.

What Xiao Ming did not know was that he and Mao Wenlong were actually afraid of both ends.

Mao Wenlong's military strength was at its peak, far exceeding the researcher's fleet. But the largest ship in his navy was only a medium-sized ship, and he would still be terrified when facing the large ships of the researcher.

Mao Wenlong also had eyes and ears in Xinluo, so he naturally knew that this was the Li family's second fleet. But Mao Wenlong had a deeper understanding of the situation in the Ming Dynasty.

He did not think that there would be such a strong naval force in the Ming Dynasty. So he was worried that external forces would intervene and use the Li family pirates as a springboard to get a share of the pie in East Asia. So he was very wary of the second fleet.

After all, the Li family was named after pirates, and if they really turned against each other, Mao Wenlong would be helpless.

Besides, Li Huamei, the rising star, had never had any dealings with him, so both sides deliberately avoided each other.

Within the Ming Dynasty, Mao Wenlong was considered to be diligent. The Ming navy in Dengzhou, Laizhou and other places had no idea about this.

When he set out from Xinluo Port, the researcher was just a rookie with adventure level 2 level 0, strategic level 0 level 5, and primary admiral skin level 1.

After two days, after more than ten "weak wins strong" battles, the researcher was no longer the same when 625 met.

Due to the increase in personal strength, Xiao Ming's character now dares to stand on the front line, and he has also charged into the battle alone many times, beheaded the generals and captured the flag. He gained a lot of adventure experience.

On the adventure map, the researcher's pirate puppet was also favored by the elves of Tanshan City. This puppet is undoubtedly more suitable for naval battles. So an additional order was placed.

Making puppets also gave the researcher a lot of experience. So at this time, the researcher's adventure level rose to level 2 level 3.

As a professional who has already reached level 2, it is very fast to grow 3 levels in 2 days.

Because of many big battles, the strategic level of the researcher has risen rapidly, and now it is level 12 from level 0.

Strategic power +1, strategic knowledge +2; number of troops +1; obtain a new professional talent, elementary navigation. The combat effectiveness has been greatly improved

In terms of admiral experience, the professional has never led the entire fleet to fight as an admiral. There is not much experience gained in this regard.

But the map scanning is too strong, not only the targets on the water are clear at a glance, but also the undercurrents and reefs under the water are clearly visible.

So the second fleet sailed very smoothly. This is undoubtedly a plus.

In addition, the current admiral skin level is too low, and it is easier to upgrade, so the elementary pirate skin has been upgraded to level 2.

The attributes of the level 2 skin have doubled, and the current attributes are: naval strategic attack +2; naval strategic defense +2; maritime mobility +20%; command +200.

This makes Xiao Ming very excited, the identity of admiral is really awesome. My primary pirate skin has been strengthened by two levels of energy.

The upper limit of the level has been raised from level 10 to level 30. If it is at the maximum level, this attribute is too abnormal.

It is not difficult to upgrade the primary pirate skin, so the system limits the upper limit of the level to 10, just because it does not want the players with the admiral status to be too powerful.

According to the normal game procedure, other players have reached the maximum level of skin, but they still have to waste a long time at the primary admiral stage.

Xiao Ming will probably have already touched the edge of the intermediate pirate skin when the primary pirate skin is far from the full level.

But when you meet a guy like Xiao Ming who even has to give face to the reincarnation space. The game system will not be too restrictive, and even hopes that Xiao Ming will use more source energy in the game.

Xiao Ming's big backer, the nine-tailed fox, also has a very high status in the game system. The background is also very good.

The first thing after the meeting, the explorer took the researcher and his subordinates to Pingnan City to learn magic.

Pingnan City has now built a 3rd-level magic tower. The 4th-level magic tower is not that Xiao Ming does not want to build, but that the deceased does not meet the conditions and cannot be built.

The 4th-level strategic magic is extremely powerful. So it cannot be spread at will. It is very difficult to learn the 4th-level strategic magic. Xiao Ming does not even know what the prerequisites are now.

The researcher spent time in the magic tower in Pingnan City and learned all 6 magics:

Level 1 magic: Stoneskin, Slowness, Body Shield; Level 2 magic: Death Ripple, Quicksand Trap; Level 3 magic: Soul Gathering Magic.

Among them, the body shield can reduce the melee damage suffered by the own troops;

Quicksand Trap can randomly place 4 quicksand traps on the battlefield. The trap will restrict the enemy who stepped on it, making it unable to move for a period of time. Just the random placement is very luck-dependent.

The Soul Gathering Magic can revive the creatures of the own undead tribe. This magic is not very useful for the researcher.

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