Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 386 The enemy is strong and I am weak?

The drillers were not without casualties. The dwarf and Xingyilang in the front were both wearing mental shields, so they would not be killed.

But the enemy still had more than a dozen level 3, level 20 water archers. Although there were not many of them, they were divided into two teams.

However, their damage and attack were high, and with their concentrated firepower, Xiao Ming would often lose a level 1 pirate puppet because he had no time to repair it.

If they continued to kill each other, even if the drillers won, it would be a miserable victory.

In theory, since the enemy's ranged troops were small, they should focus their fire to kill the water archers first.

But it was useless to do so. The water archers were standing relatively far back, and the hit rate would be halved again when shooting at such a far target.

Moreover, they were level 3, level 20, with higher defense and more life. Being at home, they recovered faster.

The ranged ability of these level 1 puppets under the drillers was really not good. Even with the drillers' level 3 magic chain fireballs, it was not enough.

One reason is that the magic power of the researcher is too low and the damage is limited; another reason is that the water element is too resistant to fire magic.

Moreover, the magic damage and the physical damage of the puppet always randomly hit different individuals and will not be superimposed at all.

Xiao Ming tried for a few minutes, but he couldn't kill any of them. He had to focus on shooting the nearby water elements.

Wouldn't it be a heavy loss if this continued? !

Xiao Ming suddenly had an idea and remembered a game novel he had seen before.

The protagonist used healing magic on his subordinates while the enemy hit his subordinates. As long as the time difference is small enough, the lives of his subordinates can be saved.

It's worth a try, so Xiao Ming aimed at the arrow of the water element and used puppet repair on this unit while hitting his own troops.

As expected, the life of the puppet was saved. (This sentence is so strange.)

And because Xiao Ming now has a clearer understanding of time and a deeper understanding. So Xiao Ming can time very accurately.

Some people may wonder why puppet repair is used instead of mental shield. Isn't the Spirit Shield stronger?

This involves the game's setting for battles on the strategic map.

As mentioned earlier: When a team is attacked by another enemy team, the damage will be randomly concentrated on any soldier in the team.

If this soldier is killed, the remaining damage will randomly select another soldier until the last soldier is only injured but not killed.

It depends entirely on luck which one will be killed randomly. So Xiao Ming doesn't know which puppet to add the Spirit Shield to. The probability of guessing is too low.

It's different to use puppet repair. Puppet repair is used for the entire army, and it will automatically find the injured puppet for repair.

Unless there are many injured puppets, this skill will not be random. It will definitely repair the puppet that was hit. Naturally, the life of this puppet can be saved.

Some people may also question why Xiao Ming doesn't rush to the enemy's rear team again, and then kill those long-range archers in a race against time to solve the problem?

It needs to be explained here that the location of this battle is inside the wreckage of those medium-sized ships.

If the researcher jumps higher, he will hit the ceiling, and he can't fly.

Of course, it's not impossible to fly over there. Let yourself stand higher, turn Nezha into wings, and glide over.

But now Xiao Ming still wants to test his combat command ability. Therefore, it is worth suffering a little loss.

Although they are all cheats, there is always a difference between more and less. If Xiao Ming doesn't limit himself, he will have no chance to practice battlefield command. When the cheat doesn't work in the future, won't he be in a hurry?

So every time Xiao Ming fights, if possible, he will let the battle be in a stalemate for a period of time to exercise his command ability.

It's good to be able to research one more tactic. Like this time, didn't Xiao Ming learn the skills of on-site rescue?

When Xiao Ming found that his tactics could ensure that his side would not die again. And as long as he kept grinding, he could always grind these water elements to death.

He stopped procrastinating. Instead, he began to think about how to end the battle quickly.

The main game of Magic Planet has a very good feature, it can almost recognize and accept any kind of supernatural energy.

Basically, as long as the player can use it in reality, it can basically be realized in the game. ——It is really worthy of being the training base (one) of the reincarnation.

Just like Xiao Ming's source energy. 90% of the beginners of various supernatural energies do not have much energy.

In this way, they will be like Xiao Ming at the beginning, cherishing energy very much and not willing to use it.

Therefore, there is a lack of practice, and the energy limit will not increase. So they cherish energy more and it is more difficult to grow. Finally, a vicious circle is formed.

In the game, to achieve the same effect, the supernatural energy required is only a fraction of that in reality, or even less. Players can naturally practice boldly.

Of course, this is a secret, and only people in the circle know it. Most players have to rely on themselves to understand it.

Xiao Ming knew this a long time ago. At this time, Xiao Ming needs to consider which abilities to use to save time and effort to end this battle.

My command power is full, so I shouldn't use Z-series puppetry or death harvest.

It's not that I can't use it, but it's too wasteful. The new recruits cannot join the army of the researchers, and they can only be disbanded after the war.

Using the Mars virus will poison your own dwarves, and it may not be able to poison the elemental creatures; if you fight every second, it's too hard to kill three hundred water elements by yourself;

Lushan Shenglongba? It's still my own fault; Sword control, Ten Thousand Swords? It's not much easier;

Summon the uniform shadow clones and alien beasts, and you should be able to win, right?

But it's also very tiring. The uniform shadow clones of the beast girl series, as well as the aliens, are only level three.

They are similar to the level of water elements, and their strength can be much stronger than water elements. Summoning a hundred or so will greatly increase your strength. It is indeed easier to win this battle.

Xiao Ming is a one-man army, so it's not a problem to defeat this enemy. The real question is how to save the most effort. The answer is - self-destruction.

Of course, it is not the role of the researcher who self-destructs, but to create a bunch of shadow clones to rush into the center of the water element's army, and then collectively self-destruct. Blow him up.

... This is the first time that Xiao Ming uses self-destruction on a large scale. The effect is remarkable.

Half of the water elements in close combat were killed by the collective explosion of hundreds of hidden clones; the other half were seriously injured.

Iron-blooded Nezha and Hot-blooded Nezha transformed into hundreds of small metal swords, and Xiao Ming performed the Ten Thousand Swords Technique.

After a storm of sword blades, the close combat water elements were killed and wounded.

The few water element archers who were alive in the distance were now powerless and could only silently wait for the judgment of fate...

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