Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 383 Divine Power Blow

"Xiaoxiaoer wants to see Dada, whether to come out or not, it's up to you."

The message from his sister was directly delivered to Xiaoming in the game, and Xiaoming had to quickly glance at the last function.

6. Divine Art. [Divine Power Strike]: Level 1 divine art, only available to temple managers/divers. Consume 1,000 points of faith in the temple to launch a divine attack on a single entity. Cause 1,000 points of divine power damage, which cannot be offset by physical defense or magic defense. Damage to evil creatures +100%, damage to non-aquatic creatures +50%.

This divine art is one of the killers in the temple system.

Divine art is not an ability that the player can master, but an ability that the gods lend to the player. The effects are just the same. It is equivalent to the system opening a cheat for the player.

However, Xiaoming has no time to sigh. His son wants to find him, so no matter how big the matter is, he has to put it aside temporarily. Xiaoming hurriedly quit the game and entered Guangmingding to play with Xiaoxiaoer.

This kind of thing has happened frequently since returning to Pangu Star. Xiao Xiao'er not only sticks to Yin Xiaoming, but also to Lu Xiaoming.

Xiao Xiao'er's body shape is special, so it is not suitable for him to show up on Pangu Star. He is not afraid of being seen when he appears in Chiyou Star System.

Unfortunately, it is not possible for the time being. Xiao Xiao'er cannot live without air. Therefore, before the Insect King builds a nest and a life support system, Xiao Xiao'er cannot appear in space.

Lu Xiaoming has to visit Xiao Xiao'er in Guangmingding from time to time.

Xiao Xiao'er needs Xiao Jing'er to go there in person and leave a message for Yin Xiaoming in the game cabin.

But summoning Lu Xiaoming is simple. There is no surveillance in Chiyou Star System. Just tell the tree demon Xiao Lu, and Xiao Lu will stretch out the branch and pass the message.

In order to keep the information smooth, the butler clone beside Lu Xiaoming is always there.

Calling the two big guys to play together is a new way of playing invented by Xiao Xiao'er after returning to Pangu Star.

In the Xianjian world, Yin Xiaoming cannot enter the Demon Locking Tower, and Lu Xiaoming cannot leave. The two Xiao Mings never appear in the same frame. Xiao Xiaoer never has this opportunity.

After leaving the reincarnation space, there are no restrictions in this regard. On the first day, Silver Xiao Ming and Green Xiao Ming accompanied Xiao Xiaoer in Guangmingding together.

As a result, this little guy developed such a bad habit. He always wants to play with the two big guys.

And Xiao Xiao's favorite project is: the two big guys become three heads and six arms, and then fight for him to watch. This stinky boy thinks Xiao Ming is an actor.

The duel between six-arm swordsmanship and six-arm swordsmanship. It looks sparking and quite exciting, but it is actually very boring.

Xiao Ming is not an old naughty boy, and he can fight with himself. Xiao Ming fights with himself, which feels super boring.

o(一へ一+)o But my son likes to watch, what can I do. I had to do my best to chop each other, and I also had to strive to make the fight look good and bring out the old. It really consumed a lot of Xiao Ming's brain cells. His acting skills have also improved.

In this case, you usually have to play with Xiaoxiaoer for an hour before you are allowed to go back to work.

In the past few days, the explorer has been busy on the strategic map, occasionally teleporting back to the adventure map to trade goods.

The deceased continued archaeology in the new abandoned map. Digging out the ruins of various buildings from the soil and repairing them with source energy. Trying to restore the vitality of the map.

In addition to trading, the diver is mainly busy practicing forging technology. He often has to be a bodyguard for Emily and the children, sending them to play with the ancient giant octopus.

The Z-series puppetry studied in the reincarnation world can use almost any material to make mechanical people. This skill has also been recognized by the game system.

The diver ran to the giant octopus and showed off his Z-series puppetry.

These mechanical people obviously aroused the interest of the octopus boss. Without saying a word, he took away all the ownership.

The puppets on land are clumsy and not very flexible on the seabed. In order to have more fun, this boss actually created a space without any sea water.

It's like an underwater zoo. Put the mechanical man there to play, and play in all kinds of ways.

Z-series puppets were originally used for combat, but the octopus boss has this kind of heaven-defying means. He directly wiped out the combat intelligence of the puppet and replaced it with funny intelligence.

Such a novel environment without sea water, and a zoo with so many stupid mechanical men.

Naturally, it aroused the strong interest of the children of the sea tribe. They ran in to play for a while from time to time. Although the sea tribe must survive in the sea, it is not a big problem to leave the water for a short period of time.

And there is sea water next to it. If it feels dry, run into the water to moisten it and breathe. They can run back to the zoo to play. The interest is very high.

This also gave Xiao Ming a new idea. Who said that puppets can only be used for combat? They can also be used for playing.

If others want to modify the intelligence of the puppet, they probably need to reach the terrible level of the octopus boss to do it.

But Xiao Ming can program. He thought that he should be able to make a non-combat puppet mechanical man with his own ability. So Xiao Ming spent most of his time on this.

The researcher led the fleet and arrived at Xiaoyang Village on the afternoon of the second day after setting sail.

According to the distance, it would not take that long. However, the researcher's sea chart came from the Li Family Pirates and the Kuhn Chamber of Commerce. The interior of the Bohai Sea is a blind spot.

The area around Tianjin Sanwei is actually a very important dock, but the water transportation here mainly goes through the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.

Due to the Ming Dynasty's policy, sea transportation has not been able to develop. Therefore, the interior of Bohai Sea is still an undeveloped area in terms of sea transportation. (Game setting)

Therefore, the fleet of the researcher also sailed in the dark. It wasted some time.

In addition, the scattered resources in the near sea and on the route have long been picked up by the heroes of various forces. However, there are not many heroes who come to explore the deep sea and areas far from the route.

Many hard bones that cannot be chewed are left here. There are haunted ghost ships and sunken ships; there are abandoned ships occupied by water elements; and there are sea areas occupied by water monsters...

In fact, these were originally left for players, but for the time being, players can only drive small boats and sail in the near sea and on the safe routes that have been opened. They can't go to these special places at all. Once a small ship deviates from the route, its durability will begin to drop.

At least after having a medium-sized ship, players are qualified to explore unknown waters.

Now these undeveloped virgin lands have naturally become the food for the powerful fleet of the Researchers.

A hero with a few hundred command strengths may not be able to defeat them, but an admiral with a command strength of more than 50,000 is invincible in this area.

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