Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 270: Insect Human

Xiao Ming actually did an experiment a long time ago. He wanted to see if he could use source energy to improve his mental power, but the result was no, he couldn't even find the corresponding "blue bar".

The source of mental power was beyond Xiao Ming's understanding, it should be something from the depths of the soul. Such a mysterious thing, even source energy cannot be directly converted.

I didn't expect that this time, the possession of the Zerg would give Xiao Ming such a big surprise.

Facing the situation within the Zerg, Xiao Ming's biggest advantage is that no bug can control him. He can completely form a Zerg tribe of his own.

To do this, he also needs to leave this territory that already belongs to other 6th-level Zergs and find an unowned land in the fog.

This can be arranged slowly. Xiao Ming must first learn some skills.

The Zerg's mental power ocean, of course, is not just to give the new Zerg mental power. It also teaches the new Zerg some usable mental skills.

And Xiao Ming's 6th-level advanced mental power can really learn a lot of very powerful skills.

However, the Zerg also has limitations in this regard. A Zerg unit can learn at most the same number of skills as its own mental power level.

That is to say, Xiao Ming can only learn 6 mental power skills. And the mental power ocean is not a computer. Xiao Ming can find all the skills he can learn by clicking search.

He must use mental power to travel in this ocean and try his luck. Only when he encounters a skill can he learn a skill.

Low-level Zergs are easy to deal with. They can only learn a few skills by themselves, and such low-level skills are very easy to learn in the mental sea.

High-level Zergs are much simpler than Xiao Ming, because they are limited by their body genes and not every skill can be learned.

So the skill library of the mental sea is only partially open to them, so that they have a much greater chance of encountering suitable skills.

But in Xiao Ming's case, his genes have no restrictions on him, and all Zerg skills can be learned. Xiao Ming is a little more picky and always wants to see more before making a decision.

Therefore, his learning process is much longer than that of other Zergs.

Because Zergs cannot change skills after learning them, unless they advance to a higher level, they can learn one more. So Xiao Ming thinks it is worth being more picky.

There is no need to learn mental power skills all at once. As long as he hasn't learned all the skills, Xiao Ming can come to the spiritual sea to search at any time.

We'll talk about this kind of luck-based thing later, let's take a look at what other characteristics the King of Zerg has.

The chimera ants and aliens bring some special abilities to the King of Zerg. Mainly genetic.

The Zerg itself has a queen who is responsible for laying eggs. Note that the queen is not the supreme leader of the Zerg, they are only responsible for laying eggs.

Of course, their own qualities are also top-notch, otherwise how can they give birth to powerful offspring. There are no so-called males in the Zerg, and there is no such thing as mating between the sexes.

The way the queen lays eggs is actually similar to that of the alien or chimera ants. It will also seize the genetic information of other organisms to transform and strengthen the new eggs.

However, this Zerg in the Chiyou galaxy has evolved for a long time, and there is no new genetic information worth learning from in this universe.

Aren't humans outsiders? Did the arrival of the New Han Kingdom's space army provide new genetic information for the Zerg?

This really hasn't happened. The Zerg has already obtained the genetic information of humans. Xiao Ming will know these later.

Because the genetic methods of the Zerg, Chimera Ants, and Aliens have something in common, the three can be successfully integrated.

They can't tell who absorbed whom, but in the end they were all absorbed and integrated by Xiao Ming.

Only then did the Zerg King, who is neither a Zerg nor a human, come into being. This is a brand new race, which Xiao Ming calls the Zerg Man.

Zerg Man also has no gender characteristics, and the continuation of the tribe is a comprehensive way of playing.

The Zerg King is responsible for laying eggs. When the tribe expands to a certain extent, the Zerg King will produce an Zerg King egg, which will hatch and establish his own tribe.

If the original Zerg King dies unexpectedly, his subordinates will automatically belong to the tribe of other nearby Zerg Kings.

But if there are no other Zerg Kings within a certain range, one of his subordinates will be transformed into a temporary Zerg King. Produce Zerg King eggs and continue the tribe.

The Zerg King's egg-laying method is the same as that of Xiao Hei before. They all spit eggs out of their mouths.

However, there is no limit on the number of eggs. If Xiao Ming wants, no one will care if he lays 100 million eggs.

The body of the Zerg King can store hundreds of biological genetic information, and each egg will be given 1-3 kinds of information.

The Zerg that emerges after the eggs hatch will have the characteristics of those 1-3 creatures. If they are in a sheltered area, they can also be blessed by the Zerg Spiritual Sea.

In the eyes of the Zerg Spiritual Sea, the Zerg Human is just a mutant branch of the Zerg.

The appearance characteristics of this branch: most of them are humanoid, with red, black and brown bone armor, and a long tail with a straw.

The way the Zerg King absorbs nutrients and genetic information has changed. The previous Xiao Hei ate with his mouth. Now the tip of the tail of the Zerg King has a retractable straw.

It has strong penetrating power and can penetrate into the body of other creatures, sucking the other party's flesh and energy until the other party is sucked into a mummy, and then dust returns to dust, turning into dust and blown away by the wind.

It seems that the original indestructible back molars of the alien have been transferred to the tail. The Bug King no longer has any back teeth in his mouth.

Of course, the King of Insects can still eat normally, and can taste all kinds of flavors. Xiao Ming can't give up even delicious food. That's why he has to use his tail instead of eating raw meat and drinking blood.

The newborn insect man is a space race. The tail of the insect man has the ability to spray in any direction, and the body of the insect man can also adapt to the environment of space.

Of course, his flying speed in space is relatively ordinary, roughly equivalent to the small aircraft of the New Han Kingdom.

*** The current image of the King of Insects is very similar to Cell in Dragon Ball. It's just that the bone armor on his body is still black. ***

Of course, Xiao Ming's mind beast clone Xiao Hei still exists, and the ability of this mind beast clone has not changed at all.

The real situation should be said that Xiao Ming used source energy to transform an incompletely formed body of the insect race according to the characteristics of the chimera ant and the alien learned in the game. The magic modification gave rise to a freak like the King of Insects.

After the King of Insects was hatched, Xiao Ming's possession was naturally a complete success. Xiao Ming's two bodies also established an instant connection.

In fact, it is Xiao Ming's two souls, controlling his two bodies in two universes at the same time.

If Xiao Ming wants, the two souls can of course take turns playing between the two bodies. But it doesn't make much sense.

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