Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 269: Mental Power Soars

Two days later, at noon on Sunday, June 19, the egg in which Green Xiaoming was located hatched. Or rather, Green Xiaoming took the initiative to break out of the egg.

But what hatched out was not a squid worm, but a worm man about 1.8 meters tall.

It roughly looked like a humanoid creature. If you look closely, there are many differences from humans.

This person has a long tail, and his body is covered with bone armor mixed with red, black and brown. He also has a bone crown like a helmet on his head.

There is a shadow of Xiaoming between his eyebrows, but he is more ferocious than Xiaoming. After all, he is a "mixed blood".

The whole situation was actually a bit beyond Xiaoming's expectations. He picked up a big bargain for nothing.

Xiaoming has never forgotten about this insect egg, and he has already made plans.

Xiao Ming first obtained the mind beast clone - the Alien Lord in the secret realm of the Alien vs. Iron Warrior;

The clone then merged the genes of the Chimera Ant in the Hunter's secret realm and evolved into the mind beast clone - the Chimera Alien Queen;

At that time, Xiao Ming thought that when the insect egg of the Chiyou galaxy was about to hatch, he would definitely come over to let the Alien Queen merge with the insect egg and absorb new genetic information.

So in the past two days, Green Xiao Ming has been trying to fuse the Alien Queen with the insect egg. Silver Xiao Ming would also come to help frequently.

On the one hand, it is the super power of the dual source energy, and on the other hand, the Zerg, Aliens and Chimera Ants of the Chiyou galaxy have many common characteristics.

So after two days, Xiao Ming really figured out this fusion. For this newly born fusion, Xiao Ming calls it the King of the Insect Man.

The most important change is that the King of the Insect Man is no longer a mind beast, but a flesh and blood body.

It is the product of the fusion of multiple characteristics of humans, Zerg, Chimera Ant, and Alien. This body has become one of Xiao Ming's permanent bodies.

The status of the King of Zergmen and Zhang Xiaoming's original body is on par. It is much higher than the clone Xiao Ming②, the clone Zhang Xiaoliang, the genetically modified Xiao Ming③, etc.

Because this body only accepts Xiao Ming's own soul. Unlike those clones, it can not be driven by intelligent programs or some hackers.

The King of Zergmen roughly maintains the appearance of humans, which is of course due to the obsession of Xiao Ming, a human.

The King of Zergmen can use almost all of Xiao Ming's abilities, and some of his abilities are several times stronger than Xiao Ming's original body. Because the flesh and blood of this body come from the Zerg.

The Zerg not only gave the King of Zergmen a strong physical quality; it also gave him a strong mental power.

This is determined by the characteristics of the Zerg itself. As a race in space, the Zerg's physical strength is unquestionable.

Although the Zerg in the Chiyou galaxy is weaker, the genetic information of the Zerg contains the powerful characteristics of their ancestors.

The squid worm itself is an individual that can fight against the small spaceships of the New Han Space Army.

It would be great if it could merge with the bodies of more advanced Zerg. The squid worm is almost the bottom of the Zerg.

The inheritance of the Zerg's spiritual power is more interesting. Two days ago, when Xiao Ming first came to the worm egg, the huge spiritual power he felt was not the spiritual power of any individual Zerg.

At first, Xiao Ming thought it was the spiritual power of the Zerg queen. Later, he learned that it was the collective spiritual power ocean of the Zerg.

According to the soul strength of each new Zerg, the spiritual power ocean will give it different strengths of spiritual power.

The Zerg usually rely on this spiritual power ocean to communicate with each other. One of the carriers of this spiritual power ocean is the brown fog covering the entire interior of the Chiyou galaxy.

The New Han Kingdom calls it the sheltered zone. The fog is actually part of the Zerg. Or the Zerg is actually the child of the fog.

Just like the creatures on Pangu Star, they can actually be called the children of some primitive organic soup on Pangu Star billions of years ago.

Zerg is really a race where heroes don't ask where they come from. Even the lowest level Zerg, as long as the soul is strong, will get strong mental power.

And the different levels of mental power determine the status of each Zerg. Zerg with high status can naturally command Zerg with low status.

How to say Xiao Ming's soul strength? Not as good as the best, but better than the worst. Although the Zerg's spiritual power ocean is awesome, it is not yet able to see the source energy deep in Xiao Ming's soul.

Of course, Xiao Ming's soul strength is definitely not weak. Even if Silver Xiao Ming and Green Xiao Ming are counted separately, each is at least more than twice that of ordinary humans, which is much higher than ordinary Zerg.

Low-level Zerg like squid worms, its soul level is far worse than that of ordinary people. But its mental power is by no means inferior to that of an ordinary human.

When Green Xiaoming found that the spiritual power ocean would nourish his spiritual power, Silver Xiaoming, who was still playing games at the time, immediately put down what he was doing and came to share the benefits.

Both Silver Xiaoming and Green Xiaoming were recognized by the Zerg spiritual power ocean. Even though he was a humanoid creature, the Zerg recognized that Xiaoming belonged to the Zerg.

Therefore, the spiritual power of Xiaoming's two souls both received sufficient "nutrition", and each of them increased several times.

Although Xiaoming obtained the spiritual power of the Zerg, he also inherited certain knowledge. But the Zerg itself has no language, and they communicate through spiritual power.

In the communication of spiritual power, "this" is this, and it is enough to understand the spirit. Both sides can understand it.

But if it is changed to language, which one is "this"? Who knows what this means!

If Xiao Ming wants to express himself, he needs to name many things of the Zerg. Xiao Ming uses rank and level to give the individual status of the Zerg, and sorts them according to the level of mental power.

Silver Xiao Ming is probably in the position of 5th level senior, and Green Xiao Ming can be ranked at about 6th level junior. When the two are together, 1+1\u003e2. They can be ranked at 6th level senior.

In the Zerg, the rank difference is quite serious. The high-level Zerg can directly command the low-level Zerg, and the low-level Zerg basically must execute it, even if it means sending them to death.

The level difference is not so serious. The high-level Zerg of the same level cannot directly command the low-level Zerg, which can only be regarded as "suggestions".

Of course, generally speaking, as long as the suggestion is not too outrageous, the low-level Zerg will still comply.

But these are ineffective for Xiao Ming. Even if it is an order from a high-level Zerg, Xiao Ming will definitely not comply as long as he feels it is inappropriate.

Of course, not accepting orders also has a price. Xiao Ming basically cannot move an inch in the Zerg. The mental power ocean will gradually exclude Xiao Ming.

But for the time being, Xiao Ming has no worries in this regard. Because in the spiritual sea, the highest level of Zerg still active is level 6.

It seems that there are level 7 or even higher, but they seem to be in a state of confinement and cannot give orders to the Zerg.

This is also quite interesting. Maybe there is some conspiracy or inside story behind it.

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