Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1665 The next mission is more difficult

But this is not a big deal. Isn't it just that the Devil's Fish Palace is still short of twelve believers? How difficult is this!

The diver had just used the "Phantom Demon Emperor Fist" to control a group of sea puppets and transferred them to the Manta Fish Palace, and everything was settled.

The system prompts the player that the third ring red legendary mission [The Glory of the Seven Generals of the Sea] is completed. The results are excellent.

The diver received 20,000 microcosms, and the other six sea generals received 7,000 microcosms. At the same time, divers receive 14 cornerstones of the Temple of Poseidon, King of the Sea.

It's no wonder that this task only took half a day from receipt to completion. Can the result be bad? ! The reason for getting these rewards is because the reward limit for this task is only so much.

It would be great if it was the kind of mission that has no upper limit on rewards, so you can earn more. But the system will not easily arrange tasks that do not have a reward upper limit. Prevent players from using crooked ways to gain rewards.

In any case, this small universe's income is really great. The diver’s small universe reached 71,000. He is about to reach the standard of a Golden Saint.

If the 7 naval generals belong to different players, then each player's mission is only orange epic level, and the small universe reward received is not even one-seventh of this reward. That's blood loss!

Because these rewards actually come from Poseidon, the King of the Sea. It is equivalent to God distributing his huge small universe to his loyal subordinates.

Even though Poseidon has just been resurrected, the amount of the small universe is theoretically very small. But he is the main god of Olympus after all, and even his half-dead little universe is incomparable to even the Golden Saints. It's nothing to separate out this little.

Neptune even hopes that someone will get this reward and get more small universes from himself. This means that there are powerful warriors among his followers. Of course the boss is happy.

There may be a war with other gods in the future, and having powerful sea warriors under his command is also a guarantee of victory in the war.

Therefore, the fourth ring mission of the diver is still a red legendary mission with the same name - [Glory of the Seven Generals of the Sea 2].

The mission requirements are as follows: 1. Temple upgrade, all seven generals’ palaces will be upgraded to intermediate temples;

2. Spread the branches, each naval general must find a location to build three primary Poseidon temples of his own, at least one of which must be built outside the underwater temple;

3. Recruit believers. The number of believers in each navy palace must reach 1,000, and each branch temple must have at least 100 believers.

4. Recruit sea warriors. Each palace has at least 3 regular sea warriors and 10 miscellaneous sea warriors. There is no limit to branch temples.

Although the missions in the fourth ring are also at the legendary level, their difficulty is obviously much higher than that in the third ring. Because they are the same tasks.

If the player completes the third ring mission normally, then he has accumulated a large number of believers and sea warriors. It is not difficult to further develop on this basis and meet the requirements.

It's just that the diver did not perform the task normally, but pushed forward forcefully and completed the third ring task. It lacks a mass base and is a bit difficult to handle.

Of these requirements, the first has actually been achieved. Because when Xiao Ming built the Palace of General 7, he directly built an intermediate temple.

The second one is not difficult, just find a few places to build branch temples.

Even the fourth item is not difficult. It just requires the Alien Queen to work harder and reproduce more offspring. I believe she still wants it.

Only the third one is too difficult. The difficulty remains the Arctic and Southern Oceans. In the oceans controlled by several other naval generals, the population of the sea tribe is very prosperous, and it is easy to gather the number of believers.

But what about the Arctic and Southern Oceans? Even 100 believers are so difficult to gather. Now they need to get at least 1,300 followers. Isn't this a scam? !

Fortunately, the diver has the unique skill "Phantom Demon King Fist". When there are too many believers in other palaces and Wuyang Wuyang in the future, just control some of them and transfer to Liang Bingyang's palace.

However, this is definitely not something that can be accomplished in the short term. It is best to wait for a while to allow the number of believers in the underwater temple to expand. Use your strength at that time and get twice the result with half the effort.

If you want to have many believers, the most important thing is that there must be enough temples. Especially building a temple outside the underwater temple can attract more believers of the sea tribe or believers of other races.

So you can do some branching and spreading things first. Xiao Ming built two primary temples for sea warriors next to each sea general's palace to relieve the pressure on the palace.

After all, all the believers crowded into the palace to pray, and Xiao Ming himself felt very noisy.

General Hai's palace should be a relatively sacred place and cannot tolerate such a mess. Let's all rush to the primary temple.

There are also 7 Temples of Poseidon that need to be built on the adventure map or strategic map. The diver went to the strategic map first, because Xiao Ming's power on the strategic map was relatively strong.

And you don’t need to build the temple only on the diver’s site, it can also be built on the sites of several other characters.

Of course, it should be noted that the temple of the Poseidon is best built on an island or in a coastal area.

In addition, it is estimated that Athena and Odin will also ask believers to build temples in the future, and try to avoid conflicts in the early stage.

The underwater temple is currently developing well and the situation is good. Xiao Ming feels that it seems unnecessary to bring in the Naga tribe so early. Don't build the Poseidon Temple in Graystone Town for now. Don't rush to change the job of the sea tribe subordinates. Let's see the situation first.

So, taking various considerations into consideration, Xiao Ming built 7 primary Poseidon temples in the following places. They are managed by the puppet sea tribe that has been controlled by the diver.

1-3, the island cities controlled by Han Dong under the explorer - Xiaoyang Village, Xiaoliu Village, Xiaoxiang Village.

4, the island city of Diaoyucheng, the base camp of the Li family pirates under the command of Li Huamei, the eldest sister of the researcher.

5, the port city at the junction of East Asia and Southeast Asia under the command of the diver - Manila.

6, the port city at the junction of Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean under the command of the diver - Amman.

7, the island city in the funnel lake of the main island of Japan under the command of the deceased - Jiuguicheng.

Although there are many indigenous Indian villages in North America that have joined the researchers and the dead.

But in order to avoid the powerful maritime forces of Western colonists, these villages are far away from the coastal areas. It is not suitable to build the temple of Poseidon.

In the future, we can consider building the temple of Odin or Athena there. We will see the situation at that time.

21 primary temples consumed 21 cornerstones of the Poseidon Temple of the dead. Now there are still about 20 left, so there is no need to worry about running out.

After all, they will not be used in the short term. Over time, the 7 sea generals can bring 7 temple cornerstones to the divers every month. As long as Xiao Ming does not waste time, it is basically enough. Now the divers just have to wait for the believers to continue to increase.

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