Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1664 Alien Sea Warrior

It has to be said that the sea people have a strong ability to accept. Seeing several hideous aliens floating and diving on the palaces of various sea generals and patrolling in all directions, the sea people neither felt strange nor scared. Even some young sea people would follow the aliens everywhere, and they were really brave.

There are three reasons. First, although the aliens look ugly and scary, that is for humans. There are too many sea people who look stranger and scarier than the aliens when they come to the bottom of the sea. The appearance of the aliens is actually considered to be able to fight in the sea.

Second, these aliens are all wearing scale clothes. Most of them are scale clothes of miscellaneous soldiers, and a few are scale clothes of regular sea warriors. The sea people near the underwater temple are all believers of Poseidon. They know that those wearing scale clothes are sea warriors, and sea warriors are believers of Poseidon, so they are naturally not afraid.

Third, these aliens also have some characteristics of sea people in terms of body shape. For example, some aliens' hind legs have become fish tails; some aliens have webbed feet; some aliens have tentacles. This is caused by different parasitic hosts.

Because Xiao Ming feels that in his summoning cube, although the 5th-level alien queen and the 4th-level alien warriors can move and fight freely in the sea, they seem to be more suitable for the Nordic Fairy Palace on the ground.

There are a lot of prey in the sea anyway, so it would be better to let the alien queen breed a new batch of alien warriors with sea tribes as hosts.

Do it as you think of it. It didn't take much time for Xiao Ming to get more than 40 sea tribe alien warriors and open up a small universe for them to become sea warriors.

The cube contains 4th-level alien warriors because these warriors come from the secret realm of "Hunter x Hunter". The hosts Xiao Ming chose are all strong soldiers among the chimera ants. Because of good nutrition, they all reached 4th level.

And this time in the underwater temple, the queen is giving birth in large numbers. No excellent hosts were deliberately selected, so many 3rd-level aliens appeared. Even ordinary aliens have level 3, which meets the conditions of becoming a sea warrior.

Each of the palaces of the 7 generals under the sea is filled with 5 alien warriors, and Xiao Hei's mermaid palace is also assigned 3 to support the scene.

Now the task is basically completed, and we just need to wait for the sea believers to pile up the number of believers in each palace to 100. The third ring of the task is also completed.

Taking this opportunity, the diver and Lao B merged, and while mastering Garlon's three tricks "Galaxy Star Explosion", "Illusion Demon Emperor Fist" and "Golden Triangle Dimension", they waited for the task to be automatically completed.

As a result, I played for a long time but couldn't wait for the news. During this period, the diver had subdued several miscellaneous sea warriors and many believers with ulterior motives with the "Illusion Demon Emperor Fist".

Although these guys have ulterior motives, they are not targeting Poseidon, the sea emperor, but the diver and several other aliens.

After all, there are many sea people, and there are only a few people including the diver and the aliens. But just a few guys actually occupied all the high positions in the Undersea Temple. Of course, other sea creatures would be envious and jealous.

For some ambitious sea believers, divers and aliens are obstacles, and they must be eliminated as soon as possible. After all, they also want to become the spokesperson of the Sea King in the world.

Xiao Ming was alert because of the incident of King Langya just two days ago. So he would scan the believers of the Undersea Temple from time to time to avoid players who were hostile to him from sneaking in.

As a result, hostile players were not found, but many hostile NPCs were found. It is true that there are all kinds of birds in a big forest. When there are many people, there are more right and wrong.

This principle still applies to the seabed. It is not surprising that among the thousands of sea believers, there are some guys with ulterior motives.

Xiao Ming is too lazy to pay attention to those who are simply ambitious. After all, ambition is a good thing. It can promote their strength and increase the power of the Undersea Temple, and then increase their own power in disguise.

But some sea creatures do not intend to compete fairly. They have already planned to use conspiracy and tricks to frame the divers and others. These guys can't be tolerated.

Xiao Ming just used them to practice the "Illusionary Demon King Fist". They were temporarily hypnotized and turned into his puppets.

Since there were no tasks for them for the time being, Xiao Ming simply used them repeatedly to practice. As a result of many hits, many sea creatures were completely brainwashed and became loyal subordinates of the divers. And Xiao Ming himself also learned this fist. Very lucky.

Unfortunately, on the other hand, he was not so lucky. He waited for a long time but failed to complete the task. This made Xiao Ming feel a little incredible.

These days, sea believers are still pouring into the underwater temple, and the number is about to exceed 10,000.

There are palaces that don't even have 100 believers. Isn't this a bit unreasonable?

Xiao Ming opened the data given by the game system to check which palace didn't have enough believers.

It turned out that most palaces already have four-digit believers. Relatively speaking, only the Sea Fantasy Beast Palace in the Southern Ocean and the Manta Palace in the Arctic Ocean have fewer believers.

Because these two oceans are frozen all year round, the number of sea creatures is far less than that of other oceans, and the number of believers is naturally much less.

The Southern Ocean is a little better, with 113 believers there, which meets the requirement. But the Arctic Ocean has only 88 believers, and this is the result of the 5 aliens.

Why are there fewer believers coming from the Arctic Ocean? The reason is that the great god Odin has resurrected and the Nordic Asgard has also descended to the world. The time is a little earlier than the underwater temple.

In Northern Europe, some sea tribes also believe in Odin, and some even believe in both Odin and Poseidon. This has caused a diversion in faith.

Some potential sea tribe believers have felt the small universe of Odin first, and they are on their way to the Nordic Fairy Palace.

Some people may ask, isn't the Nordic Fairy Palace deep in the Scandinavian Mountains? How can sea tribe believers get there?

Don't forget that there is a huge lake in the Nordic Fairy Palace, and the bottom of this lake is actually connected to the Arctic Ocean. So Odin will always have a small number of sea tribe believers.

This is also the case in the Greek sanctuary. In the Mediterranean, especially in the Aegean Sea, many sea tribes believe in Athena and Poseidon at the same time, or even only believe in Athena.

This is called the county magistrate is not as good as the current one. In fact, Hades, the god of the underworld, has a greater influence. Regardless of geographical factors, there are believers all over the world, both on land and under the sea.

It's just that most of the guys who believe in Hades can't go to the underworld for pilgrimage, unless they die one day.

In other words, Xiao Ming must bear this responsibility himself. After all, it was his own character explorer who resurrected Odin. It's hard to describe the feeling of having screwed himself...

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