Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1636 Still no mission?

() "Hehe, I finally found it!" Deep in the palace of Hades, in an inconspicuous corridor, the deceased was overjoyed in front of a mirror.

Before, he spent a lot of money to repair the palace complex of Hades in the Judah Ring. Although he got a good reward, he did not get the next task. The legendary task chain is still stuck.

Xiao Ming thought about it and decided to give up temporarily. Hundreds of millions of gold coins have been spent, but there is still no movement. It is probably the so-called "time is not right".

In fact, there is no need to worry about it. The other three characters are also worth developing. Why should I keep hanging on the tree of Pluto? !

Unexpectedly, just when Xiao Ming decided to switch roles, he suddenly felt a whim. There seemed to be a strange feeling coming from Hades' palace.

He quickly released his mental power and telekinesis and carefully scanned the palace... Unexpectedly, after scanning inside and outside three times, he did not find any abnormalities.

Xiao Ming thought for a while and decided to try harder. So he walked around the palace with his own feet without using his superpowers to see what was strange inside the palace.

As expected, after wandering around for more than 2 hours, the accuser was finally attracted by a mirror in the corridor that was about one meter tall.

This mirror looked no different from other mirrors. The material was not outstanding, and the style was not novel. It was just an ordinary floor-to-ceiling mirror. There were at least 8,000 such mirrors in the palace complex. It was really ordinary.

The reason why it made Xiao Ming stop was because when the accuser walked in front of this mirror. The corner of his eye suddenly swept - the image in the mirror changed, suddenly changed. There was no sign at all.

Xiao Ming quickly looked closely and saw that the mirror was no longer showing his reflection, but a city shrouded in sunset.

What is this? TV, projector, video recorder? No! None of them. This mirror has actually become a space door. The image in the mirror is another space.

Fortunately, Xiao Ming was quite familiar with the feeling of the space door and recognized it at a glance.

Even if this abnormal phenomenon occurred, the system was still silent and did not give any prompts to the informant.

"Hehe, no prompt, I will treat this as an adventure?! Can you still eat me?!"

The informant sneered, walked into the mirror with small steps. He hoped that the world in the mirror would bring him surprises.

Unfortunately, it didn't. It should be said that it didn't surprise Xiao Ming at the beginning.

The informant just walked into a small town, and the mental scan told him that there was only this European-style town in this space, and there was no other place.

There are about a few thousand men, women, old and young in the town, all of whom are civilians, and there is no one with outstanding combat power.

The strongest are the dozen militiamen in the town, none of whom are at level 3. It seems that this incident does not seem to have much to do with the battle, and Xiao Ming is a little confused now.

What he is least afraid of is the tasks related to the battle. With his strength, he can definitely deal with the opponents at this stage. But if you encounter a puzzle or wits-based task, you're screwed. You've been hit in the sore spot!

In frustration, Xiao Ming suddenly felt a sense of déjà vu. Isn't this the feeling when he played stand-alone games in the past?

The plot is stuck, and players must find NPCs everywhere to ask questions and run around the city to find clues. No matter how good their characters are, it's useless. Sometimes they have to endure the NPC's anger.

Didn't I have fun playing back then? Unless it's absolutely necessary, I will never look up strategies online.

Haha, in fact, Xiao Ming is not so stubborn. In his opinion, if he doesn't find clues in 2 or 3 days, it's a last resort. Hurry up and check the strategy.

What's wrong with me now? Since when did I only use violence to solve problems? I'm not that kind of person! This is a problem and needs to be treated!

Realizing his problem, Xiao Ming was no longer in a hurry. He sorted out his mood, turned off all kinds of investigation methods, and strolled around the town leisurely.

He went wherever he went, approached people and chatted with them. When he saw a shop that was not closed, he went in to take a look and chatted with the owner. He looked indifferent.

Although it was late and the pedestrians in the town were in a hurry to go home, everyone was still very polite. No one was annoyed by the interruption of the informant, and they were all willing to stop and chat. The folk customs are really simple.

Xiao Ming probably forgot. At this time, the informant was wearing Pandora's clothes and looked very handsome. It was obvious that he was not an ordinary person.

With this look, others would certainly be willing to talk to him; even if they didn't want to, they didn't dare to pay attention to him. It really had nothing to do with the folk customs.

While walking on the bluestone road, a child suddenly rushed out of the alley and bumped into the informant.

Xiao Ming reacted very quickly. Although he didn't notice the child in advance, when he bumped into him, Xiao Ming reacted instantly.

This is Pandora's clothing with a defense of 20,000. Don't hurt the child. The informant lowered his hands and quickly supported the child's shoulders.

Fortunately, the child was holding a baby in his arms. If he hadn't supported him, he would have fallen and crushed the baby.

The informant squatted down and held the child steady. When he looked closely, he found that he was a handsome little boy.

He had thick eyebrows, big eyes, flowing hair, and his eyes and hair were blue like the sea, quite handsome.

The child found that he had bumped into someone, and was supported by the other person. He quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, sir, I accidentally bumped into you. I really didn't mean to, I just...ah!"

While he was talking, he confirmed that the baby in his arms was fine, then raised his head and saw the appearance of the accuser, and was suddenly frightened.

"You! You, you... You are the devil's subordinate! I will never allow you to take my brother away! I will beat you to death!"

The child actually shouted without saying anything, and punched the accuser...

What is going on? ! Xiao Ming didn't even know this child, but he was mistaken.

Okay, okay, forget it, what's the point of arguing with a child, he can't hurt himself. But this seems to be a clue, and I should be able to find some clues if I follow it.

The accuser was still thinking this, and suddenly, a phantom of a young man flashed behind the child, and also punched him.

That person looked very similar to the child. Could it be that he was his brother or father, using some kind of projection trick to protect the child?

His attack was not fake. Before the trick came, the deceased felt a strong wind blowing in his face, and a loud roar came into his ears - "Phoenix Wings Flying!"

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