Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1635: Catering to his preferences

It really took Xiao Ming a lot of effort to repair the palaces of the 36 Tiangangxing Hades Warriors, and it took until the afternoon of November 23 to complete it.

In fact, traveling back and forth in the underworld and repairing temples and other tasks did not take much time. The real time-consuming thing was "alchemy".

Xiao Ming could indeed use alchemy to directly produce a large amount of gold coins and precious resources, but this could not be done in an instant. The quantity was too large.

Look at the super-large palace complex of the three giants. The cost of restoring each palace was no less than 30 or 50 million gold coins, and various resources also cost hundreds. It cost Xiao Ming more than 1 billion to complete all 36 palaces.

1 billion is just a number, but do you know how big this number is? Let's put it this way, 31 years is about 1 billion seconds.

So, it took only 40 hours to refine so many gold coins and transform so many resources. Xiao Ming's actions were actually quite fast.

As the accuser restored the large palace complex of Tianjianxing·Ferryman on the banks of the Styx, the 17th ring [Basically restore the order of the underworld] mission was also completed with excellent results.

A red legendary mission also rewarded the accuser with 30,000 small universes, 2 Pandora soul fragments, and 10 Hades Temple cornerstones.

There are almost piles of Hades Temple cornerstones. Although Xiao Ming does not plan to expand the temple of Hades for the time being, it is still useful to keep it.

In the future, when he controls Hades and there is no old ghost taking advantage of him behind his back, he can use the temple cornerstone freely.

Looking at the number of small universes on the attribute panel of the accuser, which is as high as 366,300, Xiao Ming couldn't help but feel proud.

Not only for the accuser's happiness. Think about the other three characters. If their luck is not particularly bad, they can probably get the status of God's spokesperson. They should also have small universes comparable to the accuser.

As long as they also support those powerful holy clothes, their strength and status will be greatly improved, and more and more interesting tasks will be triggered.

Although Xiao Ming likes to play games, he doesn't like to intrigue with players. He prefers to explore the story plots made by the game creators, as well as some fun easter eggs.

For example, the plot of the Saint Seiya series that was suddenly excavated in the main game is very interesting. Xiao Ming has had a lot of fun these days.

The only thing that is not beautiful is that the task chain of reporting the dead seems to have stagnated? ! The 17th ring task has been completed, but the system has not issued the 18th ring task. I don't know if the conditions have not been met yet? Or has the hidden task been set off but not told?

Xiao Ming thought for a long time, and according to the characteristics of Hades, he only found a little clue, and he didn't know if it could be established.

Judging from the task of building a temple for the Hades warriors of Tiangang Star, Lord Hades attaches great importance to money, or to the scene. For believers who are willing to spend money on him, he is not stingy with rewards.

Then let's spend money on him again. Thinking like this, Xiao Ming activated the teleportation function of Pandora's Hades Cloth and teleported from the Heavenly Star Palace to Hades Palace in Judah Ring.

That's right! The Hades Cloth given to Hades Warriors by Lord Hades has many magical functions. Being able to teleport in the underworld is just one of them.

Because the underworld is so vast and boundless, sometimes you really can't rely on your legs to travel. The Hades Cloth provides this function, and it is also a last resort.

Different levels of Hades Cloth have different ranges of teleportation. The Pandora's Cloth worn by the deceased allows him to teleport almost anywhere in the underworld. Of course, the farther the distance, the more microcosms are consumed for teleportation.

In addition, when Hades Warriors come to the earth, the Hades Cloth can also play a stealth effect. Let Hades Warriors hide their bodies and sneak attack the enemy silently. Quite practical.

Teleporting back to Judah Ring, Xiao Ming's purpose is very simple, which is to renovate Hades' palace.

The super-large palace complexes of the three giants have all been restored to their former glory. Even the palaces of ordinary Tiangang stars look much more advanced than Hades' palace.

This is a bit confusing. I guess Hades might be envious and jealous.

If I can repair his palace and coax him well, maybe I can send out the next round of tasks.

Anyway, Xiao Ming can mint coins by himself now, and Hades has given him so many temple cornerstones. We are not short of money.

As expected, the initial repair of the palace complex of Judah Ring consumed 16 temple cornerstones, hundreds of millions of gold coins, and thousands of various resources.

After it was done, it was naturally a red legendary hidden task. Hades not only added 20,000 small universes to the dead, but also rewarded a [Death God's Underworld Clothes].

This time, the player was not asked to choose one from the Underworld Clothes of the God of Sleep and the God of Death, but was directly given the Death God's Underworld Clothes. Anyway, there is no difference in status between these two, so there is no need to choose.

The Death God's Undergarment is the undergarment worn by one of the twin gods under Lord Hades, the Death God Thanatos. Level 8 suit, vitality and strength +100,000; attack power and defense power +50,000; consumes 5,000 points of microcosm per minute.

This seems to be a promotion for the accuser. For the Death God's Undergarment, the system restrictions are relatively loose. The accuser can wear it himself or let others wear it.

If the person who tells the dead wears it and gets the approval of Hades, he will give up his position as the commander-in-chief of Hades warriors and strive for the position of the god of death. It is equivalent to a promotion. If you let others wear it, you will give the opportunity away.

There is a big difference between the god of death and Pandora's clothes. Pandora in the original book has almost no special fighting skills. Like Hilda, she relies on her strong little universe to fight the enemy.

This has been improved in the game. The system allows the person who tells the dead to exchange various tricks by completing tasks. The tricks of the 108 Hades warriors can all be exchanged. Ensure that the commander-in-chief of Hades warriors has the ability to protect himself.

The god of death, Thanatos, is the thug of Hades himself. He has his own unique fighting skills. The wearer of the god of death can learn these tricks by exchanging.

Of course, even Pandora's clothes have tricks, and the god of death clothes are definitely no exception. Even when the wearer exchanges skills, he has allowed the god of death to secretly erode him.

The wearer can use the Death God's special moves for a period of time, but in the near future, he is likely to dedicate his body to Lord Thanatos. It's just a "fair trade".

In addition, like Pandora's Cloth, the Death God Cloth will also issue a series of tasks to the wearer. The rewards will naturally be mixed with the soul fragments of Thanatos.

ε=(ο`*)))Alas, the underworld is probably just this old routine. You never get tired of playing it, but it never fails.

If it weren't for Xiao Ming, a weirdo, the characters of normal players would probably be played around by Hades until they die.

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