Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1615 Sea Prince's Palace

Although the original style of the Sea Prince Scale Cloth is for humans to wear, this kind of equipment that is almost like a divine weapon can change with the change of the player's character.

The diver is a four-armed Naga, so the scales not only add a pair of arm armor, but also a pair of shields. In addition, the lower body of the scales is also changed to fit the Naga tail, instead of the human bipedal walking mode.

Since there are many races in the Magic Planet game, these scales, Hades Cloth, Saint Cloth, God Fighting Cloth... and other equipment can change with the wearer.

Not to mention this kind of high-end goods, even the blank suits in the store cannot have only one size and only correspond to one race, right? ! This feature is universal. It's just that the high-end suits are more adaptable.

Wearing the Sea Prince Scale Cloth, the diver quickly went to his defense zone-the Indian Ocean Pillar and built the Sea Prince Palace (Poseidon Intermediate Temple). The function is the same as the other three.

Although the diver's defense zone is the Indian Ocean Pillar, theoretically, this pillar cannot really be placed under the Indian Ocean. That's incredible.

After all, the seven pillars of the Temple of Poseidon are spread across the five oceans of the world. If they are all under the oceans they protect, they can all be connected to the Temple of Poseidon. This is physically impossible. They are too far apart. The Southern Ocean and the Arctic Ocean both run through the earth, right?

Therefore, the underwater temple of the Sea King is more like being in a special underwater space, connected to the seven defense zones of the five oceans through some magical powers.

With the example of the great god Odin, Xiao Ming also has a similar plan for the development of Poseidon's forces. He plans to bring the Naga forces and Poseidon together.

This matter still needs to be cautious. He should first pull his good friends and followers, such as the mermaid Emily, the little octopus brother Ba Bibat, the electric eel son Brian and other sea creatures into the ranks of sea warriors. Especially the group of sea children in Graystone Town.

Of course, there is no rush for this matter. The diver plans to stay here for a while and wait and see if there are any sea creatures who will come to surrender voluntarily. Xiao Ming went to "resurrect" Hades first.

Three gods had been resurrected, so there was no need to send anyone to Athens. Xiao Ming controlled the dead to climb Mount Lycabettus.

In the main game of Magic Planet, there used to be a Hades Temple on this mountain. After the temple was ruined, some soulless undead soldiers wandered in the mountain, causing the mountain to be full of ghosts. Most locals and tourists would not come here to play.

However, there will always be people who like to hunt for novelties, not to mention that there is also the profession of necromancer in the game, and there are many undead species, all of which are accepted by the system. The city of Athens must also allow their existence.

So these undead people would come from all over Europe to "worship the mountain", hoping to win the favor of Lord Hades and reward him with some artifacts and strong soldiers! Even if not, teaching a trick or two is better than nothing.

Unfortunately, because these guys did not master the microcosm, they could not get a response from Hades. Over time, the older generation of the dead gradually stopped coming.

Occasionally, some new dead wizards would not believe in evil. Especially those apprentices, they always felt that they were favored by the goddess of luck.

Others could not do it, but they could do it! So they came to Athens from a long distance, but returned home unhappy.

Some of them were particularly "stubborn" and even lived in Mount Lycabettus. They simply did not leave.

Over time, these dead tribes and dead wizards actually gathered in large numbers, and they could exchange some experiences of dead magic with each other. Even Mount Lycabettus became one of the gathering places for European dead wizards.

Of course, this was the former territory of the goddess Athena after all, and there were not many dead souls living here for a long time. There were only about a hundred.

Moreover, the Athens City Government and the high-level officials of the Byzantine Empire would definitely not allow the dead wizards to build a wizard tower. Therefore, the ranks of the undead who live here are not very high.

During the process of climbing the mountain, the dead can often see the residences of some necromancers. Necromancers are relatively lonely and mostly live alone. Occasionally, there will be two or three necromancers who become neighbors, and they are probably good friends with each other.

Perhaps partly due to the ruins of the Hades Temple, or because of the gathering of so many necromancers, it is obvious that the breath of death in Mount Lycabettus is a little stronger.

Just this point is enough to "dissuade" many other races who want to come here to play; at the same time, it will also attract some frustrated undead.

Most of the undead turned a blind eye to the dead who climbed the mountain. The 4th-level necromancers are indeed the most suitable group to "immigrate" here.

But due to the character of the undead, most of them will not take the initiative to talk to him. It was not until Xiao Ming reached the halfway point of the mountain that he met a guy who took the initiative to talk to him.

This person claimed to be from the famous family of the necromancer world - the Sandro family. He opened an alchemy item store halfway up the mountain. The main trade is things related to the Undead; it also functions as a tavern.

He took the initiative to call the dead, of course, to attract business. The Undead who can be a businessman will always be more "lively".

"My friend the Undead wizard, take a break. Our bones can't stand the tossing. The mountain is still very high. Let's have a drink and take a rest. ... It doesn't matter if you are not tired. There are all kinds of things in Sandro's shop that you will definitely use. They are absolutely good value for money..."

Seeing the informer of the dead walk past him without saying a word and without looking back, he finally stopped talking until he could no longer see his back.

Xiao Ming's behavior seemed a bit unkind, but in fact, he was following the local customs. Because the undead are not human beings! They don't have the habit of greeting each other like humans.

The informer of the dead has no interest in drinking or buying things, so not talking is the most normal reaction of a necromancer. Talking too much will attract unnecessary attention. Xiao Ming's acting skills are explosive!

However, even so, the 4th-level Sandro seemed to pay attention to the informer of the dead, and arranged two 3rd-level ghosts to follow the informer of the dead from a distance.

Anyway, the troops under his command are idle anyway, so it is most appropriate to send them out for reconnaissance.

Ghost troops can fly and are not affected by terrain; they can pass through some not-so-thick obstacles; they also have a certain chance to dodge the enemy's physical attacks;

The most powerful thing is that ghosts can automatically restore vitality at regular intervals. This is an ability that other troops do not have. It should be safe to follow a 4th level necromancer.

If he is discovered and attacked, he can just turn around and run. After all, the deceased is an outsider. How dare he bully the local snake? Sandro feels that he has nothing to fear.

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