Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1614 Poseidon's Resurrection

"Are you sure you want to give up the purple master-level mission - buy 100 units of high-grade steel?"

Just after taking over the diver, Xiao Ming found that this game character actually "carried" a purple master-level mission.

There are indeed more than 100 units of high-grade steel in the warehouse, and it is unknown which intelligent program bought it from where. As long as these materials are delivered, the mission is completed.

As long as the purple master-level mission is completed, I believe the experience reward will be considerable. At least it will not be a problem to let the diver upgrade 1 or 2 levels.

But now the diver is level 3 and level 4. Once it is upgraded to level 5, its adventure attribute will be improved according to the growth rate of level 3 Naga.

That's a loss! You know, as long as the first combat profession is converted to a sea warrior, the growth rate will increase significantly. If it is upgraded to level 5 before that, the attribute will be improved according to the original growth rate, which is too uneconomical.

Therefore, although the master-level mission is rare, although the mission items are already in the warehouse, and the high rewards are at hand, Xiao Ming still resolutely gave up the mission.

I kept laughing in my heart: I'm so lucky, just a little bit away...

It's a pity to give up the master-level task. However, the diver is about to receive the golden myth-level hidden task group, the red legendary-level hidden task chain, and the orange epic-level task. I don't want the purple task. I don't want it.

There is no need to say more about the specific details. With the reminder of Odin's "Embassy" Temple, Xiao Ming knows how to go through the process.

As long as you find the teleportation array in the ruins of the Temple of Poseidon, you can go directly to the real underwater temple. This is real good luck.

If you really only get a coordinate and don't find the abandoned teleportation array, the diver will have to drive the boat around the world to search, and I don't know how many risks he will experience on the way!

Of course, according to the standards of the game system, the difficulty of repairing the teleportation array and then teleporting to the underwater temple is about the same as searching all over the world. So there is no discount on the reward.

However, repairing and starting the teleportation array is many times easier for Xiao Ming. This is also his personal unique cheat, which other players can't envy.

Even players can't imagine that at the time when mainstream players have just entered the 4th level, some people have already opened the mid-to-late stage top-level task group.

In the original work of "Saint Seiya", the Sea Warriors and Hades Warriors are actually humans. They were chosen by the Scale Clothes and Hades Clothes to become warriors of the Sea Emperor Poseidon.

The difference is that the Hades Clothes naturally have the ability inheritance of 108 magic stars, and do not need to be strong; the Scale Clothes need to choose more suitable warriors.

In the main game of Magic Planet, there is no need to copy the original work.

The sea tribes under the sea are so prosperous, who is more suitable to be a sea warrior than them! Poseidon would be wrong if he didn't think so.

So as a Naga diver, he has received more favor from Poseidon's remaining microcosm. If he chooses to go to the ruins of a palace of a certain sea general, he may be allowed to get part of the inheritance in advance.

But the diver didn't do this. Because his current situation is very special, if he really does this, he may be promoted to level 5 in a row. He doesn't even want to level up now.

So Xiao Ming rushed to the statue of Poseidon and spent a lot of microcosm to "awaken" the Sea King. It was about 80% of the microcosm used to awaken the goddess Athena.

The Sea Warrior successfully integrated into the first combat profession of the Diver; obtained the title of [First Follower of Poseidon]; the task chain was also accepted, the rewards were also received, and other changes that should be changed were also changed.

The most important gain was naturally the scale clothing that could be comparable to the golden saint clothing. Under the guidance of the Force, Xiao Ming chose [Sea Prince Scale Cloth] for the Diver.

The magical thing is that this scale clothing should have been paired with a divine golden gun, which is the weapon of the Sea General who guards the Indian Ocean Pillar. It is extremely sharp and can raise strong airflows through the air to injure the enemy.

Because the Diver is a four-armed Naga, the scale clothing has not only an extra pair of arm armor, but also two square shields added to the pair of arms. It is undoubtedly to enhance defense.

But these alone are not enough to make Xiao Ming look at the Sea Prince Scale Cloth with new eyes. When he saw the list of abilities that could be exchanged, he suddenly realized why his intuition made him choose this scaled garment.

[Seven Chakras]: It is the rotating energy center in the body in Tantric Buddhism. It gathers huge and mysterious natural energy around the body to form an invisible energy wall.

Unless the seven "wheels" of the chakra are destroyed, this energy wall cannot be destroyed. Almost absolute defense. This is one of the killers of the Sea Prince.

It takes 10,000 points of microcosm to activate the seven chakra skill, and it is consumed at a rate of 500 points per minute. It is completely immune to attacks below level 7. Unless it is an attack on the "seat".

This skill originated from the theory of three channels and seven wheels in Indian yoga theory. This school did not adopt the theory of the eight meridians of the Chinese people.

The three channels refer to the three main personality forces formed by the flow of life energy in our body. Abbreviation: left channel, right channel, and middle channel.

The left channel is also called the Yin channel or the moon channel, which corresponds to the past, drowsiness, sensibility and superego, and also controls the power of desire.

The right meridian, also known as the Yang meridian or the solar meridian, corresponds to the future, rational logic, domination and self, and also controls the power of action.

The central channel is located in the middle of the spine, corresponding to the present moment, evolution, and spiritual ascension. This is the channel for humans to unite with the spiritual power of the universe.

The seven chakras refer to the seven main energy inlets and outlets of our human energy system. They are arranged from bottom to top along the central axis of the human body, namely:

1 root chakra (innocence chakra), 2 abdominal chakra (true knowledge chakra), 3 navel chakra (right path chakra), 3 illusion sea (space), 4 heart chakra (benevolence chakra), 5 throat chakra (great harmony chakra), 6 forehead chakra (forgiveness chakra), 7 crown chakra (self-awareness chakra). Just by listening to the names, you can probably know which part of the human body the seven chakras correspond to.

The so-called "chakra" actually has another name called "chakra". It has the same name as the energy of Naruto, so magical.

In fact, it is very simple to put it bluntly. The authors of two different works have borrowed the same thing. One uses the name, and the other uses the meaning.

Although the defense of the seven chakra skills is strong. In fact, it is not that attractive to Xiao Ming. The reason why intuition leads Xiao Ming to choose the scales of the sea prince and choose to learn this move.

It's just because this skill has a little in common with [Heavenly Dance Wheel] in theory. For me, the Seven Chakras are more superficial.

Familiarity with this skill will help Xiao Ming to understand the Heavenly Dance Wheel better. That is the real ultimate move. Shaka is the man closest to God!

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