Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1590: Strange Guardian Spiritual Beast

When the egg-in-the-pot ceremony was carried out to the fourth prince, things took a magical turn.

Although Chelidonich was pretending to be a piece of wood, the "pot" did not detect it. Because he copied the other party's DNA, he naturally conformed to the identity of the royal family of the Cajun Empire.

However, the soul inside the body belongs to classmate Xiao Ming. Xiao Ming controlled too many territories and races.

Kuafu’s underworld belongs to the underworld and cannot be counted. However, Xiao Ming controls a small plane of the demon world and a big sword plane in the private world "Yu Yu Hakusho".

These territories, people and subordinates are all included in the "pot". It even includes Xiao Ming’s forces in various secret realms in the two major games.

Xiao Ming estimates that forces from different sources will definitely not use the same algorithm. The proportions of the real world and the secret realm of the game are definitely different.

Some are bigger, some are smaller. Unfortunately, "pot" will not tell Xiao Ming the specific calculation formula. It may not even know it itself, it's just a vague estimate.

The Great Sword Plane has just been conquered and has been ravaged by demons for a long time. The population is actually not large, and the impact is not very big.

However, the plane jointly occupied by the three tribes of humans, gods, and insects in the demon world is different. The area is much larger than that of the Kajin Empire.

Although the human residents inside are still very limited, there are quite a lot of monster residents. These common people are also recognized by "pot".

Not to mention the large number of experts under Xiao Ming, who have a greater role in promoting the assessment of national strength.

Furthermore, this is a force from the real world, so it should be more "calculating" than the forces in the game, right?

"Hu" used its relatively rigid "program" to weigh it a little and decisively chose the side of the fourth prince played by Mu Mu.

According to Xiao Ming's personal situation, a very weird guardian spirit beast - [Gate] was given to him. This is actually a magical spiritual beast, but it has not yet demonstrated its strength.

Then there is no more, the egg in the pot ritual is such a trap. It will provide the host with a guardian spirit beast, but it will not provide instructions. The host needs to discover the usefulness of spirit beasts themselves.

Xiao Ming played with the "door"-shaped spirit beast for two days, but failed to discover its true function. On December 7th, he was captured by Rainbow Bridge.

Of course, in addition to the "Hunter" secret realm, Xiao Ming also randomly visited several other secret realms with different partners. Unfortunately, there is nothing good to say about them, and there is no need to talk about them in particular.

Let’s focus on the main game of Magic Planet. After more than a month, the main game finally entered a new stage - the level 4 player stage.

The main game of Magic Planet draws on the characteristics of online games, and it is definitely getting slower and slower to upgrade.

For a mainstream professional player, it usually takes 1 to 2 days to upgrade from level 0 to level 1; it takes about 7-10 days to upgrade from level 1 to level 2; it takes 4-6 weeks to upgrade from level 2 to level 3; and it takes about 4-6 weeks to upgrade from level 3 to level 3. At level 4, one quarter is probably enough.

The advancement time for top players will be shortened due to the help they can get from other players. However, the higher the level, the harder it is to shorten the time. There are too many variables.

The Magic Planet game was launched from June 6th to December 7th, exactly half a year has passed. In fact, mainstream players should have entered level 4 as early as mid-October.

The reason why the time was delayed for several months, and it was not until mid-to-late November that we entered level 4, was all due to internal friction among players.

When the game just started, the time from level 0 to level 3 was relatively short. Mainstream players were all trying their best to upgrade and were too lazy to fight with other players.

Moreover, there is no point in fighting each other at this time. It is difficult to stop the opponents, and it will also delay your own progress. So don't bother too much.

But after reaching level 3, it is impossible for players to continue to coexist peacefully for a few months.

Everyone has already had enough of it, so they waited until level 3 to have a big fight with their opponents! Therefore, during the period after level 3, the main game has been relatively chaotic.

Players are busy forming guilds, competing with each other, and fighting fiercely. Sometimes, many players fight purely for the sake of fighting.

As a result, many players in the early stage were stuck at level 3 and level 0 for a long time because they died too many times.

After fighting each other for a long time, everyone realized that they couldn't continue fighting. Otherwise, no one will have a good time. The major guilds discussed it and basically called a truce.

At the same time, they also united and called on the individual players not to fight. It’s not too late to fight again after everyone reaches level 4.

As a result, the war in the main game gradually subsided, and mainstream professional players and guilds began to go all out to upgrade.

Among Xiao Ming's four characters, the one who was first promoted to level 4 was the deceased. Because on the adventure map, he is waging a war with Bai Yulin, the lord of Ashbone City.

Bai Yulin and the City of Ashes where the deceased is located are located in the desert of northern Africa. Not far to the north of Ashbone City, there is a port city on the Mediterranean coast, Gabes.

It is currently owned by African indigenous people, and Bai Yulin plans to occupy it to gain more space for development.

In mid-October, Bai Yulin continuously released the first three links of the task chain - [The Road to the Sea from the City of Ashes] to the informants.

They are the first link, [Preparation before the war]; the second link, [Tranquility in the rear]; and the third link, [Detection of the enemy city].

The accuser completed these three tasks with almost the best results, and his level rose by 15 levels in total. After that, he has been waiting for the war to officially begin.

On November 3, it was probably a certain player or player guild that completed the last step of the war preparation task. Bai Yulin officially sent troops to advance towards Gray Bone City.

The accuser was the one who made the highest contribution among all the players, and naturally got the opportunity to participate in the war. Bai Yulin issued him the fourth ring task.

[Spying on Military Intelligence]: Purple Master Level Task. Deadline 7 days. Players need to lead the troops to set off in advance, investigate the reaction of Gabes City, and report the enemy's actions to the city lord.

Note: Players can lead their own private troops to fight, or apply to the city lord to lead part of the regular army of Gray Bone City to fight, but it will affect the completion of the task.

Knowing yourself and the enemy will ensure victory in a hundred battles. Intelligence is definitely very important for large-scale military operations. Even the Undead Legion is no exception. This is equivalent to using the accuser as a scout.

This task is not worth it for players. If you take your subordinates out as scouts, you will most likely engage in battle with the enemy forces of Gabes City.

With the general strength of a level 3 player, if you go against the regular army of the system city, even if you can barely win, the losses will be very heavy. It's not worth the loss.

If you don't want to give up your own troops, you can also apply to take the troops of Gray Bone City to fight. But the evaluation of the mission will inevitably be lowered. It's also a loss. It's difficult for ordinary players to find the balance point.

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