Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1589: Battle for the Succession to the Throne

Initially, when Kurapika was still a human, his combat power peaked at around B-level, which was similar to the combat members of the Phantom Troupe.

After becoming a bug-human, his physical fitness has been greatly improved. Although he is still not on par with the three guards of the Chimera Ant King, he is already far superior to those division commanders.

Now, after achieving his obsession, Kurapika's strength has soared again, and he has obviously caught up with the level of the three guards, a true A-level master.

He has few rivals among humans. It's a pity that he is just a game character and can't be brought to the real world. I don't know if there is a follower setting in the magic planet.

Of course, Kurapika will use the pregnancy stone next to reproduce a race, so I'm afraid he won't have much free time.

As a player, Xiao Ming also received the next task, which is [Board B·W and move towards the Dark Continent! ] It is another task that will definitely be completed easily. He just needs to wait for that plot to come.

However, the arrival of the plot does not depend on Xiao Ming, or even on the game system. It depends on when the players in the same secret realm complete the task or give up completely.

As long as there is a player still within the system rules, doing the previous task of infiltrating a prince's guard team, the next plot will not start. All players have to wait for him.

In this regard, Mu Tou said that it doesn't matter, anyway, it's the same if he eats bad people there. The living environment of the fourth prince is still quite comfortable. Not a loss.

As for the perverted collections of the fourth prince, except for the things from the Kuruta tribe that have been returned to Kurapika, Xiao Ming cremated all the other things.

Presumably someone will point out that if those things are destroyed, Mu Tou is not afraid of arousing suspicion and exposing his identity? !

Of course not, because before destroying those things, he has made replicas to replace the originals. On the surface, there is no difference, so naturally it will not arouse suspicion.

Xiao Ming's "main business" at this stage is to continue to master the ability of [eating everything is delicious]. Let's wait and see what happens in the Dark Continent.

If he was the only player in the whole secret realm, there would be nothing to say. He could completely push the plot forward with his strength.

But now there are many players in the same secret realm. If the game system wants to push the plot forward, it must accommodate them. It can't be fast at all.

Of course, Xiao Ming can force the progress to be accelerated and clear all the players out by himself, so there is no need to accommodate them.

However, that is a bit of an overreaction. Why is it necessary! Who did the players offend? Besides, he was not in a hurry and could wait.

So, Xiao Ming "ate" while patiently waiting for the plot to advance. Unexpectedly, it was not until December 7th that Xiao Ming was fished out by the prehistoric forces, and the B·W had just set sail.

ε=(ο`*))) Alas, these "contemporary" players are really a bit of a loser! It took more than a month to complete the task, which made people wait.

However, Xiao Ming gained a lot during this period. One is that with the help of the huge power of Kajin, he ate a lot of "good things".

According to previous experience, these insights are enough for Xiao Ming to experience for 3 to 5 years. It doesn't matter if he doesn't eat during this period.

Considering the suitable "food", it is actually limited. After all, there won't be too many people who deserve to die and still have the ability of mind.

It's important to swallow it quickly when you meet it. Save it first, maybe someday, you will enter a reincarnation world and live for several years. It's better to be prepared.

Another more important gain is also related to Kajin. Mu Tou participated in the succession war of the throne of Kajin as Chelidonish.

The first step of the succession war is to hold the [Egg in the Pot Ceremony] passed down from generation to generation in the Kajin royal family.

An official sent by King Nasbi Huiguorou brought a strange-looking pot to Chelidonish.

This pot is almost spherical, with an opening on the top and a hole on the side. At the same time, there is a human face pattern on the side, and the opening is the mouth of that human face.

The ceremony requires the prince to drip a drop of blood into the pot from the upper opening, and then put his hand into the opening on the side.

A beast of ten centimeters will appear at the mouth of the pot, which looks like a little girl wearing Hanfu.

She will reappear holding the prince's drop of blood, but the blood will be wrapped in something. The little girl feeds the drop of blood back into the prince's mouth, and the ceremony is completed.

Since ancient times, the royal family of Kajin believed that dripping blood into the pot to prove their identity as royal heirs, and after silently reciting the intention to inherit the throne in their hearts, they can gain some special abilities.

According to the records in ancient books, the first generation of Kajin King was inspired by the poison and materialized this pot. It became an ancestral treasure of the empire.

The tradition of the Kajin Empire's throne succession war is to hold the pot egg ceremony for all princes one by one. The princes have no idea that they can borrow the power of the pot. Without knowing anything, they cultivate a [Guardian Spirit Beast] that will protect them.

Guardian Spirit Beasts are created by the powerful will left by people who wish for the prosperity of the tribe.

They will live in people who are related to the deceased and use the host's mind power as food. Their form and abilities are also determined by the host.

But he was not created by the host himself, so he will not act according to the host's will.

After the ceremony begins, all princes can do whatever they want to deal with other princes, and the last one who survives will become the official heir to the throne of the Kajin Empire.

I believe that by then, his guardian beast will also absorb the power of the guardian beasts of all losers and become extremely powerful.

A powerful new king, coupled with a powerful guardian beast, is simply a dream combination. It is almost certain that the new king can lead the Kajin Kingdom to a better future.

However, this method is too cruel. It is indeed raising a Gu, forcing all the princes to kill each other.

Among them, there are certainly adult princes who are ambitious for the throne. Even if they die for the battle for the throne, they can be regarded as dying for what they deserve.

But there are also those princes who have no ambition for the throne and are still children. For example, the 14th prince Walb is too young and can't talk or walk yet.

Even such babies are forced to participate in the battle for the throne and killed by their brothers. This kind of thing is too inhumane.

In addition, the 10th to 13th princes were all young teenagers, and forcing them to kill each other was even more cruel.

Xiao Ming also tried to ask what would happen if he did not participate in the succession war. The official replied that every prince must participate in the war, otherwise he would die.

Xiao Ming had no choice but to choose to participate. Even if he faked his death and escaped, he could not help those little princes, so it was better for him to participate.

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