Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1584 President's Video

The new president of the Hunter Association, Qidor Yorkshire, the dog, is too busy. He just became the president and is so busy that he can't come to invite Mu in person.

So she sent trusted confidants to NGL. One of the twelve zodiac signs, Mizaiston Nana, and two old friends of Mu, Mo Laowu and Nobu.

Mo Laowu and Nobu were Xiao Ming's close comrades in the decisive battle against the Chimera Ants. They had fought together, so they naturally came to play the emotional card.

And Mizaiston, the cow, was here to make sense. In fact, the twelve earthly branches are already familiar with Mu's achievements. Many people want to meet him.

Whether it is his ability to "draw" the Phantom Troupe to participate in the battle, or his own ability to show the [Netherworld Magic], it is fascinating.

Among them, several martial arts factions, Yinhu Kangzai, Chenlong Portbai Jigant, and Shenhou Xiyou (Xiyou is his name), want to try out Mu's kung fu.

Therefore, the Dog only sent Chou Niu. As for those who like to fight, they were not allowed. They were afraid that they would have a bad temper and have a conflict with Mu Tou.

Mr. Chou Niu presented facts and reason, analyzed the problem from multiple angles and perspectives, and persuaded people to listen to him. It would be embarrassing if they didn't listen to him.

President Netero is Mu Tou's master, and Mu Tou is also Netero's last disciple. Now that the master is dead, shouldn't the disciple inherit the master's will and help the association? ! Otherwise, where is the master? !

Unfortunately, he got an important premise wrong, a secret that only a few people in the world know, Netero is not dead at all.

At the end of the Chimera Ant War, he was saved by Xiao Ming's Nen ability [Death of Friend, Not of Poor Daoist], and now I don't know where he is!

If the association is really in crisis, it should be Netero who goes to the rescue, not Mu Tou. Since even the master himself doesn't care, why should the apprentice care?

Of course, Xiao Ming couldn't say this directly, and the secret had to be kept, so he avoided the topic and didn't want to take up this kind of trivial matter. Seeing that the negotiations were deadlocked, Nob spoke out to help.

He and Mo Laowu both knew that President Netero was not dead, so they also knew that Chou Niu had not persuaded them to the point.

It was useless to play the card of inheriting the master's "will", so Nob mentioned another thing - [Dark Continent]. In order to attract Mu Tou.

This is what happened. Just two days ago, the king of the Ka Jin Empire, Nasbi Huiguorou, suddenly announced to the world in a high-profile manner:

The Ka Jin Empire will march towards the Dark Continent in a big way, intending to obtain inexhaustible resources and inexhaustible food. Let the human world prosper again. Anyone is welcome to participate.

The most important thing is that the expedition team sent by Ka Jin to the Dark Continent is led by Bijand Netero, the son of the former president Isaac Netero.

The president was also prepared for this. He left a video before his death and told his assistant, the bean-faced man Binz.

"If someone who claims to be the son of the president appears in public, show this to all the [12 Earthly Branches]."

Since the Rat and the Pig have already withdrawn, the remaining ten people can barely be regarded as all the 12 Earthly Branches, so they can watch it.

However, after watching the video, the Dog felt that the situation was very difficult and wanted to get more helpers to complete the 12 Earthly Branches. Mu Mu was naturally the first choice.

The president's video was about his son Bi Yangde. Both father and son were excellent hunters, pursuing their own goals, or "prey".

The father's goal was to be "strong", the kind of strength that could be proved by a hearty fight, victory or defeat, or even life and death.

That's why he didn't hesitate to put the bomb in his body and fight hard with the Ant King Meruem. It doesn't matter if he dies, it doesn't matter if he gets what he wants.

Netero had set foot in the Dark Continent twice, and he also wanted to find a powerful opponent to fight.

Unfortunately, there is no personal victory or defeat in the Dark Continent, there is only a struggle with the cruel nature.

This does not meet Netero's pursuit. So he never set foot in the Dark Continent again.

But Biyangde, as a son, is different. What he pursues is "toughness". It is the ability to survive well in any adversity. There is no doubt that this toughness is very suitable for exploring the Dark Continent.

So, Biyangde rejected the advice of his father Netero and insisted on going to the Dark Continent for exploration. As a result, he paid a painful sacrifice to come here, and also brought back new disasters.

In fact, due to the repeated exploration of the Dark Continent by humans, several terrible [disasters] were brought back. Each one is enough to destroy humans.

But Biyangde still refused to give up and planned to challenge again. So Netero put a "shackle" on his son, and Biyangde could not go to the Dark Continent before Netero died. At the same time, going to the Dark Continent was listed as a taboo of the association.

This so-called shackles are probably some unique mind abilities. However, Netero did die in the battle against the Chimera Ants.

Although he was resurrected by Xiao Ming's ability immediately after his death, he did die once after all.

Therefore, Bi Yangde's "shackles" were also removed. He immediately announced in a high-profile manner that he was ready to set out to explore the Dark Continent. He was quite persistent.

Since the matter is rather strange, several of Netero's confidants think that the Chimera Ants are probably a trick created by Biyangde and his accomplices. The purpose is to kill the president.

This is not nonsense, because the traces of artificial transformation on the Chimera Ant Queen are very obvious. This kind of transformation must be possible only by a country as strong as Kajin.

Moreover, when facing the powerful Chimera Ant Army, the Hunter Association could not send enough masters to accompany the president to fight against the Chimera Ants, which is very suspicious.

At that time, only Nob and Mo Laowu were dispatched, and the twelve earthly branches and other masters did not help. It is really impossible not to be suspicious.

These masters are temporarily "trapped" somewhere in the world because of various things. This is a very clever trick.

If it weren't for Mu Tou, the president's crusade would probably fail. Xu Gou suspects that there is probably the shadow of Rat behind this. Unfortunately, there is no evidence.

Back to the point, Netero believes that as a hunter, Biyangde is more serious than himself.

Therefore, he issued an A-level mission to the twelve earthly branches, hoping that they can complete the expedition to the Dark Continent before Biyangde.

The conditions for achieving this are: solve a certain [disaster] from the Dark Continent and bring back [hope].

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