Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1583 Invitation from the Twelve Earthly Branches

Xiao Ming’s experience in the martial arts planet game from October 30 to December 7 has basically been told.

Next we look at the Magic Planet game. This section is divided into two parts, the secret realm and the main game. Let’s talk about the secret realm first.

In the reincarnation world of the "Harry Potter" series, Xiao Ming thoroughly analyzed the "Witch's Rejuvenation Potion" and can make this magic potion at will in the future.

But there is another good thing that has only been partially analyzed, and that is the ability of Meruem, the chimera ant king from the secret realm of "Hunter Hunter" - [Eat the best food].

The reason why I have been unable to analyze this ability in the reincarnation world for 8 years is not because of lack of time, but because of insufficient accumulated experience and insights.

A little over the fifth year, Xiao Ming's analysis of this ability hit a bottleneck. All the previous accumulation has been exhausted.

If he wants to continue his analysis, Xiao Ming must go to the hunter's secret realm in person, use this ability frequently, and accumulate new experience and insights.

Therefore, after returning to reality, Xiao Ming will not let the Hunter's Secret Realm idle as long as he has nothing to do. Basically, there are people in the secret realm most of the time.

Moreover, he completely ignored the main plot of the secret realm and the tasks assigned to the players by the system.

He just wholeheartedly seeks out those with telekinesis abilities who deserve to die, eats them, and absorbs his abilities. It doesn't matter whether that ability is powerful or not, the key is to get the feeling of absorbing other people's thoughts.

At this time, Xiao Ming couldn't help but start to think wildly. If he could learn [Beiming Divine Art] or [Star Absorbing Technique], it should be quite helpful for this.

Unfortunately, the secret realm of "Dragon Babu" is the private property of the Shen family, so it would be impolite to enter by yourself.

In the secret realm of "Swordsman", the star-absorbing method appeared relatively late. If you go through it yourself, it is completely unnecessary and a waste of time.

It's not worth it to go through so much effort just to learn how to attract stars. With that kind of effort, I might as well stay in the hunter's secret realm and experience the power of eating delicious food!

In the beginning, everything went smoothly. Because Xiao Ming is the only player who can clear the Chimera Ant plot, and he has seriously modified the plot.

Therefore, he is basically playing a single-player game, and other players will not be assigned to him. The characters in the plot are also sensible enough not to provoke him.

But after a while, things changed. One after another, players have chosen to skip the Chimera Ant plot, even the previous Greed Island plot, and directly choose to enter Xiao Ming's progress.

This is the right given to players by the game. Not every player is willing to pass the level through their own efforts. When I get tired of playing, I just want to be lazy and skip levels.

Especially the secret realm of full-time hunter. The telekinesis abilities are all kinds of strange, and the characters' personalities are complex and changeable, making it difficult for players to adapt to this secret realm. Not to mention clearing the story.

In fact, most players are stuck in the plot in Youxin City where the Phantom Troupe appears. Very few people can pass. The remaining parts are also stuck in the Greed Island chapter or the Chimera Ant chapter.

Especially in the Chimera Ant chapter, the ant king and the three guards are simply incredible in strength and extremely bloodthirsty, and the players simply cannot cope with them.

After being frustrated by being killed N times, a considerable number of players are unwilling to waste time trying to pass the level. Directly extract Xiao Ming's progress and skip this plot.

But doing so means that they need to accept the changes Xiao Ming has made to the main plot.

This is not a problem at all, they don't know what the original plot should be anyway. It doesn't affect their enjoyment of the game at all.

Xiao Ming completed the Chimera Ant chapter in Hunter's Secret Realm on October 23. A week later, players began to choose his progress.

Since the progress made by Xiao Ming is selected, some of them will be directly assigned to the secret realm where Xiao Ming is.

This is also because Xiao Ming does not complete tasks at all, resulting in little progress in the plot, making it easier for the system to find opportunities to "plug" players in.

If Xiao Ming completes a few tasks but does not complete the entire plot, he will be stuck in the middle of a chapter. In that case, it would be difficult for the system to plug players in.

Of course, Xiao Ming doesn't care about this kind of thing. No matter whether new players enter or not, they can't disrupt his pace. He still looks for "food" everywhere and experiences the ability to eat delicious food.

It wasn't until more than two weeks later, on Tuesday, November 15th, that Xiao Ming's character Mu Mu in the secret realm received an invitation from the Hunter Association. That really made him pause.

It turns out that the chapter of electing a new president has also ended. Xiao Ming's paddling is not a problem. Without him, other players can complete the plot. Xiao Ming, who was in the same secret realm, naturally also passed the test.

Wow! The players are so awesome that they can pass the level easily? ! In fact, this is still the butterfly effect caused by Xiao Ming's behavior.

In the original book, this chapter has two important plots, one is to elect a new president; the other is to heal Xiaojie. Because Xiaojie was seriously injured when fighting against Nephibit.

In the process of healing Xiaojie, the protagonist team was interfered and sniped by two masters, Hisoka and Ilmi. The battle was quite fierce.

In order to improve their reputation and gain votes, some candidates sent a large number of telepaths to surround and suppress Hisoka and Ilmi. As a result, they were all killed. This plot is theoretically very difficult to pass.

However, in this life, Xiaojie was not injured, so this plot naturally would not happen. Besides, there is also the "emperor" Mutou.

Even the Phantom Troupe dare not openly carry out a massacre, let alone Hisoka and Ilmi.

In short, this plot is absent, and only the election of the president is left.

That is, the original vice president, Pariston Hill, one of the twelve earthly branches, and the battle of wits between the rat, Pariston Hill, and the dog, Chidor Yorkshire, who is also one of the twelve earthly branches.

Although they still fought very well, after all, there was no need for force. The players cooperated with each other and tried a few more times, and they still passed the level.

The result of the election was that the rat won. At the same time as Pariston was elected as the president, he gave up the position of president to Chidor, withdrew from the association, and also withdrew from the twelve earthly branches.

With him, Xiaojie's father, Pig Jin Fulishi, also withdrew from the twelve earthly branches. Everyone was confused and didn't understand what the two guys at the beginning and end were doing.

If they knew that President Netero was not dead, they probably wouldn't dare to do this.

Shortly after the election, an emergency suddenly occurred, requiring all twelve earthly branches to be present. But what should they do now that two people are missing?

There are still ten masters left, and the first person they thought of was the president's favorite student, Mu Tou. So they sent an invitation, hoping that he could serve as the new Rat or Pig.

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