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Chapter 1556: The Golden Sword Prince Consort Offers Advice

The young couple Guo Jing and Huang Rong reunited and sprinkled several rounds of dog food. They were tired of it for several months, forcing Nan Xiren and Yinggu to retreat. Let them enjoy their reunion.

Different from the excitement of Guo and Huang, the Mongolian army seemed to be enveloped by a large cloud of gloom. Everyone's face lost its luster.

More than half a year has passed since Ronger returned. The Mongolian army still could not break the city of Samarkand. The number of soldiers killed in battle, as well as those seriously injured and losing combat effectiveness, has exceeded 30,000.

Many famous generals were killed in battle, and General Zhebie was also killed in a surprise attack by Ouyang Feng who got the news secretly during a siege. He was not even the top general who died on the Mongolian side. It can be seen that the siege battle was brutal.

Khwarezm's defense of the city was very effective, and scattered armies that had been scattered in other areas gradually began to gather and march to the capital to serve the king.

Although they were defeated by the Mongols in field battles one after another, it also greatly boosted the morale of Khwarezm. Even the territory that Mongolia had occupied began to experience instability.

Faced with this situation, most Mongolians, including many generals, no longer wanted to fight anymore. The last thing the Mongols want to fight is this kind of bad war.

Genghis Khan was also caught in a dilemma. Since the founding of Mongolia, it has never suffered a defeat. If this Western Expedition goes back in disgrace. The momentum of the entire empire will plummet. I am afraid that even the Kingdom of Jin will not be able to settle things in the future.

But if we don't retreat and continue to fight against the strong city here, the situation will only get worse. Maybe the country will be destroyed and the species will be exterminated. Several times he almost decided to withdraw.

You must know that Genghis Khan is not an indecisive person. Even if he chooses to withdraw his troops this time, he still has the confidence to re-inspire the morale of the Mongolian army.

What really hindered him from making up his mind were the growing number of gray hairs on his temples and the fact that Changchunzi Taoist priest Qiu Chuji was invited to him with great courtesy.

Yes, Qiu Chuji has already come. Because he wants to spread the faith (to deceive the Mongols), he has brought hundreds of 3rd, 4th, and 5th generation disciples of the Quanzhen Sect. Focus on your own disciples. These disciples all have important responsibilities.

As the saying goes, "Those who are good at the top will be bad at the bottom." Since Genghis Khan treated Qiu Chuji with courtesy, the Mongolian kings and generals would naturally follow suit and flatter the big boss.

Changchunzi is too sweaty to be fawned over, so these disciples can always fawn over him. That's why Qiu Chuji brought so many people here. If he could deceive one more Mongolian noble, then he would deceive one more. No loss whatsoever.

For this reason, Qiu Chuji and his disciples "bear the humiliation and bear the burden" and learned many tricks of the world to deceive people, which were most suitable for dealing with the Mongols.

Beguiled by Qiu Chuji's "profound Taoism", Genghis Khan also accepted some Taoist ideas. It has indeed reduced the killing of innocent people, which is commendable.

At the same time, Genghis Khan was also brainwashed by the pie painted by Changchunzi, that is, the dream of "visiting the Queen Mother of the West, asking for flat peaches, and immortality."

That's why I haven't been able to make a decision. He was afraid that this time would be his last chance. He is now nearly sixty years old. If he retreats, he may not have a chance to conquer the west next time.

Just when he was in a dilemma, Bo Shu, Guo Jing, and Tuo Lei came together to offer a plan.

This strategy is exactly the one used by Huang Rong in the original work, sending a large force to glide into Samarkand from a high altitude with the help of parachutes. As long as any city gate can be opened, victory is guaranteed.

Following Nan Xiren's instructions, Guo Jing first went to find Tuo Lei and Bo Shu, and after careful discussion, he formally presented his plan to Genghis Khan.

Everyone thought he wanted to avenge Master Zhe's farewell. However, Guo Jing, who had been taught by Nan Xiren for a long time, already understood that since he was on the battlefield between countries, Zhebie's death could not be regarded as hatred. It can only be said that the general will inevitably die in battle, wrapped in horse leather and die in a proper place.

Or deserved it. Otherwise, who should avenge the thousands of people who were killed by Jebe? Didn't Ouyang Feng kill Zhebie just to avenge Ouyang Ke?

Even Guo Jing himself, as the commander of the Mongolian Right Army, lost hundreds of lives at his hands. Should he die too?

The rules of the battlefield are different from those of Jianghu, and there should be no such concept of personal revenge. Guo Jing just followed Nancy Ren's instructions and followed the plot.

But the way you walk through the plot must be correct. Like the original work, he directly led the army to parachute without reporting to the Khan. This is very undesirable in military terms. To be serious, military law does not allow it.

It's not an urgent moment now, and we can resort to the rhetoric of "I will not accept my fate". How could such a big operation not be coordinated with the Great Khan for instructions in advance?

Not to mention that Guo Jing was a subordinate, even if he was in the position of Genghis Khan, such actions must be communicated to his important ministers in advance. Otherwise, if there is an improper connection, it will end in complete failure.

The reason why Zhebie, Tuo Lei, Bo Shu and others share the credit is to ensure the success rate. If the number of people parachuting is too small, the effect will not be achieved.

Xiao Ming didn't want Guo Jing's troops to suffer too heavy losses, so he wanted to bring these people together to share the damage. Moreover, Xiao Ming also arranged for Yinggu and Huang Rong to quietly reveal the news to Chagatai. So Chahetai also came to the big tent to support Guo Jing and others.

After fighting for more than half a year, most of the Mongolian generals were reluctant to continue fighting. Only Chagatai still had high fighting spirit. Because his eldest son Mo Tugen died under the city, he was most eager for revenge.

ε=(ο`*))) Well, I have said that you should not have the mentality of seeking personal revenge. Why don't you listen? !

Chagatai cares most about birth and family background, and has always looked down on Guo Jing. Even though Guo Jing is the brother of his fourth brother Tolui and the son-in-law of his sister Huazheng, it cannot change his humble birth. He just looks down on him.

A few years ago, when Ogedei was made the crown prince, Chagatai and Jochi had a group fight, and after being captured by Guo Jing, he hated Guo Jing even more.

Although he actually saved his life that time, he also lost face in front of his father Khan. Chagatai is like Ouyang Feng who was saved by Hong Qigong. Instead, he regards Guo Jing as his mortal enemy, ranking only after Jochi. It is not an exaggeration to say that this hatred is repaying kindness with enmity.

It was not until after Zhebie died in the battle and Guo Jing "angrily" said that he would avenge this, that he felt sympathetic. He also temporarily did not hate Guo Jing so much.

Just now, the personal soldiers secretly told Chagatai that they heard the personal soldiers under the command of the Golden Sword Prince Consort talking about using some kind of parachute to attack Samarkand from high altitude.

It sounded very detailed, as if the success rate was very high. Chagatai was so happy that he went crazy.

To be honest, he didn't care much about whether the Western Expedition was successful. He only wanted to break through the city and kill Wanyan Honglie for revenge.

Not only because of the pain of losing his son, but more importantly, he wanted to regain his face, otherwise he (felt) would never be able to hold his head up in the Mongolian army.

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