Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1555 Adding ingredients to the life and death talisman

Unconsciously, the sun rose from the east, wandered to the west, and then set mysteriously. A day and a night passed.

Nan Xiren, played by Xiao Ming, discussed with Wanyan Honglie, Yinggu, Huang Rong, Liang Ziweng, Hou Tonghai, and dozens of personal soldiers brought by Wanyan Honglie for more than 12 hours.

During this period, the attendants of the King of Khwarezm came to visit several times, but were all sent away by Wanyan Honglie.

The defense of Samarkand entered a stalemate stage, and the Mongolian attack was not as fierce as before. No one would say anything if he, a great hero, wanted to take a break and be lazy.

The king specially sent his attendants to visit, which was also his due intention. He was worried that the King of Jin would be sick, not because of any urgent matter.

Nan Xiren discussed the next plan with Wanyan Honglie in detail, mainly to explain clearly what the other party was going to do.

Before leaving, they were all planted with a supplementary version of the [Life and Death Talisman] to ensure that they could act according to the plan honestly.

What was added specifically? Nothing else, just a little bit of the Changsheng Jue true qi.

People who are hit by this kind of life and death talisman are still controlled by the normal function of the life and death talisman, but they can also enjoy some benefits of the Changsheng Jue.

The true qi of the Changsheng Jue will penetrate into the other party's body, nourish vitality, strengthen the physique, and slowly treat some hidden injuries and internal injuries. There are many benefits.

Correspondingly, the antidote of the life and death talisman every year can also be mixed with the true qi of the Changsheng Jue. Over time, it can strengthen the body and prolong life, with many benefits.

If the person who is hit by the life and death talisman is a martial artist, his internal strength will also be greatly improved, which is what martial arts masters dream of.

Liang Ziweng and Hou Tonghai now have long given up the idea of ​​betraying Nan Xiren in their hearts. Since they will not betray, they are not particularly worried about the antidote.

At first, they, Sha Tongtian, and Peng Lianhu were forced and lured to work for Nan Xiren. It was inevitable that they were dissatisfied in their hearts.

The four of them were all secretly making plans to turn over, counterattack, and slap in the face. It was also human nature. Even if Xiao Ming knew, he didn't take it to heart.

It was not until more than two years ago that Wanyan Honglie returned to the Jin Kingdom in a mess from the Song Dynasty that their little thoughts were completely dispelled.

Nonsense, even the Western Poison Ouyang Feng fled from Nan Xiren's hands, and he was one of the Five Wonders of the Central Plains! The top existence in the martial arts world.

Even he was not Nan Xiren's opponent, so these masters certainly didn't dare to have any wishful thinking. They could only be glad that they hadn't taken any substantial action.

And they also noticed the changes in Wanyan Honglie and the royal guards who came back with him.

In the past, although Wanyan Honglie was also doing things according to the general direction set by Nan Xiren, Sha Tongtian and others could sense some undercurrents. It was the prince who was secretly doing small things behind Nan Xiren's back. They did not expose it and were happy to see it happen.

However, things have changed now. Wanyan Honglie is obviously working harder and more loyal. 996 and 007 are common. Those personal soldiers seem to be monitoring the prince all the time.

Although they themselves did not say it clearly, it can be judged from various signs that Nan Xiren must have used some special means to make them obedient.

The four masters were inevitably uneasy and worried about gains and losses. On the one hand, they were worried that Nan Xiren would use the same means on themselves, and they didn't know if they could withstand it.

After all, the prince and his personal soldiers were ordinary people, who only knew a little bit of superficial external kung fu. The means that were useful to them, the internal kung fu masters might be immune.

On the other hand, this method that Nan Xiren had never shown before was also a very useful skill for the four people, no less than a magical skill.

Nan Xiren was a famous hero, and the probability of getting what he promised before was very high.

As long as he worked well for "Boss Nan", even if he didn't get a martial arts reward, it would be good to exchange it for this method of controlling ordinary people.

Sha Tongtian was the leader of the Yellow River Gang, doing "business" in both the black and white worlds of the Yellow River; Peng Lianhu was a fierce bandit in Hebei and Shanxi, and he also had thousands of younger brothers under him.

How to ensure the loyalty of his subordinates has always been a concern for them. Therefore, their interest in Nan Xiren's method is even greater than that of ordinary advanced martial arts.

Even Liang Ziweng, who was originally a loner in the rivers and lakes, coveted this skill very much.

He was very lucky in this life, and the big viper that he had fed for twenty years was not sucked dry by Guo Jing. Naturally, he still enjoyed it himself.

It goes without saying that his internal strength has improved greatly. Originally, his martial arts skills were inferior to those of Sha Tongtian and Peng Lianhu, but now he has a tendency to surpass them.

This man, once his martial arts skills are high, his mind becomes active. Liang Ziweng also wants to build a force and become a local emperor. Therefore, he also needs this ability.

Only Hou Tonghai is stupid and doesn't understand anything. Sha Tongtian was too lazy to explain it to him, but just told him to do things for Nan Xiren sincerely. He did it obediently.

Now that he was hit by the life and death talisman, he only felt the benefits of the Changsheng Jue Zhenqi, and didn't think of betrayal.

Liang Ziweng was still frightened. He didn't expect that this method of controlling people was so exquisite. Even a master of internal strength like himself could not be spared.

First, I will mourn for the other two colleagues for three minutes. In the future, they will definitely not be able to escape.

What's more terrifying is that after experiencing the power of the life and death talisman personally, he already knew that this was not something he could learn.

Although Sha Tongtian and Peng Lianhu's martial arts skills are higher than mine, I guess they can't learn it. Alas, I have been dreaming in vain for the past few years.

Yinggu, who left the city with Nan Xiren, was a little scared at this time. She never thought that Nan Xiren had such magical methods besides his martial arts skills.

Fortunately, I didn't fall out with him before. If I didn't control my temper and annoyed him, I would probably be in the same situation as Liang Ziweng, Hou Tonghai and others.

Only little Huang Rong was jumping and jumping, very happy. She pulled the sleeve of the fourth master and begged him to teach her this method. It's so fun!

Xiao Ming thought to himself: Forget it! With your character of not being afraid of trouble, if you really learn the life and death talisman, I don't know how much trouble you will cause.

Fortunately, this kung fu requires very high internal strength, and it takes about five masters at the level of the Five Absolutes to use it freely. Xiao Ming used this as an excuse, but unexpectedly it aroused Rong'er's desire for martial arts.

As the daughter of Huang Yaoshi, the East Evil, and a disciple of Hong Qigong and Nan Xiren, she inherited the unique skills of the three families. Therefore, she never paid much attention to martial arts, but was willing to try and learn other messy things.

As a result, her martial arts could not reach the top even after decades. Although she is also a master of first-class level, with her talent, she must be more than that.

If she could reach the level of Guo Jing, she would not be so passive when facing King Jinlun later. This is all due to her character.

I just hope that the little Huang Rong in this life is not just a three-minute enthusiasm.

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