Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1548: The extremely smart Rong'er

Under Huang Rong's strong encouragement, Ouyang Feng and her went all the way west, preparing to sneak into the Khwarezmian army and attack the Mongolian general on the battlefield.

The damage caused by this approach is much more effective than assassinating a Mongolian general in peacetime. It is likely to cause a major defeat of the Mongolian army. This is good for both Ouyang Feng and Huang Rong.

It is difficult for Ouyang Feng to assassinate a Mongolian general in the army alone, especially a general of Jebe's level. He is always accompanied by elite guards.

Of course, as long as the plan is proper, with the ability of Ouyang Feng, the Western Poison, it is estimated that there is no chance of assassinating Genghis Khan, but there is still a certain chance of success in assassinating Jebe.

But it is not 100%. Veterans on the battlefield like Jebe have a much better sense of danger than ordinary people, even more than many people in the martial arts world.

Once the assassination fails, it will be very difficult to assassinate him next time. Therefore, Huang Rong suggested that Ouyang Feng assassinate Mongolian princes and nobles.

The princes and nobles only had a relatively high status, but their fighting power was not up to par, and their personal guards could not be very strong, not to mention their intuition about danger. You should pick the soft persimmons!

But on the battlefield, Ouyang Feng was no longer fighting alone. He had the Khwarezmian army to cover him, and it was naturally much easier to assassinate the enemy general in the chaos.

To be honest, on the ancient battlefield, the higher the status of the general, the less likely it was to die in battle. In addition to the large number of personal soldiers protecting them, an important reason was his armor.

The general must be wearing the most qualified armor, and the defense power was absolutely amazing! It is not an exaggeration to say that he was invulnerable to swords and guns.

In ancient times, generals were often hit by dozens of arrows, and their armor was pierced like a hedgehog, but they could still continue to fight normally. After leaving the battlefield, they only suffered some flesh wounds.

Generals wearing helmets and armor, ordinary soldiers can't do anything to them, they can only consume the opponent's physical strength. After all, armor with high defense power is also quite heavy. Wearing dozens of kilograms of heavy armor, even those famous generals would find it difficult to fight for a long time.

Before becoming a reincarnation, Xiao Ming had eaten energy-enhanced food, but the amount was too small after all, and his sister Xiao Jing'er shared it, resulting in his body not being particularly strong.

In addition, the otaku usually lacks exercise, so he is not as physically strong as ordinary people. He is already exhausted after carrying 20 kilograms of things. If he changes to armor weighing dozens of kilograms, he probably can't move a step after putting it on.

ε=(ο`*)))Alas, people are so annoying when they compare themselves to others!

But Ouyang Feng is different. With his martial arts, the heavy armor on the Mongolian generals will only delay their escape speed. That little defense is equivalent to nothing for the internal strength master.

This does not mean that when martial arts masters use weapons to chop and kill, their power is several times stronger than that of regular soldiers, and they can break through the defense of heavy armor.

Rather, for a top master of internal strength like Ouyang Feng, using internal strength to hit the enemy from a distance is a routine operation. It is completely possible to let the strength penetrate the armor to hurt the enemy.

Martial artists who have not reached this level cannot play well on the battlefield. The battle situations faced on the battlefield and in the martial arts world are actually completely different.

The old poisonous creature was bewitched by Huang Rong and wanted to win a "good name" for avenging his son and destroying a country!

Moreover, as a Westerner, he could easily sneak into the army of Khwarezm, and no one would be suspicious.

In other words, the battle method set by Xiao Ming for Guo Jing, with Guo Jing, Nan Xiren and Yinggu as the vanguards and the Mongolian army following up, is almost the same idea.

Of course, they all have to wear heavy armor on the battlefield. Although Xiao Ming has practiced the Vajra Indestructible Divine Skill, it also consumes internal strength. It is safer to have armor.

Little Huang Rong really made a great contribution this time. At her young age, she actually didn't understand things like national hatred, family hatred, protecting the country and the people.

Thanks to the time spent with Nan Xiren before, Xiao Ming knew that she was extremely intelligent, so he had revealed various things to her early on, including the idea of ​​suppressing the rise of Mongolia.

With Huang Rong's talent, even if Nan Xiren just mentioned it casually, she could draw inferences and understand many things.

In fact, she was able to see through Wanyan Kang's scam before, thanks to Nan Xiren's advance reminder.

Xiao Ming didn't specifically emphasize that Wanyan Kang was not trustworthy. However, because he didn't like his character, it was naturally reflected in his tone and demeanor when chatting.

Rong'er was such a smart person, she could see the big picture from the small details, and she had a prejudice against Wanyan Kang in her heart. Only when the time came, she could easily expose Wanyan Kang's conspiracy.

In the original book, Wanyan Kang died because he killed Ouyang Ke and was exposed by Huang Rong. In this life, he still couldn't escape this fate.

Huang Rong killing Wanyan Kang is a small matter, but enabling Khwarezm to fight a bloody battle with the Mongolian army is a big deal.

You should know that Khwarezm has an army of as many as 500,000 or 600,000. The Mongols' westward expedition was actually a small force against a large one. Once the leading general suddenly died and the battle became a stalemate, the Mongols would suffer a great loss.

It is very likely that due to the heavy losses, the road to its rise may be cut off. If that happens, thank God.

The Mongols once fought in Europe, which is really encouraging, and even many Han people are proud of it. But the sins of killing they committed are too heavy, and it is not a bad thing not to rise.

Although Xiao Ming did not guess that Huang Rong instigated Ouyang Feng to do "big things". But he was not worried about her safety.

Since Huang Rong was fine with Ouyang Feng for so long in the original book, and even escaped later. In the secret realm, with the care of the game system, there must be no problem.

At this time, the Mongolian army was preparing for the expedition. The dispatch of 200,000 troops, the deployment and maintenance of horses, weapons and equipment, the preparation and transportation arrangements of baggage, food, tents, etc., etc., all required a considerable amount of time to take care of.

Even if Guo Jing did not manage things much, he was a little dizzy by the logistics work of the 10,000-man team under his command.

He wanted to push it to the fourth master to take care of it, but he couldn't. Because this was Nan Xiren's special training and training for him.

In the future, Guo Jing in this secret realm may not need to guard Xiangyang. But he will definitely become the commander of the Beggar Gang army in the League of Legends.

At that time, it was not just Xiangyang that had to be guarded. It is very likely that he would lead the various armies of the League of Legends to destroy the Jin Kingdom. The territory to be protected is huge.

It depends on Xiao Ming's mood. If Xiao Ming doesn't mind the trouble, he might even start a war against Korea and Japan. Guo Jing will be even more useful, and he must be trained now!

Besides, even if he wants to do it for him, Xiao Ming himself does not have the talent. He is just a geek who likes to play games.

Before he had a mind beast, he even made a mess of his room, so how could he be capable of managing the various complicated affairs of a 10,000-man team. People still need to know themselves.

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