Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1547: Diverting the trouble to the west

"Fourth Master, as you expected, the Great Khan asked me just now about the way to immortality, and I recommended Taoist Master Changchun Ziqiu Chuji to the Great Khan. The Great Khan immediately sent an envoy with an edict to invite him."

On this day, in the handsome tent of the Golden Sword Prince Consort, Guo Jing reported this to Nan Xiren. He was very surprised, how could the Fourth Master guess that the Great Khan wanted to live forever?

Moreover, although Taoist Master Qiu Chuji is indeed good at martial arts, he does not have the ability to live forever, right? Inviting him here doesn't seem to be of any help to Genghis Khan!

Xiao Ming smiled and said nothing. Guo Jing, this apprentice, was good at everything, but his mind was too simple and he couldn't hide things in his stomach. If I told him the truth, I would have to hide it from him because I was afraid that he would reveal the truth in front of Temujin.

Genghis Khan wanted to live for two more years, and at Guo Jing's suggestion, he specially invited Qiu Chuji to come. These things are the plot in the original work.

After Qiu Chuji arrived, in view of Genghis Khan's desire for immortality, he asked him to combine the pursuit of "becoming an immortal" with doing good deeds.

Genghis Khan was advised that the key to maintaining health is to "strengthen the spirit internally and cultivate Yin virtue externally." The internal spirit of strengthening is not to go out to conquer, and the external cultivation of yin virtue is to stop violence and killing.

Taoist priest Qiu has indeed achieved some results. This is also a good thing. Of course Xiao Ming will facilitate it.

More importantly, when the League of Legends was established, Nan Xiren had secret conversations with Qiu Chuji.

He wanted Changchunzi to tell Temujin a big lie and divert trouble to the west. The opportunity to tell Genghis Khan to immortality lies in finding the Queen Mother of the West.

As long as he finds the Queen Mother and asks her to give him a flat peach, Temujin himself will become an immortal. Give a few more and the whole family can become immortals. Doesn’t it smell good? !

Since it is the Queen Mother of the West, the Mongols' attack direction must be towards the west.

Anyway, the Mongol Empire will have three western expeditions, all the way to the interior of Europe. Qiu Chuji is just pushing them and adding fire. 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 western expeditions are possible in the future.

I believe that in order to live forever, Genghis Khan would be willing to shift the focus of his strategy to the west. Then Da Song will be safe!

The Kingdom of Jin, which was supposed to be destroyed by the iron heel of Mongolia, would naturally be controlled by the League of Legends. As for the Korean Peninsula and Japan, it depends on the mood later.

Seeing that his master didn't answer, Guo Jing didn't ask any more questions. He has long been accustomed to the mysterious nature of his fourth master.

Suddenly he remembered another thing that troubled him, that is, Guo Jing had never led an army. He didn't know how to manage an army of 10,000 people.

Xiao Ming quickly reminded him, haven't you read "Wu Mu's Suicide Note" for so long, and you just happened to be practicing with the Mongolian army. As for when it comes to fighting, we just have to be reckless.

As long as Guo Jing, Nan Xiren, and Ying Gu serve as the vanguard together, leading an army of ten thousand people to charge bravely, ordinary enemies will not be able to stop them.

With such a fierce fighting, it is inevitable that our team will suffer heavy losses. Anyway, those who died were Mongolians, so we don’t need to feel too bad.

Although, as the Pluto of the underworld, Xiao Ming should be equal to a bowl of water. Regardless of whether he is a Mongolian or a Han, human life is worthy of attention.

However, when dealing with the Mongolian army, Xiao Ming felt at ease doing this. Because in this army, everyone from top to bottom is almost innocent.

Because the Mongols like to kill innocent people indiscriminately when fighting, massacres of cities are commonplace after winning a battle. Those who can compete with them in this regard include the later Manchu Qing Dynasty and the Little Japanese.

There are probably very few people in this army who have not stained their hands with the blood of innocents. Therefore their lives are not worth cherishing.

This kind of trivial matter can be completely ignored. Guo Jing was most worried about Huang Rong's safety. For this reason, he sent a large number of subordinates to investigate in all directions every day.

Genghis Khan and the Mongolian generals thought that the Golden Sword Prince Consort understood the importance of intelligence in the war, so they sent out several times more spies than other teams. They all felt very relieved. He is worthy of being the consort of the Great Khan, and his military talents are indeed innate.

Little did he know that the consort had always been thinking about other women. These spies were sent out for this reason. It's all a misunderstanding.

Unfortunately, although spies were sent out in waves, they returned one after another. But they never brought back any news about Ouyang Feng and Huang Rong. It was as if these two people were not in Mongolia.

Where did these two go? Could it be that he accidentally encountered the Mongolian army and was killed?

Even with Lao Duwu’s martial arts, it’s impossible! Or maybe the two of them are really not near the Mongolian army.

That’s right! The two men are indeed no longer around.

Ouyang Feng has been very troubled since arriving in Mongolia. He listened to Huang Rong's instigation and made a special trip to Mongolia just to kill several princes and nobles and force the Mongolians to hand over Zhebie, the enemy of his son.

Unexpectedly, just in time for Khan to increase his troops, the banks of the Onan River had turned into a large military camp stretching for thousands of miles.

Every prince, noble, and general is protected by soldiers. And he still lives in a military camp. It was difficult for Ouyang Feng to find an opportunity to strike.

He was unhappy and naturally asked Xiao Huang Rong to question him. The meaning is also very simple. I believed in your evil deeds, so I came here to carry out a terrorist assassination. As a result, we are faced with such a situation. Please find a way to solve it.

Xiao Huang Rong was full of wisdom: "Uncle Ouyang, the Mongols are going to war. This is something no one can imagine. However, I would like to congratulate uncle."

Ouyang Feng still had a look of worry on his face and snorted coldly: "Little girl, don't try to play tricks. If you have anything to say, just say it. What can I congratulate?!"

Huang Rong didn't care about his bad tone, and said calmly: "The news we got in the past two days is very clear. The Mongols are going to go to war with Khwarezm. This is our chance!"

Ouyang Feng was thoughtful, but still stubborn: "So what?!"

ε=(ο`*)))"Alas, uncle, Khwarezm has hundreds of thousands of troops, and you just got hundreds of thousands of helpers for nothing!"

Huang Rong held her forehead and said, "As long as we work harder, we may be able to kill all the Mongolian troops. Wouldn't your nephew's revenge be avenged ten thousand times or a hundred thousand times.

In the future, your reputation will spread, and the West Poison will let the whole Mongolia be buried with him to avenge his nephew! How face-saving! Even my father and my master are not as powerful as you!"

Ouyang Feng's eyes lit up when he heard this. It's true, it's really difficult to dominate the Huashan Sword Contest and be the best martial artist in the world.

But if he could trap 200,000 Mongolian troops, it would be a great event that would make him famous. There is no need to fight on Mount Huashan, because the other five masters of the Central Plains will never be able to match him in this aspect.

The little girl's idea is quite vicious, I like it, she is worthy of being my favorite. If my son hadn't died, he and her would really be a good match...

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