Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1536: Fired

Any force that knew Zhang Xiaoming's identity as a ghost would not dare to get too involved with him. Not only were they afraid of offending him, but they were also afraid that he would be upright and unkind. It’s best to keep a respectful distance.

The reason why Tan Guangwen dared to ask his old classmate for help was because he didn't know about it. The Tan family's power is still too small and they are not qualified to know about "high-end" things like ghosts in the underworld.

Only this kind of people can get along with Xiao Ming relatively normally. Nowadays, the team he organized is having some difficulties in the secret realm of the "Harry Potter" world, so it makes the most sense to find old classmates.

Xiao Ming naturally has nothing to fear about this secret realm. After all, I have lived in the world of reincarnation with the same background for seven or eight years. Although I don't have a complete understanding of it, I can say that I am sure of it.

There are two ways to solve the problems that Tan Guangwen encountered: difficult and easy. The easy way is to teach Tan Guangwen and others the Patronus Charm, and resisting the dementors will not be a problem.

The more complicated thing is to do it yourself and capture all the dementors distributed in Hogwarts and Azkaban. Without Dementors, the whole world would be pure.

But if we do that, I'm afraid it will turn the Harry Potter world upside down, and I don't know what kind of butterfly effect it will bring.

Besides, Xiao Ming was too lazy to put in so much effort. It's better to choose the simple way.

Tan Guangwen and others are just relatively ordinary magicians, and their strength is about the same as that of ordinary students in the third and fourth years of Hogwarts.

That is to say, neither up nor down. If you say they are strong, they are definitely not that strong; but if you say they are weak, their combat experience is pretty good and they can handle ordinary small scenes.

After all, everyone has been playing the game for half a year and fighting every day. Players naturally have more experience than students. And he also knows a few different skills.

However, players are generally not very talented in magic. At least that's the case for the Tan family team. It may be difficult for them to learn the Patronus Charm.

Teaching it in reality will be more difficult, because the same trick consumes much more magic power when used in the game than in reality.

Therefore, in order to facilitate learning, you have to enter the secret realm to teach. Xiao Ming's plan is to teach them how to practice the Patronus Charm.

Only Tan Guangwen can get preferential treatment, and Xiao Ming plans to use the ability of [Private Tutor] to force Tan Guangwen to learn the magic of the Guardian Charm.

Just leave the rest of Yang Yang, Situ Yuxuan, Yao Zhe and others alone and let them work hard to make up for their shortcomings and practice more.

In fact, what Xiao Ming hopes more is to use his private tutoring ability on Er Qiao, so that he can be a happy person.

Unfortunately, the two of them had already received their lunch boxes for their game characters, so they had to use their private tutoring ability on Tan Guangwen. Xiao Ming is already prepared for eye injuries!

Fortunately, things did not develop in the direction Xiao Ming imagined. Tan Guangwen learned the Patronus Charm very quickly and did not need a private tutor at all. What a blessing.

The so-called scholars should treat each other with admiration after three days of separation! What's more, Xiao Ming and Tan Guangwen have been separated for such a long time. We should look at people from a developmental perspective!

Since Tan Guangwen's team has been helped by Xiao Ming several times, the overall strength has improved a lot. During these few months of reincarnation tasks, they accumulated a lot of ratings and shopping coupons.

Tan Guangwen used these things to strengthen his talent in magic. Learning a patron saint spell did not cause him any difficulties. It also made Xiao Ming breathe a sigh of relief.

Just when he wanted to visit the secret realm and leave, an employee who was also a player brought Xiao Ming a message.

"Adam Young! Professor Snape wants you to come to his office."

"Oh, okay. Let's go."

Adam Yang is the name of Xiao Ming's character in the Harry Potter world. Professor Snape came to see him. Xiao Ming estimated that it was probably because he had not been able to work much in the past few months.

Since you have entered this secret realm, you must abide by the rules of this secret realm. Because Xiao Ming had made great contributions in the previous missions, he was given the position of an assistant teacher in Hogwarts school, which was much higher than other handymen.

But no matter how good the start is, Xiao Ming cannot live up to his expectations. As a result of frequently skipping work, the NPC was strongly dissatisfied.

Professor Snape didn't want to see Adam Young for any other reason than to tell him that he should either work hard or pack up and leave.

It has to be said that Hogwarts is a more humane school and treats players well. If I had moved to another place, if I didn't work well for a few months, I would have been fired a long time ago.

However, Xiao Ming doesn't care about this job. He has already become familiar with the magic that can be learned in school. It’s okay if you don’t want this job. Before leaving, he did not forget to drop a bombshell.

"By the way, Professor Snape, I have news for you. Peter Pettigrew is not dead. He has now become a mouse, Ron Weasley's pet Scabbers."

"What!" Snape was shocked. Such breaking news, coming from the mouth of an ordinary assistant coach, is really shocking.

Just when he was about to ask a few more questions, he found that Adam Yang had disappeared from his office without a trace. What is this ability? ! It’s terrifying to think about it.

Revealing this news was just Xiao Ming's bad taste. As for how the plot of this secret realm will develop next, Xiao Ming is not worried at all.

After all, this is a secret realm controlled by the game system. Maybe if Xiao Ming doesn't follow up, the plot will still develop as in the original work. This was just a small experiment he did casually.

In addition to revealing this news to Professor Snape, Xiao Ming also secretly made some changes in Professor Lupin's mind.

It would be too troublesome to do [Silver Moon Wolf God] again in the secret realm. Xiao Ming just made Lupin no longer see the moon in his eyes and no longer transform into a wolf, which was considered to be worthy of him.

Let's wait a few months and see if there will be any changes in this secret realm. Xiao Ming was looking forward to it.

Let's get back to the point. After talking about the big and small things that happened in the real world, let's talk about the game.

Zhang Xiaoming's gaming career during this period can be roughly divided into three parts: Wuxia Planet, the secret realm of Magic Planet, and the main game of Magic Planet.

The main game is naturally divided into four roles, such as explorer and researcher. Let's take a look at them one by one.

The first one to look at is Wuxia Planet. Huang Xiaoming may not be able to stay online because he pretends to be Sir Double-Forked Scarface.

Therefore, other Xiao Mings have been responsible for the Wuxia Planet game, or more accurately, they should be responsible for advancing the plot of the secret realm of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

On October 30, after Xiao Ming returned to the real world from the reincarnation space, the character he played, Nan Xiren, had to continue his previous work.

He continued to copy books and spread modern knowledge to the Song Dynasty, while continuing to practice the art of longevity with Sha Gu...

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