Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1535 The Holy See of Light

Returning a favor. The Great Swords were not ungrateful. Xiao Ming had done so much for them, but he was embarrassed to ask for a reward, and they could not enjoy it with a clear conscience.

It is said that if you receive a drop of water from someone, you must repay it with a spring. The Great Swords received more than a simple "drop of water" from Xiao Ming, and they were thinking about how to "repay it with a spring".

Unexpectedly, after Xiao Ming arranged everything, he turned around and ran away. They had no way to leave this continent and cross space to pursue him.

So, the Great Swords widely publicized Zhang Xiaoming's deeds of saving the continent, and made statues of him everywhere on the continent. It was the image of him wearing a divine robe and being extremely showy.

The common people did not know the truth, and regarded Xiao Ming as a god. They would often pray and offer sacrifices to him during festivals. Xiao Ming actually enjoyed incense in another world.

The Great Swords also established a new organization - [The Church of Light]. Respect Xiao Ming as the [God of Light] worshipped by the Church. Who made his name Zhang Xiaoming. At the same time, the Great Swords also regarded themselves as Saints of the God of Light.

How could they have such an idea? ! No need to ask, of course it was Yan Hongxia who did it. The Great Swords certainly didn't know about the world of reincarnation and had never heard of Saints, but Yan Hongxia knew!

When Xiao Ming passed the small universe to the Great Sword, her imagination was opened. On her own initiative, she copied the model of Athena and Saints in the Great Sword plane.

The elements of Yan Hongxia's evil taste and weirdness in doing this are probably more than gratitude and admiration for Xiao Ming.

It's a rare opportunity to have such a chance to play, and any reincarnationist would probably do something. This is really something Xiao Ming didn't expect.

Moreover, the establishment of the Church of Light is also somewhat helpful to Xiao Ming himself. Every believer who believes in him will increase his small universe accordingly.

The amount of enhancement provided by each believer varies, depending on the believer's degree of belief in the God of Light and the strength of the believer's own small universe.

Like most of the great swords, their belief in Xiao Ming is almost to the point of being die-hard. They will offer 1/10 of their small universe to Xiao Ming. This is a huge small universe.

However, they will never suffer a loss. Their firm belief greatly strengthens their small universe. This is a win-win situation.

Even this is just the beginning. With the spread of the doctrine of the God of Light in the Great Sword plane, the increase in believers, and the growing strength of the great swords, Xiao Ming's small universe has also risen.

From October 30th when Zhang Xiaoming left the reincarnation space to December 7th when he came into contact with the prehistoric forces. In the past month or so, there are not many things worth mentioning in reality.

In addition, there are some small things, such as Xiao Ming trading some things he needs from various forces.

There are 4 pieces of fire source fragments of different sizes. Unfortunately, they did not undergo qualitative changes after absorption.

There are also 3 incomplete devil fruits, two smoke fruits and one dog-dog fruit in the form of a dachshund.

The smoke fruit is still somewhat useful. The animal-type dog-dog fruit is not bad, but what good is the dachshund form? Will he make a living by being cute in the future?

Then again, if it weren't for such a useless thing, people wouldn't be willing to trade with him.

Xiao Ming thought about it and decided to digest the dog-dog fruit. Let's just call it a dachshund. Let's not discriminate against races!

The dachshund he transformed into is also an S-level monster. It seems very convenient to use it to play the pig and eat the tiger.

In fact, if Xiao Ming is willing to spend money and open up acquisitions, he will definitely get more than this. It's just that he chose to keep a low profile and didn't want to make it known to everyone.

In addition, there is another small matter. On November 30, Tan Guangwen asked Xiao Ming for help and participated in the secret realm of the "Harry Potter" world.

Around the end of June, Xiao Ming helped Tan Guangwen once, allowing his 11 players in the Tan family team to enter the Harry Potter world in the magic planet game.

In the following months, Xiao Ming occasionally went to the secret realm of Harry Potter World.

The characteristics of the secret realm of the world are that the advancement of time will become the same as in reality, and it will pass day by day.

Unlike normal secret realms, which advance according to the plot nodes, once the conditions are met, it may take a long time in the blink of an eye. It is possible that months, years, and decades will pass in a flash.

Therefore, the existence of the secret realm of the world gives some players enough time to develop and learn what they are interested in. It is no longer limited to playing games.

At this time, the world of Harry Potter is in the third year of the "Prisoner of Azkaban" stage. There are many Dementors stationed by the Ministry of Magic in Hogwarts School.

The students are under relatively strict protection. As long as they are more careful, nothing will happen.

But players can't get the status of students. Most of them are chores in the school. While working for the school, they quietly learn magic.

These chores will definitely not receive special protection from Principal Dumbledore and the professors.

Tan Guangwen already had two "henchmen" who unfortunately encountered Dementors when they passed through the Dementors' area during work, and their game characters were killed.

The Secret Realm of the Great World is very troublesome, and you cannot be resurrected after death. If you want to enter again, you must use the secret key again, go through the level again, and enter with another identity.

Tan Guangwen definitely did not ask Xiao Ming to help his men pass the level. They had 11 people entering the Secret Realm of the Great World of Harry Potter, and losing 2 was not too serious.

Besides, the two of them did not lose out. They learned some good magic in this secret realm with abundant magic power for several months. They can be used in the main game and even in reality. It is definitely a big profit.

And they are the two Qiao sisters, twin sisters Qiao Xiaonan and Qiao Xiaobei. After becoming insects (mantis women), they have super strong combat power and overflowing self-confidence, so they dare to take on such dangerous tasks.

But they forgot that their characters in the game are not insects, but ordinary people, and their attributes are far inferior to those in reality. It is natural for them to be killed by Dementors.

If Xiao Ming had been paying attention to them, he would have known about this kind of thing. But they are Tan Guangwen's people, so Xiao Ming did not pay much attention to them.

The purpose of Lao Tan Beef Noodles inviting Xiao Ming this time is to hope that he can help see if there is any way to deal with Dementors.

If there is, the remaining 9 buddies can continue to stay for a long time and learn a lot more.

If there is no way, it doesn't matter. Just be more careful in the future and earn as much as you can. If you are lucky, you may be able to get through it safely.

After all, Beef Noodles knows how powerful Dementors are. He asked Xiao Ming to try his best and leave it to fate.

As for the two Qiaos, they just changed to other secret realms to play, and maybe they can play to their strengths.

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