Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1499: The Void Land

This area of ​​the universe stretches for billions of light years, and there are definitely no galaxies and almost no stars. It is generally called the [Void Land]. It is actually not uncommon in the universe.

Because the matter in the universe is not evenly distributed, some places are denser and some places are looser.

At the same time, due to gravity, dense areas with larger mass will also attract surrounding matter and become more and more dense.

In loose areas with smaller mass, various substances will be sucked away and become more and more empty. Over time, large and small voids will appear.

Of course, just like galaxies are large and small, these areas are also large and small.

This piece of void land near the Crazy Dragon Galaxy spans billions of light years and is considered to be relatively large.

The official name is [Long Aotian Void], because this piece of void separates more than a dozen powerful cosmic civilizations. It makes it difficult for them to conquer each other.

This seems to be a coincidence, but it is actually an inevitable phenomenon. Since it is safer to back up to the void land, it is easier to give birth to a powerful cosmic civilization around the void land. This is also common sense.

Among these dozen civilizations, the three most powerful ones have reached the multi-galaxy level, namely the Lizardman Civilization, the Jade Elf Civilization, and the Six-winged Wingman Civilization.

Lizardmen call themselves mad dragons; Jade elves are arrogant; Six-winged Wingmen regard themselves as angels, so Long Aotian Void is named after this.

However, within the Mad Dragon Civilization, this void is usually called the "Dragon Dung Pond". It means that the "Mad Dragon" excretes all the garbage here.

So there is a classic curse in the Mad Dragon Civilization, "Eat shit!". Its meaning is to curse others to be exiled, which is really different from when people from other civilizations say this.

Double-forked Scarface is the 17th heir of the Scarface Family, and the relationship between him and other heirs is naturally not very harmonious. This sentence is often cursed at each other, and no one expected it to come true.

Because in fact, noble children like them are unlikely to receive such severe punishment.

Even if they commit serious crimes such as murder and arson that deserve to lose their heads, the family will deal with them, usually by depriving them of their rights and raising them like pigs. They are reluctant to even put them under house arrest.

If you want to be exiled, you really have to make a big mistake. To be honest, the mistake made by Shuangcha this time is not enough to get you exiled.

Therefore, Xiao Ming once suspected that his impersonation was discovered. But after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was probably not the case.

If he was really discovered, the most likely approach of the other party would be to control him and then use various methods to obtain information.

First courtesy and then force, torture, torture and interrogation... and finally a beauty trap or something. How can you exile right away? !

Xiao Ming estimated that the Scarface family exiled Shuangcha Scarface for other reasons. Maybe they wanted him to make meritorious contributions while guilty and explore the situation in the "Dragon Dung Pond".

He checked the supply situation in this exploration ship. If it was Shuangcha himself, he would probably only survive for half a year.

However, the family deliberately installed a hibernation chamber in the spacecraft. The meaning is probably to let him hibernate for a long time. Wake up once every once in a while and observe the situation.

If there is nothing to find, then hibernate again. Until there is enough discovery to atone for the sin, then you can hibernate and return. It can be regarded as a meritorious service.

But no lizardman took the initiative to tell Double Fork Scarface. If he didn't think of this, he would have to live here for more than half a year and then slowly starve to death.

Of course, the technological level of the Mad Dragon Civilization is quite good. If Double Fork can pick up some garbage in space, such as asteroids, ice, or the bodies and equipment of other exiles.

After technical processing, those garbage can still make some living supplies for the lizardmen.

However, in such a vast void, it is almost like looking for a needle in a haystack to pick up garbage, and the possibility is extremely low.

Xiao Ming can imagine that if it is Double Fork Scarface himself, there is no way to survive unless a miracle happens.

But it is different for himself. This kind of small thing does not hurt Xiao Ming at all. It can't even trap him.

If it is too boring, you can leave parasites, clones, or mind beasts here and go back to Shennong No. 2 to play. Come and see when you are free.

But his intuition vaguely reminds him not to leave. As long as the real body continues to stay here, he may encounter some magical things. So he obeyed obediently.

At the beginning, Huang Xiaoming released his mental power to scan, scanning a distance of nearly one light year. Except for a small amount of gas molecules, he didn't see even a small ice cube.

In fact, the efficiency of mental power scanning is not as good as the technology detector built into the detection ship.

Therefore, Huang Xiaoming spent more time playing games. Anyway, there is nothing in reality, so just release a mind beast to watch.

He thought about summoning Xiao Xiaoer and combining with a dragon warrior, so that he could definitely scan farther. But his intuition rejected his idea again.

Xiaoming has always believed in his intuition. Since his intuition suggests so, just waste it. Anyway, it really has no effect on him. Just do what he should do.

The worst outcome is just to sacrifice Huang Xiaoming's body, which is not a big deal. Just create another one when you have time.

However, things in the world are often unexpected. On December 7, a colorful beam of light suddenly appeared and "captured" the detection ship.

Xiao Ming actually recognized this colorful beam of light. Isn't this the artifact of Asgard in the Marvel world - [Bifrost]? !

The Bifrost is also a technology and device used for instant teleportation. The Aesir use it to instantly teleport anyone or anything in any corner of the universe to Asgard. And vice versa.

Of course, this teleportation can also be affected by powerful energy. If the Aesir rob others of their things at will, don't blame them for counterattacking.

I don't know who has such a great ability to bring this thing into reality.

As for whether it is the invention of a certain civilization in reality, Xiao Ming did not speculate in that direction.

The power of this rainbow bridge is too strong, far beyond Xiao Ming's imagination. After being caught by it, Huang Xiaoming's body was separated separately, wearing a flawless white robe, as if standing barefoot on the clouds.

This is not the most powerful. The most amazing thing is that Silver Xiaoming, who is in Pangu's body, and Green Xiaoming, the insect king in the private world, are also standing together in white robes.

Red Xiaoming's body is lying at the feet of several people, but his soul is still in the underworld, protected by the soul gem, and cannot be "caught" by the Rainbow Bridge. Only the body was teleported. It seems that the Rainbow Bridge is not yet able to snatch people from the soul gem.

In that special world without supernatural energy, Orange Xiaoming, who turned into a cactus, also escaped. My master A Cha's reincarnation disk can also be unaffected by the Rainbow Bridge. It's really awesome.

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