Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1498 Don’t treat me like this

Looking out the window, no light can be seen in any direction.

Only this tiny exploration ship is floating in the dark and cold universe. It can't even feel itself floating, because there is no external reference.

Huang Xiaoming, who has transformed into a double-forked scarface in the spaceship, is upset: "Oh my god, don't do this to me?! I just want to see the cosmic civilization. This is not okay?

If a person is unlucky, it's really a toothache when drinking cold water. Fortunately, it's me. If it were the real owner, how could he live here!?"

What happened? Let's talk about it one by one.

On November 3, 6666 of the Pangu calendar, the Shennong 2 spacecraft, no, now it can be called the Shennong 2 fleet, welcomed a small civilian spacecraft.

There is no doubt that this small spacecraft comes from the Scarface Family of the Crazy Dragon Galaxy. There are only 3 or 5 lizardmen in the spacecraft. They explained their purpose to Captain Xin Ku.

At this time, the ransom price of Sir Double Scarface has not been negotiated yet. But the general direction has been determined. It will be finalized sooner or later.

To put it nicely, these lizardmen came here to serve Double Scarface. After the deal is done, they will take Sir back to the Crazy Dragon Galaxy on the small spaceship.

To put it bluntly, they actually came to investigate and check. Who knows if the Pangu people will do anything to Double Scarface.

So, they came here in advance and planned to check it out. Make sure they will not bring back a time bomb or a traitor.

Of course, it is not too late to do this kind of thing after the conditions are negotiated and they accept Double Scarface.

The lizardmen insisted on doing it now, and there was another purpose, which was to send someone to see the level of Pangu Star's space technology with their own eyes. Knowing yourself and the enemy will ensure victory in a hundred battles.

As a result, what they saw was Shennong 2, except for the spaceship that Double Scarface brought before. None of them can represent the level of Pangu Star's space technology.

This is also the reason why our negotiators agreed to let them send people over. Anyway, the other party can't see the real situation.

If Shennong is still the broken ship that the New Han Kingdom used when it set out, it would be embarrassing to show it to the Lizardmen. Not only will it reveal the bottom card, but it will also be looked down upon by others.

Fortunately, the original body of the Shennong 2 spacecraft is the Avalon immigration spacecraft from the reincarnation world of "Space Passengers".

The Shen family has compared it with the Lizardmen's spacecraft. Except for the space jump engine, the other parts have their own advantages.

The whole spacecraft has a beautiful shape and a very high level of technology. Letting the Lizardmen see it will not embarrass Pangu Star.

Moreover, if we agree to an "excessive" request from the other party, we can be more confident when we put forward conditions.

Two Lizardmen boarded the Shennong 2 spacecraft and lived with Huang Xiaoming's incarnation of the double-forked scar face, and they never left. They held various small instruments to check him all day long.

If the Pangu Star side really did something, they would probably find out. That would be passive.

However, the fact that Xiao Ming, an S-level master, a civil servant in the underworld, and a dragon warrior, personally transformed into a double-forked scar face was far beyond the technological level of the Crazy Dragon Star to detect.

However, this also reminded Xiao Ming. Don't treat other people as fools. Don't use some small tricks. For example, put [Bone Worm] on these two lizardmen.

That kind of trick may not be able to hide from others. If it is exposed, not only will his plan to sneak into the Crazy Dragon Galaxy fail, but it will also affect the relationship between the other party and Pangu Star.

Xiao Ming, who knows nothing about the political situation in the universe, does not want to cause trouble for his home planet. If he uses tricks, he must use the most advanced tricks.

Even if the other party finds out, I am afraid he will have to weigh it carefully. Should people with such abilities be provoked?

During this period, Xiao Ming deliberately missed the mission in the reincarnation space. Because the lizardmen and Xiao Ming are inseparable, if he suddenly disappears for a while and reappears, it is really impossible to explain.

On November 11, the two sides successfully negotiated, and Huang Xiaoming boarded the small spaceship from the Crazy Dragon Star, left Shennong 2, and also left the solar system.

I wanted to sneak into the Crazy Dragon Galaxy just like this. I never expected that although the Scarface Family redeemed him, they had no intention of taking him home. They exiled him directly.

The Scarface Family redeemed Double Fork Scarface because they didn't want to lose face in front of the major forces in the Crazy Dragon Galaxy. After all, the knight is also a nobleman, and he has been a prisoner on Pangu Star. It's not easy to say.

But Double Fork messed up the matter, and the family didn't want him to come back and continue to discredit his family.

According to the reports of the lizardmen sent to Shennong 2, Double Fork Scarface did not obtain any intelligence and did not grow much. The family finally decided to exile him.

If Huang Xiaoming knew this was the reason, he would probably cry in the toilet.

Previously, in order to pretend that there were no flaws, all his behaviors strictly conformed to the habits of the original knight. But he ignored the issues of growth and change.

From the family's perspective, a person who has experienced such a big thing should have grown or changed. Failure is not a big deal, knowing shame and then being brave, and making progress is the most important thing.

As a result, this 17th heir has made no progress at all. It's really a rotten wood that can't be carved. Simply exile the ball. Xiao Ming completely dug a hole and buried himself.

It must be said that even though he has become an S-level master and his strength is extremely strong, his social experience is still at the level of a geek.

In the small spaceship sent by the Scarface family, there is also an even smaller micro-spaceship similar to a probe ship. Xiao Ming has been arranged to live here.

After the small spaceship made several space jumps, on November 16, without saying a word, the micro-spaceship and Double Fork Scarface were launched.

The destination was a dark area with almost nothing, and then they turned around and teleported away without any intention of staying. Clean and neat.

Because the launch speed was very fast, and Xiao Ming was still pretending to be innocent at the time, he did not react for a while. In a blink of an eye, he was left alone.

Those lizardmen did not even announce their exile to him. It was only through a video recorded in the probe ship that Xiao Ming learned what was going on. If he had known this, he would not have pretended.

But then again, Xiao Ming had seen this place of exile in Double Fork's memory. He also had a little interest in it.

It was a huge space of space in the universe that stretched for billions of light years, and there was not even a star in it. It is estimated that there may be some gas or asteroids that drifted far away.

More importantly, there is not even a transit station for the pan-universe transmission network here, which means that this area has no value for development.

So this place has become a place of exile for criminals of the Crazy Dragon Galaxy civilization and several nearby civilizations, and a troublesome garbage disposal plant. It is equivalent to the Meteor Street in the world of "Hunter x Hunter".

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