Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1491 Good News on Christmas Eve

On the night of December 24, 1995, Christmas Eve, goose-feather-sized snowflakes painted all the shops in Diagon Alley white.

There won't be any business tonight, many shops are closed. There are also some people who live in the store, gathering together to drink, chat, and give each other gifts.

They sincerely wished each other "Merry Christmas!" and then added "Gong Xi Fa Cai".

Europeans do not have the habit of saying "Congratulations on getting rich". This is what Xiao Ming often said after he arrived, causing a wave of people to follow suit. I don't know how long I can hold on.

In Ollivander's wand shop, Mr. Ollivander excitedly hugged Yin Xiaoming, the clone of Yu Yu, and kissed him twice.

"Succeeded! I succeeded! Hahahaha——, from now on I will be the greatest wand master! Hahaha... cough cough cough..."

Xiao Ming pushed it away with a look of disgust on his face. It would be fine if this guy was a beauty, an old man with wrinkles on his face that could be seen in the fields. Xiao Ming didn't want to be so affectionate with him.

Mr. Ollivander, who was older, laughed a few times and accidentally choked on his own saliva, which made his face turn red.

Of course, Xiao Ming can completely understand his excitement. It took Mr. Ollivander a year and a half to finally prove Xiao Ming's two conjectures.

First, the shape of the wand has an impact on the power of the wand; second, the material of the wand can indeed be made of a variety of woods.

The third conjecture, regarding the matching of the stick core, has not been tested yet.

Mr. Ollivander feels that this conjecture makes some sense, but it will be extremely difficult and will require more time to study.

The so-called successful test does not mean that he has solved all the problems. Rather, it means that he achieved staged success.

Ollivander discovered that there are five wand shapes that can perform different functions. In addition, he also confirmed that the combination of three materials can make a very distinctive wand.

This proves that this path is absolutely feasible. Therefore, he was equally confident in Xiao Ming's third guess.

This is knowledge that can be studied in depth for a lifetime. As long as he makes some achievements in this area, Mr. Ollivander becoming the greatest wand master in history is by no means a pipe dream.

On Christmas Eve, perhaps it was a gift from Santa Claus that allowed him to successfully complete the preliminary test.

"Harry Potter" is a magical world, and maybe there really is a Santa Claus. Moreover, Xiao Ming actually succeeded long before he succeeded.

This is not to say how talented Xiao Ming is in making wands, but that Xiao Ming can easily complete many things that are difficult for Mr. Ollivander to do.

The main reason is that Xiao Ming can use the wood escape ability of his follower fox demon Kurama to control the growth and shape of wood at will.

Take the shape of the wand, for example. Mr. Ollivander needs to polish the carved wood and make it into a certain shape, which will inevitably cause some damage to the material.

But Xiao Ming can make the wood directly form that shape when it grows. Purely natural and pollution-free, the effect is much better than that of the store manager.

The problem of material matching is even more so. Mr. Ollivander discovered that it was useless to join different pieces of wood directly together. They must be allowed to fuse and grow together.

This kind of thing can be solved by grafting in the Muggle world. In the world of magicians, it's basically the same, except with the blessing of magic. Xiao Ming can directly make different woods grow together.

Therefore, Mr. Ollivander's idea needs to be implemented slowly, but Xiao Ming has already secretly completed it.

Xiao Ming can even take a step further in the field of stick cores. Thanks to the secret technique of Earth Resentment Yu and the ability of the chimera ant Yupi, coupled with the powerful talents of the Zerg, it is very easy for Xiao Ming to generate animal-like materials.

Even if he fuses different animal tissues together, such as fusing the heart nerves of a fire dragon with the tail feathers of a phoenix, he can do it.

This is something that even Mr. Ollivander has a headache about. The reason why he has never tested the combination of rod core materials is because he felt it was difficult.

Starting with the easy stuff and then the tough stuff, he chose to conquer the other two conjectures first. After those two studies are well-known, we can then start to study the problem of rod core matching.

Although he didn't do it, he usually made some ideas. With his wealth of knowledge and experience, 30% of his ideas are reliable.

Ollivander couldn't do it, so Xiao Ming quietly did it himself. And it goes further.

Xiao Ming has already started researching ways to fuse the animal-like core of the wand with the plant-like wood.

Ollivander probably wouldn't even dare to think about such a thing. And Xiao Ming can really do it through his own abilities.

At present, this new conjecture is still in preliminary experiments. But Xiao Ming is already quite proficient in the original three directions.

He can even grow a wand directly from the palm of his hand at will. This is the most perfect form.

But considering Mr. Ollivander's face, Xiao Ming has never shown this ability in front of others. Mainly because I'm afraid the old man won't be able to bear it.

One side might steal the title of greatest wand master. It was too much to take away this opportunity to leave a name in the history of magic.

On the other hand, Xiao Ming didn't want to dampen his confidence. Because what he can do, Ollivander can never do. It would be useless even if he was transformed into a bug-human.

As a wand maker, there is a realm that you can never reach. What a terrible feeling that is.

I worked in his shop, learned so much knowledge from him, and made a lot of money. How could I stab him in the back? !

It is better to be kind. Besides, those so-called honors are meaningless to Xiao Ming. He is not from this world.

Looking at the old man who was cheering like a child with a smile, Xiao Ming felt an inexplicable sense of satisfaction. It was as if his own child was admitted to a good university.

Anyway, after a year and a half of getting along, the relationship between the two is really good. Moreover, from the actual age, Xiao Ming is probably older than Ollivander.

At this moment, an owl with a letter in its mouth flew in from the window and went straight to Mr. Ollivander.

At the same time, the leader's right guard, who was playing with the Thestrals with Luna in the Forbidden Forest, also welcomed the simultaneous visit of several owls.

"What! You-Know-Who is attacking Azkaban Prison!" Ollivander was extremely shocked. The old man was just happy, but when he suddenly received such news, he felt like a bucket of cold water was poured on his head.

Once this news came out, the magic world might not have the time to pay attention to their success for a long time.

Xiao Ming was not surprised by this. The Ministry of Magic has been preparing for this war for a long time. Although the right guard of the leader expressed his attitude of not participating, the news was still heard.

The war finally started.

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