Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1490 Horace Slughorn

At the beginning of the new school year, Severus Snape was ordered to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts. The Potions class originally taught by him was replaced by a new teacher, Horace Slughorn.

Last school year, Mad Eye Moody taught Defense Against the Dark Arts. In fact, the real teacher was Barty Crouch Jr., and the real Moody had been imprisoned.

Logically, the real Moody should have taught this year. But the problem is that the Order of the Phoenix and Voldemort are about to fight, and Moody's fighting power cannot be wasted in school.

So Dumbledore made some adjustments and transferred Snape over. In addition, he specially invited his old colleague Horace to teach Potions.

This old gentleman was once the dean of Slytherin College and was particularly good at Potions. He has taught many outstanding students, including Voldemort when he was young, Harry's mother Lily, Snape... This qualification is also quite old.

Originally, Xiao Ming also thought that Dumbledore invited him because he saw his teaching ability. Later, when Harry came to ask for help, he realized that there was another meaning.

When Tom Riddle became Voldemort and began to harm the entire wizarding world, Dumbledore collected a large number of memories related to Voldemort from his colleagues.

For no other reason, just to find the weakness of the Dark Lord. One of the memories was from Horace, which made the old man always worried.

Because he noticed that the memory had been modified. The modifier was probably Horace himself.

How serious was the matter that made Horace choose to modify the memory? Dumbledore had to be more careful.

Because [Tom Riddle's Diary] appeared, Dumbledore already had some guesses. He suspected that the diary was a Horcrux.

If it was really a Horcrux, then Voldemort would be more difficult to deal with than imagined. Because he was unkillable, all his Horcruxes must be destroyed before killing him.

So Dumbledore needed to get an accurate answer. This required him to get that real memory. This is why old Dumbledore asked Horace to be a professor.

Horcruxes are taboo knowledge, and even among professors, not many people know about them. And the knowledgeable Horace is one of them.

Dumbledore needs to know whether Voldemort has learned the relevant knowledge and how much he knows about Horcruxes.

Horace is a very interesting person. He was born in the Slughorn family, one of the twenty-eight sacred families. But he is not a pure-blooded person like Lucius and Narcissa.

When he was teaching at Hogwarts, Horace created a slug club, which specifically invited outstanding students, children of famous and successful people, and children from families with good interpersonal relationships in the magic world. There is no restriction on bloodline.

Otherwise, Voldemort, Lily, and Snape would not have been favored by him. He valued ability and background.

Being with outstanding people can further highlight his own excellence. Through the slug club, Horace has established a very large network of relationships for himself.

How big is this network? Simply put, if Voldemort had such connections, he would have unified the British wizarding world long ago.

But Horace did not use his connections to stir up trouble, nor did he even use them to accumulate a lot of wealth. He simply enjoyed a kind of happiness. A kind of happiness of collecting celebrities.

Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ginny Weasley were all invited to join the Slug Club.

On the contrary, for students with mediocre qualifications, he was even too lazy to remember their names. For example, Ron, Neville and others.

In addition, he was also greedy for material enjoyment, and his favorite was oak-aged honey wine, pineapple candied fruit, and velvet smoking jackets...

Therefore, he would occasionally use his connections to make a little money, but he was not interested in more.

It can be said that he was vain, greedy for pleasure, and even a little snobbish, but this person really didn't have any bad intentions.

Even when Voldemort was extremely powerful, he did not surrender to him. Instead, he kept avoiding the Death Eaters.

Dumbledore took a lot of effort to find him. Then he took Harry around in front of him and seduced him to the school.

There was no way, Harry Potter was too famous. If he couldn't recruit him into the Slug Club, Horace felt that his life was incomplete.

Privately, Dumbledore secretly showed Harry that memory and explained his thoughts. He hoped that Harry could get the real news from Horace.

Before that, Harry had tried several times, but he had never succeeded. So he asked the leader's right guard for help. He finally found the right person.

Xiao Ming didn't need to use the power of the underworld to check Horace's life. Because there was another person involved in that memory - Voldemort.

And Xiao Ming knew Voldemort's life. It was just such a boring thing that Xiao Ming was too lazy to pay attention to before. Since Harry asked him for help. Xiao Ming took the initiative to look it up.

Sure enough, after a Slug Club meeting, Tom took the initiative to stay and chat with Horace alone. During the period, he asked about the Horcrux.

If it was another teacher, such as Dumbledore, he would have rejected it sternly at the beginning. But Horace's personality was to show off and teach others. He patiently explained such terrible knowledge to Tom.

During this period, Tom even vaguely revealed that he wanted to split his soul into 7 pieces and make 6 Horcruxes. This was very important information for Dumbledore.

So, the next day, Xiao Ming gave this memory to Harry. He has been in this world for two years, and Xiao Ming can easily use this level of magic.

Especially the magic related to memory, which has something in common with the power of the underworld, is easier to use.

In addition to this memory, when teaching ninjutsu privately, Xiao Ming also secretly gave Old Dumbledore a good news.

Tell him that the three Horcruxes [Ravenclaw's Diadem], [Hufflepuff's Gold Cup], and Harry himself have been destroyed by himself. By the way, he also gave him the gold cup.

Although I don't want to interfere with this world, I have to tell them about this. Otherwise, there will be a big mess.

Dumbledore and the members of the Order of the Phoenix took great pains to destroy the other Horcruxes. In the end, they couldn't find the remaining Horcruxes. That's funny.

Xiao Ming doesn't have that kind of boring taste. It's better to tell Old Dumbledore the news as soon as possible.

Of course, Dumbledore got not only the good news of the destruction of the three Horcruxes from Xiao Ming, but also powerful ninjutsu.

Since there will be a big battle in Azkaban prison, the five deans all want to learn some powerful ninjutsu. It is best to use it to ambush people in battle.

Xiao Ming satisfied their wishes and taught them the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique. Naruto relied on this technique to conquer the world. I wonder how powerful it will be in the hands of the five deans.

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