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Chapter 1486 Fudge's Confidant

Who is lucky enough to become the confidant of the Minister of Magic? It is none other than Barnabas Guffey, the editor-in-chief of the Daily Prophet, and Rita Skeeter, a reporter.

Before, Xiao Ming had placed [Bugs on the Bone] in the bodies of these two people. In addition, Xiao Ming gave them a large sum of gold Galleons to find a backer.

The Daily Prophet is indeed the largest newspaper in the British magic world. Barnabas and Rita have a wide network of contacts, smart brains, and wild ways.

After two or three officials acted as a transfer, they actually got in touch with Minister Fudge, which is really amazing. In addition, the money Xiao Ming gave was indeed a bit too much.

After entering Fudge's system, the advantages of reporters and editors were reflected. They have a certain grasp of public opinion and have unique insights into current affairs. The key is that they are eloquent and can turn black into white. They provide Fudge with considerable help. And also received corresponding rewards.

In addition, the original confidant Umbridge has gone crazy; no one deliberately excluded them, after all, they were paid; so the two quickly became Fudge's core confidants.

Rita was following and reporting the entire Triwizard Tournament at Hogwarts. So Fudge left school with her, and did not even return to the Ministry of Magic. They immediately went to Diagon Alley, the newspaper office of the Daily Prophet, to discuss countermeasures with Barnabas.

This matter cannot be delayed, because the report on the final of the Triwizard Tournament must be sent out early tomorrow morning, so the tone must be set now.

Regarding Harry Potter's resurrection of Voldemort, should they choose to believe it, not believe it, or remain silent.

For such a big thing, Rita certainly did not make the decision on her own, and had already secretly asked for instructions from her boss, the leader's right guard.

Xiao Ming's instructions were also very simple, as long as they agreed with Dumbledore. They could make up the specific reasons themselves.

When Fudge asked for their opinions, Barnabas understood immediately after Rita opened her mouth, so the two of them sang in unison and talked Fudge so eloquently that he was almost crippled. He almost sold him a wheelchair.

The two understood that with a person like Fudge, you can't talk about right and wrong, ideals, justice... These are worthless in Fudge's heart, and the best way is to talk about interests.

So Rita began to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of different response plans.

Although Fudge's first thought was to deny the matter and cover it up. As long as you don't admit the existence of the problem, then the problem doesn't exist.

But Rita told him that this was the stupidest way. After all, Voldemort's body has never been found. If he really resurrected, Fudge would cover up the truth, and that would be the end.

Not only would his political career end completely and he would be cursed for all eternity; the most terrible thing is that if he was held accountable and said he was a Death Eater, he would not even be able to save his life.

Although this is the stupidest way to do it, Rita also knows that this is a common problem for many politicians on Earth. Even the magic world is not immune.

It is a compromise to keep silent about Harry's words. Others can believe it or not, but the Ministry of Magic will not bear this responsibility anyway. Using the investigation as an excuse, it will drag on until the truth is revealed.

Whether this is right or wrong, it is the responsibility of Harry, the initiator, and Dumbledore, who fully trusts Harry. In theory, Fudge is not wrong. Because he is investigating.

However, this fence-sitting method, although it sounds reasonable, is actually very stupid.

If the news is confirmed to be true. Fudge will have a reputation for inaction. People will say: How can we take the Dark Lord lightly? !

The Ministry of Magic was given time to prepare to deal with Voldemort and the Death Eaters, but it did not make good use of it. It will definitely be criticized.

If the news is false, others will also say that Fudge is a fool, and even a 14-year-old child can deceive him.

Why do we need to conduct an investigation and waste the public resources of the Ministry of Magic...blah blah blah, anyway, Fudge is not a good person inside and outside. The general public is like this, and they will be criticized for finding faults.

So the best way for Fudge is to be tough. With the help of Voldemort and the Death Eaters, the powerful enemy, the Ministry of Magic can be united. Even unify public opinion.

The biggest advantage of doing this is that you can gain greater power. Because this is equivalent to the war period. The power of the prime minister during wartime is the greatest.

And you can also get the support of the Hogwarts school system and the greatest wizard of today, Dumbledore. Why not? !

Fudge objected and said, don’t just think about good things. What if it is confirmed that this matter is false? Will you not be questioned when the truth is revealed?

Barnabas and Rita looked at each other and smiled tacitly. He leaned close to Fudge's ear and said mysteriously, "Minister, even if it's fake, we can make it real."

"What?!" Fudge was shocked and didn't understand for a moment. He thought Barnabas was going to train the next Voldemort. He asked sternly, "What do you mean? Are you Death Eaters!"

o(≧口≦)o Barnabas and Rita both felt like they were going to collapse. Fudge's political ability is too low.

It can be said that if it weren't for Dumbledore's support and Umbridge's outstanding ability over the years, this guy wouldn't have been able to be the minister at all.

"What are you thinking about!" Barnabas hurriedly explained, "I mean, we just need to send someone to pretend to be [The Mysterious Man]. I don't want him to really be resurrected."

Voldemort's original name was Tom Marvolo Riddle. Later, because he hated his Muggle ancestry, he swapped the letters of his name and changed it to Voldemort.

He has the title of "the most dangerous black magician in history", and most people dare not call him by his first name. Because everyone suspected that the name had been cursed by a Death Eater.

Once someone tells it, it will break the magic barrier and cause disturbance, which will be traced by Voldemort and Death Eaters. You can't commit suicide like this.

So people usually use "You-Know-Who", "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named" or "The-Dark-Lord" ) to call him.

Of course, the last title is usually used by Death Eaters or people who are more sympathetic to Voldemort. Most people wouldn't call it that.

The only one who dared to call Voldemort by his first name was Dumbledore, a more powerful magician. And Harry Potter, a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers.

Harry is protected by his mother Lily's spell. Neither Voldemort nor Death Eaters could harm him until he reached adulthood. It was really okay if he called me by his first name.

However, after Voldemort's resurrection, things changed. With Harry's blood flowing in the newly born Voldemort, Voldemort himself can now harm Harry.

Therefore, Dumbledore must find a way to provide him with more protection. Harry was relatively safe inside Hogwarts Castle. But once he leaves school, Harry will be exposed to danger. Therefore, Mr. Deng urgently recalled the leader's right guard as a last resort.

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