Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1485 Wedding Gift

Xiao Ming actually admires this 13146. Her original major in supernatural energy was telekinesis. With her powerful telekinesis ability, she was able to enter the private world and reach her lover.

But he also permanently lost his mind power. He was also controlled by the guy who thought he was "Yoshiko Kawashima".

However, 13146 continued to strive for self-improvement, and soon cultivated the small universe to a good level, reaching the level of a B-level reincarnator. Equivalent to the Silver Saint.

Moreover, her unique skill [Electricity with Love] is also quite unique. By singing a song, she condenses all her strength into one blow. You can instantly possess the power of the Golden Saint. If she has a group of teammates who can protect her, this move can be a powerful weapon.

In fact, with her fighting ability, she could follow Harry for a walk in the cemetery. Facing the newly resurrected Voldemort, it would not be a problem to be evenly matched.

If the timing is very precise and the trick is launched at the best time, Voldemort may be resurrected in vain this time.

However, 13146 did not do this, because if this was the purpose, all resources would be focused on her. This was not what she wanted.

Therefore, she still focused on the [Warriors of the Dawn] team and tried her best to help them win rewards and improve their strength.

This time 13146 deliberately stayed in this world to meet the leader's right guard (Huang Xiaoming). The main purpose was of course to express his gratitude in person.

The secondary purpose is to connect with each other. I hope that the leader's right guard can help the warrior team when we have the opportunity to meet him in the future.

Xiao Ming said to himself, do they still need me now? ? There are so many people on the pole to help. One more person is not more than me, and one person less than me is not a lot. I'd better help you.

Generally, people in Xiao Ming's gang like to use the [Sword of Rewarding Good and Punishing Evil] to ensure that the person is qualified to receive help. But this sword is not very suitable for 13146.

Because 13146 is not a good person in the orthodox sense, everything she does is because she likes 33347.

Although she has done some good deeds and will be rewarded with a sword that rewards good and punishes evil, this reward cannot be too good. So Xiao Ming specially gave her a very memorable treasure.

"[Devil Fish Scale Clothes]! No, no! This gift is too expensive, I really can't accept it." 13146 refused hastily.

This is an A-level protective gear, and it just matches the little universe. It would be a lie to say that she doesn’t want it, but it’s no reward, and she feels that she hasn’t even repaid her previous life-saving grace. She is really embarrassed to accept such a high-end product. gift.

"Don't be polite," Xiao Ming persuaded with a smile, "Do you still remember, we had a fight over this scale coat. I don't have any use for it now, so it's just right for you. Besides, you weren't newly married. Okay? Consider this a gift from me.”

Seeing that 13146 still looked reluctant, Xiao Ming continued to add: "I also respect the warriors who opened up the dawn. You often do tasks with them now. With this scale coat, you can better protect them. You have done your part for me. Okay, no more. Goodbye."

Finally, Xiao Ming stopped talking nonsense, put the scale clothes on her body, and directly used his space ability to teleport 13146 out of his room. It's like forcing a gift onto someone.

The little girl simply didn't know whether to laugh or cry. There were still such people in the world, so she would have made a mistake. It seems that they are not thinking about themselves, but really for the eight warriors.

She is still in Hogwarts Castle at the moment. If she really doesn't want the scale coat, she can still find Xiao Ming to return it. But that would be too pretentious.

13146 I just feel that the gift is too expensive and I am embarrassed to accept it. How can I really not want it? ! Since the leader's right guard has reached this point, she can only be disrespectful.

However, she also thought about it, not to get the benefits of others for nothing, and she would discuss it carefully with her husband after returning home to see how to repay the favor.

The warrior team has obtained a lot of resources from the New Han Kingdom, and they are not poor. There are also high-level items, but they are currently not strong enough and cannot be used for the time being.

It shouldn't be a problem to take one of them out as a return gift. Now that you have met your old friend, let’s do other things quickly.

13146 was able to stay in this world through the use of random mission cards. That small mission didn't have much reward, but she couldn't waste it.

Besides, she has accumulated a lot of favorability points from several professors and students, and she can take the opportunity to redeem them for some benefits. Let's get down to business quickly.

In fact, not long after, she met Xiao Ming again. But it's not Huang Xiaoming from Hogwarts, but Yin Xiaoming, the clone of Yu Yu who works part-time at Ollivander's Wand Shop.

Fortunately, Xiao Ming used magic to cover it up, so she just looked at it casually when passing by and didn't recognize it.

Previously, 13146 and the Warrior Team earned a lot of gold galleons in the world of "Harry Potter". They spent more than half of it on the mission, but left a small part.

As a girl, she would not be willing to leave without spending all the money. As for what she will buy in Diagon Alley, that has nothing to do with Xiao Ming.

What really deserves Xiao Ming's attention is the "Voldemort's resurrection incident".

In the final scene of the Triwizard Tournament, Harry Potter returned to Hogwarts from the cemetery alone, claiming that Voldemort had been resurrected. But no evidence could be provided.

Originally, if he had been given a truth serum, it would have been a reliable proof. But the little truth serum that Professor Snape had left was used on Barty Crouch Jr. It was not available for the time being.

There were some differences between Dumbledore and Minister of Magic Fudge on whether to believe this matter.

Old Dumbledore had long suspected that Voldemort was not dead, and Harry's experience was nothing more than a confirmation of this. At the same time, he also felt very regretful. He should not have sent the Right Guard of the Leader to do the mission with Lupin.

Although they did a very good job, they even "turned" the entire werewolf group. It was far beyond the expectations of any member of the Order of the Phoenix, including Dumbledore himself.

But if the Right Guard of the Leader was still in the school, by Harry's side. It is estimated that the problem of the fake Moody would have been discovered long ago. Then Voldemort would not be so easy to resurrect.

Old Dumbledore regretted it, but Minister Fudge was hesitant. He did not want to admit that Voldemort was still alive.

In the past ten years, the Ministry of Magic has developed quite well under his leadership. He really did not want to disrupt such a peaceful life. At the same time, he was also worried that his approval rating would drop.

However, Fudge couldn't figure out the complicated relationship for the time being, and he also needed Dumbledore's support, so he didn't refute it on the spot.

Instead, he proposed that the Ministry of Magic would evaluate the authenticity of the matter. In fact, he planned to go back to his confidants to carefully discuss the pros and cons.

It's a pity that Umbridge, his best confidant and think tank, went crazy more than a year ago, otherwise he wouldn't have to be so troubled.

Fortunately, the old ones don't go, the new ones don't come, and Fudge still has other confidants to trust...

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