Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1472: Wolfsbane Potion Doesn’t Work

It's not that the sword of rewarding good and punishing evil can't really solve the problem. Good werewolves are rare, but bad werewolves are everywhere.

As long as they are given the sword of rewarding good and punishing evil, basically any bad werewolf will not survive for more than three months. Either they commit suicide to seek relief, or they go completely crazy. I guess there is no one who turns over a new leaf.

Of course, if a werewolf goes crazy, it will be a big trouble. He is a madman at ordinary times, and a mad wolf when the moon is full. The harm should not be underestimated.

However, a madman who can transform basically won't live long. Is the Ministry of Magic a decoration? An Auror can directly deal with it.

But Xiao Ming didn't do this, because generally speaking, he didn't want to interfere too much with the world.

All the previous actions depended on his mood. As the saying goes, this is called following fate. In fact, he has done a lot.

Snape's plan to use wolf poison potion to win over werewolves did not work.

At the beginning, most humans who had just become werewolves still knew how to control themselves. There are actually many ways.

Before there was the wolfsbane potion, Lupin locked himself in the Shrieking Shack to avoid hurting others.

What if others don't have the Shrieking Shack? Find a secluded place, such as a cellar cage, and lock yourself in it.

If you are really worried, you can also lock yourself with a thick iron chain. Just put the key in the corner, anyway, you will have no reason after transformation and can't open the lock.

So it is not difficult to be a good werewolf. But why do most werewolves become bad werewolves? This is the problem of blood.

Werewolves will gradually be affected by the blood of the wolf, becoming bloodthirsty and violent. Every time they accidentally break the rules, this influence will become deeper and deeper.

To a certain extent, this person will lose the will to resist. Simply break the jar and break it.

Therefore, too many werewolves have become bloodthirsty maniacs and do all kinds of evil. Even when they are not transformed, they still like to do evil.

Although these werewolves also want the wolfsbane potion, it is not to control themselves, but to do evil in a more sober attitude. Isn't this TM helping the evil!

Lupin is not stupid. He will only provide wolf poison potion to werewolves who are willing to make an unbreakable vow with him.

This vow is a magic spell used to make a vow between wizards. If the vow is broken, the person who breaks it will die.

When Lupin was 4 years old, his father offended the werewolf leader Fenrir Greyback. That guy bit little Lupin one night when he turned into a wolf.

So Lupin especially hates turning into a wolf. And he sympathizes with other people who were bitten into werewolves by Fenrir.

By the way, Fenrir is also a Death Eater, and Voldemort used him to organize and lead werewolves.

He may be the cruelest werewolf in the wizarding world. He regards biting and infecting as many people as possible as his goal in life.

Fenrir wants to create enough werewolves to conquer wizards, so he bites children specifically.

He said: Bite them when they are young, so that they grow up away from their parents, grow up with hatred for wizards, and become a member of Voldemort's werewolf army.

Voldemort once threatened those who disobeyed him by letting Fenrir bite their children, and such threats often worked. Locking the door and letting the dog out works.

Fenrir felt that blood was what the werewolves deserved, and the werewolves should also take revenge on normal people. His character is to be vindictive. Lupin's father just scolded him.

Although Fenrir and his werewolf army are loyal to Voldemort. Unfortunately, Voldemort, including his pure-blooded Death Eaters, do not look down on werewolves.

Only when necessary will he allow the werewolves to wear the robes of the Death Eaters, which is not allowed at other times.

This is actually easy to understand. Voldemort doesn't even look down on half-blood wizards, so how can he look down on werewolves, creatures with even more impure blood?

Fortunately, the Dark Lord was defeated in the end. If he really occupied the pinnacle of power and unified Britain and even the European magic world, he would probably completely exterminate the werewolf tribe.

When the rabbit dies, the dog is cooked, and when the bird is dead, the bow is hidden. Only then will Fenrir know that he has trusted the wrong person.

The werewolves will definitely not accept the unbreakable oath. Since they don't give it, they have to find a way. Those werewolves are also very smart.

When they were few in number at the beginning, they didn't dare to turn against Lupin and Wolverine version of Xiao Ming. Wolverine's appearance is not easy to mess with.

Of course, they will not give up. Some contacted the werewolves they knew to form a group to kill monsters, and told them that as long as they cleared the "copy" of the duo, they could get some wolf poison potions.

Some secretly followed Lupin and Xiao Ming in order to contact the group. Unfortunately, they would lose them every time.

Because this kind of reaction of the werewolves was also expected by the members of the Order of the Phoenix. In order to prevent being intercepted by the werewolf group. The duo often used teleportation to continue their work in a new place.

There are not no werewolves who are willing to make an unbreakable oath. In the past six months, there have been a total of 4, and their performance is not as good as Xiao Ming's sword of rewarding good and punishing evil.

Among them, only one voluntarily made an oath through conversation. The other 3 were defeated.

Although Lupin and Xiao Ming fully utilized the essence of guerrilla warfare, they changed places after firing a shot and tried not to conflict with werewolves.

But there are always bad luck. The two of them still encountered those werewolves twice.

But the ones who came were not wolves, because after they turned into wolves, they forgot their business. So the werewolves who came were all in the form of magicians.

The first encounter was at the end of October 1994. There were only eight or nine enemies, and Xiao Ming and Lupin casually defeated them with magic. They didn't do much.

Because Luna had told Xiao Ming through the parasite that the Triwizard Tournament had begun. There was a delegation from each of the two major colleges, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang.

The two delegations, one in a carriage pulled by Pegasus flying in the sky; the other in a large ship diving under the sea.

This opened Luna's eyes and made her very excited. She said a lot to the parasite. Xiao Ming, who was eavesdropping from a distance, was in a good mood and let the group of werewolves go.

The second time was different. More than thirty werewolves came, and the time was chosen on Christmas. Xiao Ming and Lupin were in a small village, attending a party held by the locals.

This group of werewolf wizards had no regard for the lives of ordinary people. They killed anyone they saw and even used Muggles as hostages to force Lupin to surrender.

Xiao Ming was furious, and countless fireballs flew all over the sky, saving all the hostages and roasting most of the werewolves. Only thanks to Lupin's timely intervention, only three were left alive.

After seeing Xiao Ming's power, the three were completely depressed. They made an oath obediently, took the wolf poison potion and hid in human society, and never set foot in the magic world again.

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