Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1471 Good Werewolf

In the wilderness of Britain, under the bright moonlight, two figures walked side by side.

Professor Lupin stretched his body facing the full moon and said comfortably: "Even if I face the full moon, I won't turn into a wolf. It's so comfortable! Cousin, what do you look like like this...?"

The leader's right guard (Huang Xiaoming) replied: "This is the appearance of a man from my hometown, named Wolverine. How about it, handsome?"

"This," Lupin pondered for a few seconds, "It's hard to say whether he is handsome or not, but he is really wolf-like. Could your fellow villager also be a werewolf?"

"Haha, of course he is not a werewolf, and werewolves are not good enough in front of him."

(ˉ▽ ̄~) "Cut it, just brag."

Choosing to use the image of Wolverine is completely Xiao Ming's bad taste. Whether it is Li Xiaoyao, Neo, or Xiao Ming's original appearance, they don't look like bad people.

This is to deal with werewolves, and those faces are not popular, so Xiao Ming found a more reliable image.

In the world of Harry Potter, wizards rarely travel on foot. There are many ways to teleport, such as Apparition, Floo Powder, and Portkey. At the very least, they can summon the Knight Bus.

However, Lupin and Xiao Ming's mission this time is to sneak into the werewolf group.

Werewolves are a group that is excluded from the magic world and are on the side of Voldemort, so their addresses are secret. None of the above methods can reach them.

So the two can only go into the wilderness. Many werewolves will live in the wild to avoid being persecuted by wizards.

Because werewolves will transform into wolves for a few days every month when the moon is full. At that time, they lose all their rationality and are very easy to be exposed. It is dangerous to live in densely populated areas.

Moreover, when werewolves have been killing for a long time, most werewolves will gradually be affected by wolf nature. Become bloodthirsty and like nature more.

So Lupin and Xiao Ming set out on a full-moon night and went deep into the wilderness to find werewolves more easily.

After all, with two big living people acting as bait here, won't the werewolves come to take a bite? It smells very good.

If Lupin was alone, he really wouldn't dare to do this. When the werewolves transform, they are extremely powerful and he may not be able to deal with them. Only with Xiao Ming by his side can he play like this.

This is also one of the routines designed by Dumbledore for them before they set off. Werewolves worship strength. After attracting werewolves, they can be beaten down, which will make it much easier to subdue them in the future.

In addition, at Xiao Ming's request, Snape performed the complete refining process of the wolfsbane potion on the spot, which was firmly remembered by Xiao Ming.

Although he may not have the talent to make potions, it should be no problem to copy them meticulously.

He sent his clone to test it in Bright Summit, and indeed made a wolfsbane potion with almost the same effect. What else can we say? Let's get started.

During Xiao Ming and Lupin's journey, potions were also being made in Bright Summit. The raw materials Snape gave were not enough.

Fortunately, Xiao Ming also brought helpers in Guangmingding. The fox demon Cangma has the ability to manipulate and cultivate plants. With him, materials can be produced in an endless supply.

Although Xiao Ming only took out a small part of the products for Lupin to operate, he was already shocked. With so many wolf poison potions, Lupin felt that the chances of completing the task were very high.

Facts have proved that he is still too idealistic. The duo traveled in the wild for about half a year, and neither the wolf poison potion nor the reward and punishment sword could achieve the desired effect.

First of all, Lupin could not see and did not know about the reward and punishment sword at all. Xiao Ming just used this ability secretly.

Werewolves who can accept the reward of the reward and punishment sword are qualified to be called good werewolves, however, the good werewolves they met were few and far between.

Xiao Ming used the reward and punishment sword on these werewolves. Only one of them achieved the same effect as Lupin, and he could no longer see the full moon in his field of vision.

Unexpectedly, this guy just enjoyed the benefits and went home happily to live his little life. For him, his wife and children at home are the most important.

He is not willing to risk his life to fight Voldemort and the Death Eaters for the sake of his two benefactors. Besides, there is no evidence that his situation is their favor, right?

Although this person is a bit ungrateful, it is human nature to seek benefits and avoid harm. After all, there are only a few people who dare to go on the road of life and death.

Otherwise, Voldemort would not have been able to stir up such a big storm in the magic world. As long as half of the wizards dare to fight to the death, Voldemort's power will not develop at all.

In addition, there are two good werewolves who have obtained special effects similar to wolf poison potion from the sword of reward and punishment. That is, they still maintain a clear mind after becoming werewolves.

This effect seems to be better than what Lupin got. Could it be that the character of these two has surpassed Professor Lupin? Of course not.

In fact, this is determined by their own wishes. Lupin especially hates his werewolf identity, so the sword of reward and punishment makes him stop changing.

And these two do not particularly hate turning into wolves. They just don't like mindless killing, so they get the special effect of staying awake.

In terms of character, they are comparable to Lupin. But they are much stronger than the previous werewolf.

They did not directly join Lupin's camp, but chose to return to the werewolf group. But with a special purpose.

They planned to stop other werewolves from doing evil with their clear consciousness and agility when everyone turned into wolves on the night of the full moon.

Anyway, the other werewolves were also unconscious at that time and could not remember what happened after the transformation. These two could do things freely.

Xiao Ming and Lupin both expressed their support for such a lofty goal. However, Lupin also reminded them to be careful of those who had taken wolf poison potion.

If they encounter such a werewolf, they should disguise themselves to avoid being exposed. If they are discovered, it is best to kill the guy before turning back into human form.

Otherwise, if their behavior of being a traitor is exposed, the werewolves are likely to execute them. So when the situation is not good, it is best to run away quickly.

There are also 4 other good werewolves with slightly worse personalities. After receiving the sword of rewarding good and punishing evil, they have obtained the special ability of being unable to wake up when the full moon comes. Whether in wolf form or human form.

Don't say, this is also a good way. It is slightly less effective than the other two. After all, being unable to wake up in deep sleep is also dangerous for magicians.

In the legend of the Deathly Hallows, Antioch, the eldest of the three brothers of the Peverell family, died in this way.

These four followed Lupin patiently for a while, and then left one after another. The fear of Voldemort still prevailed.

In general, the sword of rewarding good and punishing evil is effective. It achieves the goal in different ways.

But encountering only 7 good werewolves in half a year also shows that this path cannot solve the substantive problem.

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