Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1463 Ollivander's Wand Shop

In Diagon Alley, the most rewarding experience for the leader's right guard (Huang Xiaoming) was in Ollivander's Wand Shop.

This wand shop, founded in 382 BC, is a crowded, narrow, and shabby shop. There is a wand on display on a faded purple mat in front of the window.

The cabinets in the store that reach the ceiling are filled with thousands of wands in long narrow boxes.

This decoration style is entirely the personal preference of the owner. Otherwise, with their ability, it would be easy to expand the space.

The owner, Mr. Garrick Ollivander, will select a wand that matches each customer from countless boxes.

Customers who buy wands must first measure the arm length, forearm length, height, head circumference and other dimensions of the wand, and then choose the wand based on these parameters.

Each wand is different because they use different unicorn hair, phoenix tail feathers, dragon and snake nerves as the wand core, and different quality wood for the wand body. These are powerful magic items.

Each magician is suitable for a different wand. If a person uses a wand that belongs to another magician, he cannot achieve the desired effect. In serious cases, it may even endanger his own life.

The owner, Mr. Ollivander, is undoubtedly one of the best wand makers in the world. Many people come to London specifically to buy a wand made by him, and are unwilling to buy it in their hometown.

Almost all the wands used by Hogwarts students are sold by him. The owner has an extraordinary memory and can remember all the wands and holders he has sold.

Ollivander's family has a long history with the mysterious wand making process. As of today in 1994, it is unknown how many generations have passed.

This generation of shop owners follows the family tradition and has a dedicated and fanatical pursuit of wands. In his view, wands are not simply magical items.

Unlike the swords, guns, sticks and clubs of warriors, each wand has its own unique personality and will choose its ideal owner on its own. It seems more like a mount.

However, today, he met the most peculiar guest. A person who looks very ordinary, but can make all the ownerless wands bow down.

Needless to say, this person is Xiao Ming. He can make all the wands obedient, on the one hand because of his super strength, and on the other hand because of his all-attribute characteristics.

In "Hunter x Hunter", his telekinesis is all 6 series. In "Naruto", he also has 7 basic chakras of attributes.

Therefore, in terms of magic, it is not just that Xiao Ming subdues all the wands, but he can cooperate with any wand relatively perfectly.

For this reason, the owner even proposed to hire Xiao Ming to work in his store with a high salary. The specific work is to be studied by him.

Ollivander firmly believes that since this person has such a strong ability, if he can really make a wand exclusively for him, he will undoubtedly become the strongest magician in history.

As for the most famous Dumbledore and the mysterious Voldemort in the magic world, they are not good enough. Ollivander is even willing to make this wand for Xiao Ming for free.

But this is not attractive to Xiao Ming. Because he was much stronger than Dumbledore and Voldemort, and being stronger was just icing on the cake.

Even the strongest wizard in the history of this world is only equal to Xiao Ming at most. This title is too worthless.

In the end, Ollivander used his ancestral craftsmanship as a temptation to finally make Xiao Ming give in.

So Xiao Ming used the wand to touch his head. On the surface, it seemed that he used a magic to remove the disguise, but in fact, he exchanged the Earth Resentment Yu's clone Yin Xiaoming.

In the reincarnation world, he continued to use Yin Xiaoming's code name "Master". This scene shocked Ollivander even more.

A person with a disguised face talked to him for so long, and he didn't notice his disguise at all. He really deserves to be the one who can subdue all the wands.

Since every wand in this store is different, Xiao Ming can't buy all the wands. He can only buy dozens of wands that have not recognized their owners for a long time. Put a few in the vault and a few in the textbook. Analyze it slowly.

Later, after learning, Xiao Ming learned that the main difference between wands is the combination of materials. So he only needs to analyze these materials.

The wand is an item used by magicians to transmit magic. It is made of various woods and has magical substances as its core.

There are dozens of known woods that can be used to make wands, and more than ten magical substances used to make wand cores. And wand researchers are constantly testing other possibilities.

Mr. Ollivander often uses three wand cores, namely [unicorn tail hair], [heart nerve of fire dragon] and [phoenix feather]. Of course, he occasionally uses other materials.

These three magical substances have different characteristics.

Unicorn tail hair usually produces the most stable magic, rarely subject to fluctuations or blockages.

Wands made of unicorn tail hair are difficult to use black magic, and can be made into the most loyal wands. People who use this kind of wand include Ron, Draco, Neville and others.

The disadvantage is that it cannot be made into the most powerful wand, which must be compensated in the choice of wand wood. But it is destined not to be the strongest wand.

Unicorn tail hair can also easily become gray if not properly cared for, which means the hair is "dead" and needs to be replaced.

In contrast, the heart nerves of fire dragons can make the most powerful wands and can cast the most gorgeous magic.

The disadvantage is that they are not "loyal" enough. If they are won from their original owners, they will change their allegiance and are always most closely connected to the current owner.

Wands made of dragons are usually the most likely to succumb to dark magic. It is also the most accident-prone of the three wand cores and appears to be moody.

Hermione, Lily, and Lucius use this kind of wand. Hermione and Lily are both geniuses and can easily control their wands. Lucius's wand has already succumbed to dark magic.

By the way, our shop owner Mr. Ollivander also uses this kind of wand. He is not only a genius, but also has no aversion to dark magic.

Phoenix feathers are the rarest type of wand core. This type of wand can cast the most types of magic.

Because the phoenix itself is one of the most independent and detached creatures in the world. So this kind of wand is always the most picky when choosing its owner, the most difficult to tame and personalize, and it is difficult for magicians to gain loyalty from them.

The cores of Harry Potter and Voldemort's wands are all phoenix feathers. Even in the face of a super genius, the phoenix feather is willing to obey.

Other materials that can be used as wand cores include: Veela hair, Thestrals tail hair, Troll beard, Thunderbird tail feathers... and so on, each with different characteristics.

It is said that Salazar Slytherin made a wand with a basilisk horn, which was also quite playable.

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