Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1462 Gringotts Bank

The final outcome of this [Vanishing Cabinet] was that it was deposited into the vault of [Gringotts] by the leader's right guard (Huang Xiaoming).

Gringotts, also known as Gringotts Wizarding Bank, is the only bank in the wizarding world of Britain. Run by goblins.

This bank is located on the north side of London's Diagon Alley. In addition to storing money and keeping safe the valuables of witches and wizards, banks can also exchange Muggle currency for magical currency.

It was here that Hermione's parents exchanged pounds for galleons for their daughter to attend Hogwarts.

The goblins have a way to put the exchanged Muggle currency back into the circulation of Muggle society.

According to Rubeus Hagrid, Gringotts Bank is the safest place in the wizarding world besides Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Its vaults lie thousands of meters underground. And there are different security levels.

Vaults with the shallowest depth, such as Harry Potter's, have the lowest level of security and require only a key to access.

There was nothing too valuable inside, just the Potter family property left to Harry by his parents.

If you access a deeper, higher-security vault, you need a certified goblin to open the vault door by touch.

High-security vault doors may also have different enchantments on them.

For example, entering Dumbledore's Vault 713 requires a certified goblin to knock on the door gently and make it disappear bit by bit.

Except for the goblins of Gringotts, anyone else who touches the door will be sucked in by the door and unable to get out.

The goblins of Gringotts will check to see if there are any thieves trapped inside once every ten years. Unless he's extremely lucky, a thief trapped in a door is doomed.

But that's not the most powerful thing. It is said that there are vaults with higher security levels, such as some extremely noble families among the twenty-eight sacred clans.

Their vaults are guarded by powerful magical creatures such as dragons, and have various magical protections. Stealing something is almost impossible.

Of course it's not absolute. In the original work, the protagonist group broke through the highest-security vault a few years later, but that is a story for another day.

However, this kind of security is basically aimed at magicians. As for Xiao Ming's various abilities, Gringotts couldn't guard against them.

Xiao Ming rented a relatively cheap vault with a relatively low security level. Store the disappearing cabinet inside so that you can easily come in later. Its purpose is nothing more than to take a fancy to the treasures stored in other people's vaults.

Although Xiao Ming has unlimited gold galleons, there are some things that cannot be bought with money. If I can't say it, I'll use stolen ones in the future.

Before you leave this world, you can also give your property to someone you like more.

The Gringotts Vault is actually Xiao Ming's last stop in Diagon Alley. I bought a lot of things and just put them away.

At the end of the day, he visited almost every store in Diagon Alley. I even visited Knockturn Alley in the next street.

I actually bought a lot of things, most of them in duplicate or triplicate. Some are stored in Gringotts; some are put into textbooks for analysis; and some are brought back to Hogwarts for study, and can be given away after the study is completed.

Because the total purchase volume was too large, Xiao Ming specially used different images to visit different stores. Avoid drawing unnecessary attention.

Diagon Alley is not that kind of commercial center in modern society. It has hundreds or even thousands of shops, and you can't browse them all in a month.

There are only twenty or thirty shops here in total. Including the shops in Kwantai Alley, one day is enough for Xiao Ming to finish shopping.

In some stores, he made little. For example, [Partridge's Crucible], this is the store closest to the Leaky Cauldron.

It sells crucibles of various models and materials used for making magic potions. Xiao Ming doesn’t really need to say this. Just get a few for fun.

The same situation exists at [Mrs. Malkin's Robe Store]. This is the favorite of girls, but Xiao Ming has no preference when it comes to buying clothes.

However, the biggest advantage of the gowns sold in this store is that they can be automatically ironed and repaired, which is very trouble-free.

Xiao Ming thought about it and bought a few pieces for friends he knew well in school, and also bought a lot for Professor Lu Ping.

Probably because he is a werewolf and his clothes will be torn when he transforms. Therefore, this guy only wears relatively ordinary clothes on weekdays and rarely buys high-end goods to avoid waste.

Although Lu Ping will never turn into a werewolf again in the future due to Xiao Ming's sword that rewards good and punishes evil, his habit of buying clothes has become deeply ingrained and will be difficult to change in the short term.

Xiao Ming specially bought him some good clothes to support the scene. As a professor, you can't always be slovenly. If you tell me, you will be embarrassed.

After all, according to their external rhetoric, the leader's right guard is Lu Ping's distant cousin. My cousin is slovenly and his face is not shiny.

In addition, Xiao Ming has gained a lot from more stores. The first one to bear the brunt is [Flourish and Blotts Bookstore].

It is located on the north side of Diagon Alley, next to Madam Malkin's Robe Shop. Most students at Hogwarts buy the textbooks they need here.

The bookshelves here are filled with books, even to the ceiling. There are leather-bound books as huge as paving stones; there are small silver-bound books as pocket-sized as stamps;

There are also books with countless strange symbols printed on them; and wordless books with nothing written inside.

Some books are even weirder. For example, "The Monster Book of Monsters" will make people scream and bite each other; "The Invisible Book of Invisibility" can't be found because they are all invisible.

Flourish and Blott Bookstore also provides a book delivery service. After purchasing a book, customers can ask the bookstore to send the book to a designated location via owl.

Xiao Ming bought 2-3 copies of almost every book here. After all, he knew: knowledge is power. Whether you can finish it or not is another matter.

For example, "Standard Spells" from beginner to level six, "History of Magic", "Thousands of Magical Herbs and Mushrooms", "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them", "Advanced Potion Making"...

These are relatively useful books. There are also some books, the names of which seem to be nonsense at first glance, and are quite suspected of being clickbait.

It's like "Breaking with the Ghost", "Traveling with the Ghouls", "Traveling with the Vampires", "Holiday with the Dominatrix"...

Unexpectedly, these books were more expensive. Each book cost 5 gold galleons, while those magic textbooks only ranged from 1 to 2 galleons.

This situation fully proves that the mind of a magician is no different from that of humans. By the way, this series was basically written by that liar Gilderoy Lockhart.

However, even though he was exposed last year, his books are still selling well. Where can I go to reason?

The "Invisible Book of Invisibility" was not for sale at all because the store clerks couldn't find a copy.

Fortunately, this was not a problem for Xiao Ming. A magic spell removed the invisibility of all the books. The clerks were very happy and gave Xiao Ming a 40% discount on all his books. Saved a lot of money.

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