Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1447 Rita Skeeter

Rubeus Hagrid looked at Ron Weasley, who had lost his beloved pet, with pity, and suggested with some heartache: "Ron, don't be so unhappy, I can let Yaya stay with you this semester."

"Woof?" In the hut, a Neapolitan mastiff that was licking Harry Potter's robe responded when it heard its owner mention his name. There was a hint of question in his tone.

This kind of dog is all black, has a wrinkled face, and has strong fighting power. Just like its owner Hagrid, Yaya looks more ferocious, but is actually docile and kind.

Compared to Ron, it actually liked Harry more and was not very satisfied with the owner's proposal just now. So he bared his teeth at Ron as a threat.

Ron was originally afraid of Yaya, so when he saw this, he waved his hand and refused: "No, no need. Thank you Hagrid, I, I,'s okay. I really don't need it."

Then he turned to Hermione and said, "I'll buy a pet another day. By the way, Hermione, is there a pet shop in Hogsmeade?"

Upon hearing the words Hogsmeade, Harry's expression darkened. Because he couldn't get the guardian's signature, none of them could go to the village to play.

The classmates would go out to play every weekend, and they could chat for several days after they came back. Harry, who was unable to join the conversation, was naturally not very happy.

When Hermione Granger heard what Ron was talking about, she rolled her eyes at him and said, "No."

Ron was big-hearted and rough-tempered. He didn't mean to say this. Harry knew his good friend's character and didn't care, but he was a little uninterested.

The atmosphere was slightly awkward. Hagrid was eager to find a new topic, so he asked Ron: "Ron, are you interested in raising a dragon?"

"Dragon?!" Ron is a boy after all. Who doesn't yearn for dragons? He quickly asked, "Okay, okay! Is it like your little dragon Norbert?!"

"Not necessarily. Norbert is a Norwegian Ridgeback, so he may not be able to get exactly the same one." Hagrid's interest increased when he saw Ron was so interested.

"Okay! You two. STOP!" Hermione quickly stopped. "Private dragon raising is a crime...well, it's wrong. Norbert was sent away, and you can't do it again."

After being scolded by Hermione, Hagrid and Ron both looked downcast and acted pitiful, but when it came to matters of principle, Hermione would not relent. He even glanced at Xiao Ming slightly uneasily.

Raising dragons privately is actually against the laws of the Ministry of Magic. Hermione only hoped that the leader's right guard was young and didn't understand these things. I hope Hagrid didn't mention this in front of the right guard.

However, she wasn't too worried. After getting along with each other these days, Hermione thought she knew the right guard's character and probably wouldn't report them.

In fact, Xiao Ming has known about Xiaolong Norbo for a long time. Because this matter violated the law, the Harry trio never mentioned it to Xiao Ming.

But Xiao Ming learned the general situation through Dumbledore's memory. After all, our principal knows everything about what happened at Hogwarts.

It was when Harry and others were in their first year, Hagrid won a dragon egg from someone else in the tavern. It hatched easily, and all three little ones were seen at that time.

Later, because Noble's body grew bigger and bigger, he couldn't hide it anymore. In 1992, he was taken in by Ron's brother Charlie Weasley who was studying dragons in Romania.

Hagrid always missed Norbert. Only then did he encourage Ron to raise one for fun. As long as they don't bring it to school when they grow up, the Weasley family can completely cover up the traces of the dragon.

Unfortunately, the little hope that had just been raised was extinguished by Hermione again. Hagrid is like this, he is too courageous and doesn't know how to hide it.

He has committed several crimes by raising animals without permission, and he still has no regrets. Probably the giant bloodline affected the development of the brain.

Xiao Ming smiled kindly at Hermione, saying that he was harmless and didn't need to worry. Suddenly, my mind moved, and I felt that there seemed to be a bad idea nearby. Are there no outsiders around?

After searching carefully, he discovered that the idea actually came from a beetle. This is quite novel. What could a beetle be hostile to?

The key point is that the poor nervous system of ordinary insects cannot produce thoughts that are complex enough to be called thoughts.

After paying a little attention with his mental power, Xiao Ming suddenly realized. Where is a beetle here? He's just one person at all.

Like Sirius, Pettigrew, and others, this is another Animagus, and it has not yet been registered with the Ministry of Magic.

By the way, even the two mentioned above have been officially registered. This person may be the only Animagus that no one knows about.

Rita Skeeter, a reporter for the Daily Prophet, is a female magician in her forties. It looks pretty good.

Wearing a pair of jeweled glasses, her blond hair was styled into delicate curls. She has good facial features and looks pretty good when she smiles.

In order to be a good reporter, Rita became an illegal Animagus. The beetle's body allows her to easily enter most private places to collect materials.

As for why it was not registered, it is easy to understand. Because once someone finds out, it won’t be easy for her to use this trick! It is even possible that he will be expelled from the journalist profession for this reason.

Speaking of which, Rita is not a particularly bad person, but she is annoying. The reasons are the same as many journalists in the real world.

In order to gain fame, her reports often add fuel to the fire, distort and exaggerate facts, and even make up all kinds of news and rumors. Don't care at all who it hurts.

Because of the Animagus incident, she has already violated the law, so she basically has no bottom line, everything is for fame.

Rita Skeeter also has a magic weapon - "Shorthand Feather Pen". This dark green pen has its own thoughts, and is good at tampering with people's language and adding fuel to the fire.

It can automatically record the ordinary sentences in her interviews on paper into unrealistic and exaggerated sentences.

This pen and the ability of Animagus really make Rita very popular in the magic world. There are many people who like her, and there are even more people who hate her.

Some people even regret that in the era when Voldemort was rampant, why didn't he deal with this woman? !

Today is a good day. Rita originally came to Hogwarts to do an interview because of the Sirius incident.

One of the important interview targets is Harry. She found out that Harry came to Hagrid's hut, so she ran over quietly.

Seeing that there was no one around and the people in the house were whispering again, she changed into a beetle and came in to eavesdrop.

Unexpectedly, she heard some breaking news. It turned out that Hagrid had illegally kept a dragon! This was big news. It could put Hagrid in jail and even implicate Dumbledore.

She was so proud of herself that Xiao Ming sensed her malicious intent. Rita's good days were over...

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