Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1446 Two messages from Hagrid

At the edge of the Forbidden Forest, outside Rubeus Hagrid's hut, Xiao Ming finally saw Buckbeak, the hippogriff, with his own eyes.

Although it is a ferocious beast, Buckbeak is as docile as a kitten in front of Xiao Ming. No matter how Xiao Ming fiddles with it, it will not get angry.

It can only be said that animals have more sensitive intuition and can feel Xiao Ming's strength. Seeing that it is so well-behaved to him and even acts like a spoiled child. Xiao Ming is embarrassed to devour it.

It doesn't matter. Xiao Ming came to this world not to increase the gene pool. Just draw some blood from it and pull out two feathers.

Speaking of which, Buckbeak looks very similar to the griffin, a third-level soldier of the human race in the Magic Planet game.

The difference is the lion claws and horse hooves on the back half of the body. The hippogriff is like the back half of the horse and the front half of the eagle spliced ​​together, while the back half of the griffin is the lion's.

"Hehe, you must be a kind child with a pure heart, right guard of the leader. Look, Buckbeak is so kind to you..."

Hagrid likes everyone who can get along well with animals. Naturally, he is not wary of a 6-year-old child like Xiao Ming.

Buckbeak rolled his eyes at him with contempt, and said in his heart: 'Your eyes are for nothing. Am I being kind to him? I am trying to please him. Just look at this guy's aura, it is N times more terrifying than a dragon! I am still young, and I don't want to die before I get married. '

Hermione noticed that Buckbeak's eyes were wrong, but she thought she might have seen it wrong. How could an animal despise humans? Not to mention despising its master Hagrid.

So she didn't delve into it, but took the initiative to bring up the purpose of this visit: "Hagrid, you asked us to come here, saying that you have something important to discuss, what is it?"

"Oh," (_`) Hagrid was stunned, and then patted his head with sudden realization, "Look at me, I almost forgot the main thing. There are two pieces of news, one good news and one bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

Unexpectedly, even this most honest man in Hogwarts has learned to keep people in suspense. The protagonists looked at each other, their heads full of black lines.

Harry, who has the closest relationship with Hagrid, spoke first: "Then let's talk about the good news first."

"The good news is that the Malfoy family has withdrawn the accusation, and Buckbeak and I are fine." Hagrid said, while opening his arms to show that he was happy.

"Ah, really? Congratulations." The three little ones hurriedly sent their blessings. The tone was a little perfunctory.

You have to know that this matter was already known when they eavesdropped. They could only perfunctorily.

In addition, the three were too young and their acting skills were not mature. It looked really artificial.

Fortunately, Hagrid was carefree and couldn't tell the difference. He was happy for a while, then he told the bad news again.

"Ron, don't be too sad. Your pet mouse Scabbers, uh... it... that, ran into the Forbidden Forest and was eaten by a big spider. You saw the big spider last semester. Although Aragog doesn't eat people, he eats mice. Poor Scabbers. My condolences, my condolences."

Harry, Ron, and Hermione looked at each other, not knowing how to react. They acted more perfunctorily than before.

When they were eavesdropping, they also knew that Scabbers was Peter Pettigrew. After all, other people didn't know they were eavesdropping nearby, and there was no relevant information to hide.

At that time, if Ron hadn't been hit by Xiao Ming's Ice Heart Jue, he would definitely not be able to stay calm.

Now, several days have passed, and Ron has basically accepted this fact. He is hesitating whether to confess this to his parents and family.

Although Hermione is smart, she is still a child after all, and her way of thinking is different from that of adults. She thought that this matter would be made public.

Now it seems that it will not happen. The senior people have already made up such an excuse. And they told them through Hagrid's mouth.

A mouse strayed into the forbidden forest and was eaten by a big spider. It was simply the most suitable excuse. Even if someone asked Aragog, there was no way to know the truth.

After all, Aragog ate at least 800 mice a year, if not a thousand. How could it remember if there was one called Scabbers among them.

Besides, spiders and mice do not speak the same language, and it is not used to asking the name of lunch before eating.

Aragog is a male Acromantula, which was hatched in the cupboard of Hogwarts in 1942.

At that time, a traveler from afar gave the spider's eggs to Rubeus Hagrid, who was just a student at the time.

He grew up in the cupboard, and Hagrid often fed him with some bread crumbs. Aragog's instinct is to feed on humans, but he never preyed on humans at Hogwarts for Hagrid's sake.

However, when the basilisk in Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets escaped and attacked a student, Hagrid and Aragog were caught by Tom Riddle (Voldemort).

Everyone saw Aragog's ferocious face and thought he was the murderer of the student. So Aragog was forced to flee into the Forbidden Forest, and Hagrid was expelled from school.

Aragog lived in the Forbidden Forest and fed on the creatures there, while Hagrid became the groundskeeper of Hogwarts. Aragog could even speak human language.

They still kept in touch, and Hagrid found a wife for Aragog, Mosag. They formed a thriving family and lived a peaceful life away from humans.

In fact, it was Voldemort himself who did this, and he discovered the Chamber of Secrets secretly built by Salazar Slytherin.

Using his Parseltongue talent, he controlled the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets and attacked several students. This caused the death of a Muggle-born girl, Myrtle Warren.

The girl later became a ghost, wandering around the entrance of the Chamber of Secrets, which is the girls' bathroom on the second floor of Hogwarts. Everyone called her Moaning Myrtle.

Through this murder, Voldemort split his soul for the first time, deposited it in his diary, and created the first Horcrux.

Unexpectedly, because of this vicious incident, the school's board of directors decided to close the school.

In order to continue studying at school, Tom had to close the Chamber of Secrets and put the blame on Hagrid, who was two years younger than him at the time.

In the previous school year, [Tom Riddle's Diary] caused a big incident. The three protagonists solved the incident very thrillingly.

At that time, Moaning Myrtle gave Harry and the others a lot of help. In addition, the trio also encountered Aragog in the Forbidden Forest.

Aragog told the truth of the year and helped the three little ones. But its descendants almost ate the protagonists, leaving Ron with a psychological trauma.

If he hadn't known about Scabbers, Ron would have really believed it. Now, he can only pretend to believe it.

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