Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1430: 93rd Opening Ceremony

The Great Hall of Hogwarts is located next to the entrance hall of Hogwarts Castle and is the main gathering place of Hogwarts School.

Students eat here, receive mail and packages sent by owls, and participate in various special events held by the school.

For example, the sorting ceremony, the opening banquet, the Halloween banquet, the Christmas ball, the ordinary magician level examination, the end-of-year banquet, etc.

The Great Hall is a spacious hall that can comfortably accommodate all the teachers, students and guests of the school. There are four long tables in the hall, and students from each college will eat here separately.

The high walls lead straight to the ceiling, and countless candles float in the air. The enchanted ceiling looks like the sky outside. Magnificent, elegant and beautiful.

In front of the hall is a long table, which is the guest of honor seat, for the school's faculty and staff. There is a big golden chair in the center of the guest of honor seat, which is the seat of the current principal.

On special days, the hall will also be specially decorated. For example, at the banquet on Halloween Eve, the hall will be decorated with pumpkins, bats, and orange ribbons;

During the Christmas holidays, twelve towering Christmas trees will be placed in the hall, and the walls will be covered with hanging flower ribbons composed of holly and mistletoe...

At this time, the hall is holding the opening banquet of 1993. There is no need for too many fancy decorations.

The Hogwarts Choir, under the direction of Professor Filius Flitwick, performed a chorus "Double Trouble".

The lyrics are taken from Shakespeare's play "Macbeth". The wonderful performance won warm applause from all the audience.

In fact, a short man who is only 1.07 meters tall directs a group of students holding a big toad to sing, and the picture is quite funny.

No one laughed out loud, firstly because toads are common magical pets, and secondly because Professor Filius Flitwick is quite prestigious.

He is not only the dean of Ravenclaw College and the professor of Charms, but also the champion of the Hogwarts Dueling Club when he was young. He is quite strong.

Ravenclaw College likes students who are wise, fair, shrewd, knowledgeable, smart, far-sighted, curious, and like to study things. In short, they like academic masters.

So Hermione in the protagonist group is the favorite student of Professor Filius Flitwick. Many times, you can get first-hand information about exams from him, or even exclusive news.

But then again, which teacher doesn't like academic masters? Most professors at Hogwarts like Hermione. There are very few exceptions, such as Professor Snape.

The symbol of Ravenclaw College is an eagle; the representative colors are blue and bronze; the roughly corresponding element is wind.

The Sorting Hat said: "If you are smart, you may belong to the wise Ravenclaw, where those wise and knowledgeable people will always meet their peers."

Xiao Ming was very surprised why little Hermione was not assigned to this college. Instead, she was reduced to being with Ron.

In fact, the Sorting Hat spent a full 4 minutes deciding whether she should go to Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, and finally sorted her to Gryffindor.

Because Hermione chose to go to Gryffindor. Like Harry Potter, he was also suitable for Slytherin, but he chose Gryffindor.

As Dumbledore said, "It is not our origin and bloodline that affect us, but our own choices." Xiao Ming agrees with this sentence, but this world does not seem to be like this.

Being able to serve as the dean of Ravenclaw College, Professor Flitwick, who has goblin blood, should not be underestimated from any perspective.

After the chorus, Headmaster Dumbledore delivered a welcome speech for the new school year. Two new professors for the new school year were introduced to everyone.

One of them is Remus John Lupin, who is the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. His appearance immediately caused the three protagonists to whisper.

Of course, what they are most curious about is why the little kid who has been following Professor Lupin, the leader's right guard, did not appear. It seems that Lupin, the guardian, is very irresponsible.

In fact, Xiao Ming was in the principal's office at this time, staring at Professor Snape. Snape did not attend the opening banquet, and no student missed him.

You should know that Snape is actually the dean of Slytherin College and serves as a professor of potions. And his strength is second only to Dumbledore.

But even the students of this college are very afraid of Professor Snape. When he doesn't appear, everyone feels much more comfortable physically and mentally. The only people who are not afraid of him are probably other faculty members.

Before confirming the safety of the leader's right guard, Dumbledore didn't want the leader's right guard to appear in front of all students.

There is no time today, so Dumbledore sent his right-hand man, the strongest professor Severus Snape, to accompany the right guard, which is actually surveillance. In addition, he also borrowed Snape's "coercion" to let the right guard show his feet.

After the opening banquet, the principal will come to communicate with the right guard in person.

But this guy has a gloomy face and doesn't say a word. His expression looks like others owe him a lot of money. Xiao Ming was bored. He could only use his mental power to continue to focus on the opening banquet.

After Professor Lupin, Dumbledore introduced a new teacher for Care of Magical Creatures, Rubeus Hagrid.

He is a half-giant, nearly 5 meters tall. He studied at Hogwarts School in his early years. He is now the school's key keeper and gamekeeper.

Looks like a middle-aged man, but he is actually 65 years old this year. He is honest and kind, and has a strong sense of justice.

He guided Harry Potter to school in the first year. He has a very good relationship with the three protagonists. At the same time, he is also loved by most students.

After the good news, it is time for the bad news. Dumbledore announced that at the request of the Ministry of Magic, a group of Dementors will be stationed in Hogwarts until Sirius is caught.

Although the Ministry of Magic has given a guarantee that Dementors will never affect the daily activities of the school. But Dumbledore still wants to remind the students solemnly.

Dementors are evil creatures. They cannot distinguish between prey and people who happen to be in their way. They have no concept of forgiveness in their minds.

So Dumbledore asked the children not to give Dementors a chance to hurt them. In other words, stay away from Dementors.

The students were a little scared when they saw it. Dumbledore quickly added two more words of inspiration:

"But do you know? Even in the darkest moments, we can still find happiness. As long as we remember to light the lights."

Xiao Ming comes from modern society. He has heard too much of this kind of inspiration and has long been immune to it.

The children in the school are different. Most of the students think: Wow! Principal Dumbledore is so wise! What he said makes so much sense. Each of them has an expression of gaining something.

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